
I am sorry! Baby, please love your mother again

author:Dr. Chen Xiaoyan
I am sorry! Baby, please love your mother again

When they were young, many female friends did not want to have children so early, which did not mean that they did not like children, but they also wanted to live freely like birds, and the arrival of children meant shackles for them, which meant the beginning of a chicken feather... Therefore, many young women will choose to have children a few years after marriage, which is understandable, but when the baby comes unexpectedly, women, do not make rash decisions! Because this decision may affect whether you will be able to conceive a baby smoothly in the future.

Xiaomei was 25 years old when she got married, and most of the little sisters around her were unmarried, and everyone thought that Xiaomei would become the first mother in the circle of friends. But in the blink of an eye, five years have passed, the little sisters around them have stepped into the palace of marriage, some children can play soy sauce, and Xiaomei still has no plans to become a mother.

When the party chatted, everyone couldn't help but urge Xiaomei to hurry up and have a child and complete another big thing in life. But Xiaomei said: "Raising children is really too troublesome, when I think of having children, I don't have time to work out, go shopping, travel, make up, and even sleep time is not enough, wait a few years!" ”

I am sorry! Baby, please love your mother again

Soon Xiaomei turned 35 years old, and she finally made up her mind to become a mother. Heaven wishes, a few months after preparing for pregnancy, Xiaomei successfully became pregnant, and the whole family was very happy. Unexpectedly, one day two months later, Xiaomei suddenly had bleeding from her lower body, accompanied by abdominal pain, and after going to the hospital for examination, the doctor's words made Xiaomei dumbfounded.

"How many abortions have you had?"

It turned out that Xiaomei had undergone four abortion surgeries after marriage. Abortion is not a glorious thing in Xiaomei's eyes, so no one but her husband knows, and Xiaomei did not tell the doctor who examined her this time.

"The child is gone, and the embryo is stopped and the uterine surgery needs to be performed." The doctor told her. Xiaomei, who has already had four abortion surgeries, did not seem nervous when she heard that she was going to undergo uterine clearance again, and even a little numb. However, she was still sad when she thought of this sterile embryo in her belly. "Now that I think about it, it was so stupid! Always think that young can withstand the toss! Looking back on the past, Xiaomei regretted it, "I am not afraid of surgery, but when I think of these innocent children who have been exiled, I really feel guilty in my heart." ”

During this pregnancy preparation, Xiaomei actively exercised, paid attention to diet, attended parenting classes, and bought a lot of beautiful clothes for the baby in advance, looking forward to the arrival of the baby, but did not expect the result...

I am sorry! Baby, please love your mother again

From 2012 to 2018, Xiaomei, like many elderly women, embarked on a long road of seeking children.

"In seven years, I have experienced countless times from hope to disappointment to despair. Every time I know that I have not become a mother, I will silently pray in my heart, praying that the baby can forgive the mother, love the mother again, and give the mother another chance! ”

Xiaomei used four miscarriages as tuition, which taught a heavy lesson in her life, and now she finally understands the harm of miscarriage to women, understands the preciousness of life, and understands the hardships of being a mother.

I am sorry! Baby, please love your mother again

In May 2018, Xiaomei, who had repeated twists and turns on Qiuzi Road, was introduced to the hospital by a friend. Upon examination, both fallopian tubes of Xiaomei were blocked and infertility was caused.

At the end of May 2018, after preliminary examination, Xiaomei entered the IVF cycle for treatment.

In September 2018, Xiaomei sent good pregnancy news!

On May 23, 2019, Xiaomei successfully gave birth to a son in Jiayin Hospital, with a height of 49 centimeters and a weight of 3550 grams.

I am sorry! Baby, please love your mother again

Feng Na of the Reproductive Medicine Center said that the "3-minute painless abortion" advertisement has made many women mistakenly think that abortion surgery is as simple as a cold, and it doesn't matter if you are pregnant, just beat it. In fact, abortion surgery is extremely harmful to women, ranging from postoperative infection to life-threatening uterine perforation. Secondly, abortion surgery may cause uterine adhesions, tubal obstruction, and damage to the uterine lining to a certain extent, leading to infertility. Women must learn to protect themselves, do not put themselves into the situation of abortion surgery, if it is inevitable to have abortion surgery, please choose the hospital and doctor carefully. ”

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