
The face of life

The face of life

The face of life

Text/Xu Wenyan

Life is like a drama, life often plays a variety of faces, and you play life.

Sometimes it is as calm as water, although it is not alarming, but it makes you feel that the microwave is traceless, and the water is shining; sometimes it is pleasant to you, and it is kind to you, and it makes you feel like a spring breeze and full of pride; sometimes it will suddenly turn its face, spit out its fangs, roar and pounce on you, tear your beautiful yearning to pieces, stomp on your feet fiercely, and then laugh wildly, revealing the triumphant posture of the victor. In fact, you don't have to panic, don't have to be afraid, bravely use your fists and feet, and compete with it. It will also shrink back in fear, retract its vicious face, resemble its calamities and misfortunes, open an angelic smile to you, and you will become an angel.

(December 14, 2021)

The face of life

【About the author】Xu Wenyan (female), pen name: snail light singing, Tianjin people. Major in Chinese language and literature education, bachelor degree. Senior Secondary School Chinese Teacher. Be positive and optimistic, laugh at life. Loves to read and sing. In his spare time, he likes to use some words to express his love for life and his feelings about life.

The face of life

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