
Minecraft "Trivia": How to use a map to accurately locate buried treasures?

Minecraft has an extremely hidden quest line, which is to find the treasure buried in any corner of minecraft world through a treasure map in the wreck. And in this buried treasure you can find the most important item in the underwater adventure - the heart of the ocean.

However, do you know how to quickly and accurately locate the treasure based on the map? (Note: This exploration is tested with Minecraft 1.18)

Step 1: Look for the shipwreck;

Minecraft "Trivia": How to use a map to accurately locate buried treasures?

For boat rides, here we recommend a Bedrock Edition seed, SEED:-413557441; the spawn point is located in a group of islands, and it is a good seed for players who like to survive on the island. Not far from the isolated island, not far from coordinates -931 64-216, there is a complete shipwreck.

(Interestingly, also in the JAVA version, there is also a shipwreck at the same coordinates on the seabed /tp @s -944 ~ -96)

Minecraft "Trivia": How to use a map to accurately locate buried treasures?

Although minecraft JAVA edition and bedrock edition seed terrain have been consistent, the structure of the ruins under the same seed and biome terrain is different, and even the fine-tuning of the structure of different beta and official versions will lead to slight deviations in the generation of the relic structure.

Step 2: Find the treasure map of the shipwreck;

Minecraft "Trivia": How to use a map to accurately locate buried treasures?

Before looking for the treasure map, let's first introduce the detailed structure of the sinking ship: this is a cross-section of the "treasure chest" of the complete shipwreck, which is located in three places in the wreck: the bow, above the stern, and the three chests below the stern. The respective ones are supply chests, loot chests, and map boxes. Supply chests are usually food, coal, enchanted leather armor. Loot chests are more of ore resources such as diamonds, lapis lazuli, emeralds, and iron ingots. The map box is the only place we're looking for today where the "treasure map" will exist.

Minecraft "Trivia": How to use a map to accurately locate buried treasures?

Therefore, for different broken shipwrecks, there will also be corresponding treasure chests, and usually only the shipwrecks in the stern part will have map boxes and loot chests.

Step 3: How to look at the treasure map?

Minecraft "Trivia": How to use a map to accurately locate buried treasures?

The first is to determine the orientation: many newcomers to Minecraft have a doubt, the map of Minecraft does not mark the direction, how to determine the map corresponding to the reality of the front and back of the left and right direction? In fact, the logic is very simple:

First of all, to determine the direction of the Minecraft world, the sunrise is east, then the player faces the direction of the sunrise to the left of the north. At this moment, you face the north, pull out the map, the map direction judgment is to follow the "up north down south left west right east", so that the direction of the map and Steve's position are exactly the same.

That is, at this moment the player is located in the northeast direction of the map, and the buried treasure with a red cross is located in the southwest direction of the player. Usually buried treasure is not too far away from a shipwreck. (The other two treasure maps: the Woodland Mansion and the Undersea Palace are quite far away)

Step 4: Pinpoint the "treasure"!

Minecraft "Trivia": How to use a map to accurately locate buried treasures?

The map is there, the approximate area is found, but often the player digs all over the ground and can't find the chest. The problem is that because the scale of the treasure map itself is not precise, it is slightly more difficult to find.

But what most people don't know is that there is a fixed rule for where the treasure chest is located:

In the JAVA version, the position of the chest is in the X/Z coordinate, and the single digits are both 9 positions;

In Bedrock Edition, the chest is located at the X and Z axis coordinates of 8;

Minecraft "Trivia": How to use a map to accurately locate buried treasures?

Based on this law, we managed to find a sugar cane, and if nothing else, the "treasure chest" pointed to in this map is located directly below this sugar cane! It turns out that this way of locating treasure is 100% accurate, and the treasure chest is also 100% born of the Heart of the Ocean.

If Minecraft still has a mission system, it may be that the main line in the ocean is considered the most standard exploration strategy in the ocean, "Looking for the Heart of the Ocean".

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