
Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat


Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat

In the winter season, the human body is affected by cold temperatures, so the physiological functions and appetite of the body will undergo great changes, at this time reasonable adjustment of diet structure, supplement the necessary nutrients for the growth of the body, improve their immunity and cold resistance is particularly important.

So, what kind of ingredients can ensure that people can survive the cold winter smoothly? Here we have to mention shrimp, eating shrimp in winter can effectively improve human immunity, while also supplementing the various nutrients needed by the human body.

Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat

Maybe the average shrimp eats too much and has nothing new, so the dried shrimp has become my favorite. Dried shrimp has exactly the same nutrient content as ordinary prawns, but it does not require the tedious preparation process of prawns, so it has become my favorite. In recent days, I often make fried dried shrimp at home to eat, the taste is delicious, the color is golden, and it is very enjoyable to eat.

Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat

Dried shrimp can be eaten all year round, and it is not difficult to buy it in the current wet market. Sex Warm Sweet contains high protein, and eating it in winter definitely has a good tonic effect. More importantly, the protein contained in shrimp meat can be easily absorbed by the human body, which is fresh and sweet to eat, and the burden on the digestive system will not be too heavy. Through the research of the past few days, I am very comfortable with the preparation process of fried dried shrimp, and I have found that once I eat it, I can't stop eating it, it is simply delicious.

【Dishes】Stir-fried dried shrimp

【Ingredients】 Dried shrimp, green pepper, ginger, garlic, green onion, rapeseed oil, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce

【Cooking steps】

1, take out the dried shrimp, start peeling, my family's dried shrimp is bought in the supermarket, the price is not expensive.

Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat
Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat

2, start peeling dried shrimp, peel the dried shrimp soaked in warm water, only in this way the final taste will be very Q elastic and tender.

Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat
Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat

3: Cut the garlic into slices, cut the ginger into strips, chop the shallots into small pieces, and at the same time cut the green peppers into small pieces and set aside for later, then carefully wash the dried shrimp that has just been cut.

Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat
Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat

4: Pour rapeseed oil into the pot, fry chives, ginger and garlic after the oil is hot, sauté until golden brown and stop.

Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat
Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat

5: After the onion, ginger and garlic are fried, pour all the dried shrimp into the pot and stir-fry a few times, add cooking wine and soy sauce to improve the umami taste, and at the same time play a fishy effect.

Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat
Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat

6, add a little salt to the pot to taste, so that the shrimp taste better.

Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat

7, in the pot pour green pepper stir-fry, green pepper cooked can be out of the pot, add green pepper will neutralize the taste of the whole dish, eat will not be too greasy.

Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat

8, fried shrimp out of the pot after adding shallots in it can be enjoyed, eat delicious, how to eat can not eat enough.

Stir-fry a small dried shrimp with vegetables, delicious and rice, the whole family loves to eat

【Cooking Tips】

1, in fact, dried shrimp can not be peeled, but I am in order for the child to eat more smoothly so I wrapped. Shrimp skin can also supplement calcium.

2, fried dried shrimp can also add leeks, the taste is also very good, but when frying leeks must be fried quickly.

3, dried shrimp must be soaked in warm water, only in this way will not let the hard shrimp head hurt the mouth.

4, because the dried shrimp itself has a certain salty taste, so do not put too much salt, otherwise it will not be delicious in the end.

5, although the fried shrimp is delicious, but after eating shrimp there is itching and other phenomena should not eat this thing, these people are allergic constitution, eating shrimp on the body damage is very high.

6, like to eat spicy can also add peppers in the pot, made of spicy stir-fried dried taste is also very good.

【Copywriter】Mu Hai Food Haohao