
Tranquil private clothes take the airport, "red with green" shape Bo eyeballs and personality, the average person can not control

There are always some women in the fashion circle who do not play according to the "routine", some people are to lead the new trend fashion route, and some of them want to pursue personality beauty. And tranquility belongs to the latter, very like the personality of fashion wear, beyond the age limit of the style of dressing is not nothing, bold color matching is called a distinctive, the average person really can not control.

Tranquil private clothes take the airport, "red with green" shape Bo eyeballs and personality, the average person can not control

This time to the airport, quiet and did not play according to the "routine", down jackets and knitwear "red with green" private clothing modeling, unique color matching completely broke the conventional fashion concept, let people look really bright, personality, but also really wear their own fashion style. From the perspective of color matching alone, it is really impossible for ordinary people to wear it, and it is more fashionable and attractive to wear on the star.

Tranquil "red with green" shape: Bo people have eyeballs and personality

Tranquil private clothes take the airport, "red with green" shape Bo eyeballs and personality, the average person can not control

In the past, wearing "red with green" shape out of the street others will definitely say earth, do not understand fashion, but now "red with green" can be said to be a trend fashion, but most people will choose to use embellishment to match, so that the wear looks bright, there is a sense of color.

In the quiet private clothing style, a large area of overlapping colors is used, which greatly improves the control of color, and women whose own conditions and driving power are not strong enough really dare not try.

Tranquil private clothes take the airport, "red with green" shape Bo eyeballs and personality, the average person can not control

But it is undeniable that the unconventional color matching method is indeed very eye-catching, especially in large-area high-saturation solid color clothing like Tranquility, and it is difficult not to grab the camera. Moreover, the red costume is also full of a festive atmosphere, and at the same time, it also shows the gentle and intellectual beauty of women, which looks very feminine.

Although the color matching method of the quiet private dress is very personal, the matching method of the down jacket this time is very popular, but it does not have much impact on the personal image, but it is optimized for the body.

Wear yours with cropped trousers: casual and stylish without losing your neatness

Tranquil private clothes take the airport, "red with green" shape Bo eyeballs and personality, the average person can not control

In fashion wear, the way of matching can be said to be an important link, the correct collocation concept can not only make the dress become very appropriate, but also optimize the body to the greatest extent. Especially when wearing a down jacket in winter, the wrong way of matching can easily make the figure become fat and appear very bloated.

In contrast, Tranquility's way of matching "cropped pants" is very good, creating a leg length effect while showing a casual fashion sense, even if the pants legs are designed to be relatively loose, there is no sense of procrastination. Moreover, through the visual effect of "loose up and tight down", it also appears that the legs are more slender.

Tranquil private clothes take the airport, "red with green" shape Bo eyeballs and personality, the average person can not control

Knowledge points: But if you choose a semi-long down jacket, it is not recommended to match with looser pants, so it is easy to show short legs, and fat women will also enlarge their shortcomings and look fatter. If you are a thin woman like a quiet figure, you should also pay attention to the way you dress, like her pull down the down jacket, exposing the shoulders, it will give people a very trendy fashion sense, but also appear temperamental.

Tranquil private clothes take the airport, "red with green" shape Bo eyeballs and personality, the average person can not control

Alternatively, the pants can be paired with a pair of slim leggings, which, no matter what length of down jacket is combined, can set off the legs very slender, making the wear very linear. In this way, the bloated and heavy shortcomings of the down jacket can be greatly improved, making the whole shape more fashionable.

Accessories add a sense of sophistication to the shape

Tranquil private clothes take the airport, "red with green" shape Bo eyeballs and personality, the average person can not control

The biggest difference between older women and young girls dressing is that they rarely use accessories to embellish the shape, it seems that these items are dispensable, but in fact, the effect is completely different.

The serene down jacket shape is a good example, the combination of one-shoulder backpack not only makes the wear very fashionable, but also can make the whole shape feel very urban through the contrast between the colors and red and green.

Tranquil private clothes take the airport, "red with green" shape Bo eyeballs and personality, the average person can not control

Especially the denim baseball cap worn on the head, the neutral style can make the outfit become a different taste, so that Tranquility has a little more handsomeness, and there is a kind of "big boy" sunshine atmosphere.

Knowledge points: Although the baseball cap is a very versatile single product, it is not suitable for everyone, especially women with round faces must choose carefully, otherwise it is easy to set off the face shape defects and enlarge their own shortcomings.

Tranquil private clothes take the airport, "red with green" shape Bo eyeballs and personality, the average person can not control

Conclusion: Quiet dressing does not play cards according to the "routine", red with green eyes have personality, but ordinary people can't control it. The quiet dress also explains the modern woman's pursuit of personality, but everyone must choose according to their own characteristics, not that others are suitable for themselves when they are dressed well, and only those who are suitable for us can play a blessing role in the image.

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