
Another electric vehicle caught fire and spontaneously combusted, and the battery pack directly "pickpocketed" down

A few days ago, a group of photos uploaded by netizens showed that a lingtu K · ONE electric vehicle, during the parking period in the parking lot, the bottom of the vehicle emitted thick white smoke, suspected that the battery pack ignited spontaneously.

Another electric vehicle caught fire and spontaneously combusted, and the battery pack directly "pickpocketed" down

Subsequently, the fire department arrived, launched a fire extinguishing and flame retardant for the vehicle, and after extinguishing the smoke, directly flipped the vehicle to the ground, and the vehicle's battery pack was also "buckled" to ensure that the vehicle battery pack and the whole vehicle did not have a spontaneous combustion accident.

Another electric vehicle caught fire and spontaneously combusted, and the battery pack directly "pickpocketed" down

It is reported that the Lingtu K-ONE is a small pure electric SUV listed in 2018, the vehicle is equipped with a ternary lithium battery pack of 40.5kWh and 46.2kWh, and the mileage is 310km and 405km, respectively.

According to the data, the predecessor of Lingtu Automobile is Hebei Yujie Automobile Industry, which was founded in 2009, starting from a low-speed electric vehicle, great wall motor in 2017, renamed Lingtu in 2018, transforming into a new force in car manufacturing and making new energy vehicles. However, in 2019, Lingtu fell into a lost way, with declining sales, financial difficulties, employee holidays, semi-shutdown of factories, and embarked on the road of bankruptcy and restructuring in 2020.


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