
unexpectedly! This giant wants to build cars


Unexpected --- Sony

According to reports, before the opening of the world's largest consumer electronics show "CES", Sony Group Chairman and President Kenichiro Yoshida announced that he would establish a new company for pure electric vehicles to officially discuss entering the field of electric vehicles, Sony Group said that the electric vehicle being developed is called "VISION-S", in addition, Sony also announced the prototype of sports multi-purpose vehicles.

unexpectedly! This giant wants to build cars

The picture shows the prototype SUV of pure electric vehicle disclosed by Sony Group

Affected by the global trend of strengthening environmental protection supervision, the electrification of various car companies has accelerated in an all-round way, and the addition of non-car companies has made the competition more intense.


No one obeys --- Xiaomi

I have to say I am served

"In the next 10 years, we will invest 10 billion US dollars in the Xiaomi car project, and invest 10 billion yuan in the first phase." Three months after the voice of "Rebbs" (founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group) landed, the outline of Xiaomi's investment of "building a car is not short of money" began to gradually become clear.

unexpectedly! This giant wants to build cars


The people's favorite --- Huawei

The AITO brand will use Huawei's cutting-edge technologies in the fields of information and communications and smart mobility, and Huawei will empower the whole value chain. It is reported that in the first model of the AITO brand, it will take the lead in equipping Huawei's HarmonyOS smart cockpit, HUAWEI DriveONE pure electric drive range extender platform, HUAWEI SOUND car audio system and other eye-catching configurations.

unexpectedly! This giant wants to build cars

AiTO's first model has been released, Huawei car real force!

Curious thumbs up

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