
Real scenes of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, civilians being targeted women are thrown into the soldiers' piles, war films

author:Quest for history
How cruel were the Germans in dealing with innocent people during World War II? Throwing women into the pile of soldiers, allowing them to be wantonly humiliated, gathering villagers in a wooden house, throwing bombs into it, and then burning with flamethrowers, the scene is so cruel that people can't look at it directly, and the heinous means are simply intolerable! What exactly did the Germans do? What did the Soviets do after that? The new friends remember to like and pay attention to learn about the tyranny of the German army during World War II.

Heartbreak torments the villagers

We all know that the poisoning methods during World War II were cruel, but you can never imagine what kind of harmful things they did to the people in the invaded areas, in the Early Stage of the War, the German troops can be said to be completely dominant, when the German army invaded the Soviet Union, every village would massacre the local villagers, these German troops in order to make their massacres more reasonable, on the grounds of searching for Soviet soldiers, the entire village was purged.

Real scenes of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, civilians being targeted women are thrown into the soldiers' piles, war films

Germans invade villages

Every time the Germans went to a village, they would tell the villagers with a smile at the beginning, but all the documents that had been proved to prove their identity would be safe after being verified by the Germans, and the naïve villagers really believed that a single identification certificate would ensure that they were safe.

But in the eyes of the Germans, identification was nothing more than a bridge that allowed them to act arbitrarily, and then, when the Germans could not find any information about the Soviets, they would force the villagers to hand over all the food and livestock in their homes, or they would die under the guns of the Germans.

Real scenes of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, civilians being targeted women are thrown into the soldiers' piles, war films

Germans invaded Soviet villages

Among these perpetrators, in addition to the German army, there were also many Soviet traitors, that is, what we called traitors during the War of Resistance, these greedy and afraid of death, in order to please the German officers, did not hesitate to betray their compatriots, with the help of these Soviet traitors, the warehouses in the village were emptied, and the only remaining grain and livestock in the villagers' homes were all moved, watching their compatriots being brutally tortured by the German army, but still shamelessly showing their smiling faces to these German officers.

Don't think that this is the end of it, these Germans have more than that, after the warehouse was vacated, the German army drove these villagers into the warehouse, and then these villagers who had no chicken power were about to be sentenced to death by the German army.

Real scenes of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, civilians being targeted women are thrown into the soldiers' piles, war films

Soviet village during World War II

The imprisoned villagers inside naturally did not want to be tortured like this, and would certainly find a way to escape, just poked their heads out of the window, and then they were greeted by the machine gun fire of the enemy outside, as if in an instant, he was beaten into a sieve, and these Germans let the villagers feel that they still had a little conscience left, saying that they could send the children out, but they could only climb out through the window.

As soon as they heard this, the villagers did not say a word, dragged the children out of the window to send, the men in the village all went out to fight, for the women and the elderly, the children are their only hope, but these villagers do not know that standing outside the window is a fully armed German army with machine guns and hounds, these German troops will send the children to arrest.

Real scenes of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, civilians being targeted women are thrown into the soldiers' piles, war films

Take photos in the children's frightened and painful expressions, and some children are not so lucky, the German army released the hounds to carry out wanton bites, and even more, the Germans directly wrapped some children in a circle of straw, and immediately lit the straw, accompanied by the children's painful screams when they were burned, these German soldiers were still holding sticks to tease, and their expressions were full of mockery and contempt.

War destroys humanity

Some of the women in the warehouse, reluctant to be separated from their children, jumped out with their young children, but the result of waiting for them was that the German army snatched the child away, and the German army directly dragged the woman's hair on the grass, and even threw her directly in a car full of German soldiers.

Thus the Germans began to torture women for fun, they caught beautiful women from the warehouse, and then threw into the truck, the truck has been moving at a very slow speed, the Germans in the truck will humiliate the women, and then throw them out at will, and there are Germans who have been chasing them non-stop, after the torture, they will throw the next woman into the truck, the German soldiers chasing outside the truck, to the end all climbed on the truck, began to indulge, these innocent women after being tortured by the Germans, It was thrown out of the truck like used up waste.

Real scenes of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, civilians being targeted women are thrown into the soldiers' piles, war films

German invasion

Looking at the remaining villagers in the warehouse, they are all frail and sick elderly people, there is no room for resistance, and the German army has officially started their game, the German army has thrown grenades from every window of the warehouse, although the grenades are small, but it is very heavy, lethal, accompanied by the explosions in the warehouse and the people inside are constantly wailing, the heartbroken Germans, outside the crazy laughter, and even constantly clapping and clapping.

Of course, in addition to the grenades, the German army then used incendiary bombs and gasoline bottles, because of the fear of grenade explosions, will make some people survive, incendiary bombs and gasoline bottles will make the fire inside spread and burn continuously, no matter how lucky the villagers who are locked inside, in the end, they will not escape death, watching the warehouse from the inside out of the fire, these German troops are more crazy to applaud, as if on the battlefield effortlessly, fought a victorious battle.

Real scenes of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, civilians being targeted women are thrown into the soldiers' piles, war films

Villages after the German invasion

What was even more frustrating to these German troops was that the villagers inside could not stand the burning of the fire, and kept dragging the wooden door, and even some people wanted to climb out of the window with the last bit of strength, and the Germans saw that there were still people struggling inside, and dozens of people brushed together with machine guns and shot at the warehouse.

In the end, in order not to leave a living mouth, the German army directly took the flamethrower and continued to spray flames at the wooden house, and the fire burned for a whole night before it was extinguished, and all the villagers who were locked inside, none of them were spared, along with the wooden house that collapsed after being burned by the fire, below were the bodies of countless villagers who were scorched by the fire.

These German soldiers were also raised by their parents, although the people of the Soviet Union were not from the same country as them, but they committed such a brutal act, did they not expect that one day, they would be treated with the same cruelty?

Real scenes of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, civilians being targeted women are thrown into the soldiers' piles, war films

The Soviet Union after the German invasion

The Soviet army retaliated furiously

All kinds of atrocities committed by the German army when invading the Soviet Union were fiercely remembered by the Soviet army, as the Soviet people rose up to resist, the German army's plan to invade Moscow did not succeed, and had to withdraw from the Soviet Union, plus, as many European allies united against the German army, the German army was already exhausted, the scope of aggression expanded, the German army did not have enough troops to defend those places, so the Soviet Union took the opportunity to counterattack, taking advantage of the German defense void, directly attacked Berlin, Germany. The pain that the Germans had inflicted on the Soviet people was returned to the Germans.

2 million Berlin women, at the moment when the Soviet army invaded, fell victim to the war, these women, did not participate in the war, but they had to be responsible for the evil things that their country's army had done, suffered the wanton humiliation of the Soviet army, the devastated city, Berlin women just in exchange for a little food, at the cost of selling their bodies, to the Soviet army to please and laugh, dignity at that moment, not worth mentioning, can save their lives, is the greatest luck.

Real scenes of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, civilians being targeted women are thrown into the soldiers' piles, war films

Berliner woman

Those defeated German prisoners of war, the final outcome is not much better, captured by the American army, in the open camp by thirst, starvation, sent to the Soviet prisoner of war camp, suffered from the Soviet female soldiers wanton whipping, even if they are tall and tall people, they have to become prisoners of war, obey the women. And the Germans who had invaded the Soviet Union and threatened to hold a military parade on the streets of Moscow, the Soviets also satisfied them after they became prisoners.

60,000 German troops, escorted by the Soviet army, marched on the streets of Moscow, because the day before was poured with laxatives, these German troops walked, diarrhea, were not allowed to go to the bathroom, can only walk, while solving, these once murderous, high-spirited German troops, how can not imagine that there will be such a humiliating time, compared to physical torture, psychological destruction, it is estimated that they will feel more like life than death.

Real scenes of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, civilians being targeted women are thrown into the soldiers' piles, war films

German parade

But in any case, whether it is the wanton massacre of innocent people by the German army, or the crazy revenge of the Soviet Union on the German people in the end, it is caused by war, and the German army's approach is even worse than the atrocities committed by the Japanese, and opposing the war is not to forget the war, let alone forget history, we are not living in a peaceful era, but living in a peaceful country, this hard-won peace is exactly the blood and lives of countless martyrs.

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