
Why has Vietnam not been able to turn around so far? When Xu Shiyou withdrew, he issued 3 orders to directly attack his key point

Today, our country's comprehensive national strength is constantly increasing, occupying an increasingly important role in the international arena, and all these achievements have been accomplished in a few decades. It is hard to imagine that in the last century, my country was once a country that could only be bullied, forced to sign many unequal treaties and give up many powers.

Today our happy life is based on the efforts of our ancestors and on many cruel wars. Before the founding of New China, especially in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, our country had no resistance to foreign aggression and could only choose to silently back down, which also made many countries even more intense, and even countries weaker than us dared to bully us.

Why has Vietnam not been able to turn around so far? When Xu Shiyou withdrew, he issued 3 orders to directly attack his key point

After the founding of New China, our comprehensive national strength began to increase, and we did not expect that during this period, Vietnam, as a neighboring country, would continue to provoke our country, resulting in our country having to launch a counterattack war. In the end, this war ended with the victory of our country, and before the retreat, the three military orders issued by General Xu Shiyou still feel very wise to this day.

Once dependent on China, accepting Chinese aid

Through the ancient history of China, it is not difficult to find that there has been a very close relationship between Vietnam and China since ancient times. Long before the Song Dynasty, Vietnam had been a vassal state of China, and successive dynasties had set up county seats in Vietnam to strengthen their jurisdiction here. In the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, due to the impact of war and social unrest, Vietnam tried to get rid of China's control and successfully broke away from China's territory.

Why has Vietnam not been able to turn around so far? When Xu Shiyou withdrew, he issued 3 orders to directly attack his key point

However, during the Ming Dynasty, the rulers once again expanded their territory and successfully recovered Vietnam. Relations between Vietnam and China continued until the end of the Qing Dynasty, when the Qing government relinquished its rule over Vietnam due to the French invasion. Later, however, there was a certain connection between Vietnam and China, and even the revolution and the founding of the country were carried out simultaneously.

When our country became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and suffered aggression from other countries, Vietnam also became a colony of France. Even under such circumstances, China has chosen to provide support and assistance to Viet Nam to the best of its ability. It was not until 1976 that Vietnam successfully escaped aggression and achieved independence.

Why has Vietnam not been able to turn around so far? When Xu Shiyou withdrew, he issued 3 orders to directly attack his key point

Vietnam launched a war, and our country successfully repelled

Logically, Vietnam has had such close ties with our country since ancient times, and has received many times of assistance and support from our country, and it is only right that a very deep friendship should be established between the two countries. Unexpectedly, just after the deterioration of China's relations with another country, Vietnam not only did not provide any help, but also launched harassment on our border.

Faced with Vietnam's repeated provocations and harassments, our army certainly could not sit still and had to launch a counterattack, which is the famous Sino-Vietnamese War in history. Although at this time, China's People's Liberation Army had not experienced such a large-scale war for a long time, but the overall strength did not decline, and in this war it still repelled Vietnam with an absolute advantage, and it was completed within a month.

Why has Vietnam not been able to turn around so far? When Xu Shiyou withdrew, he issued 3 orders to directly attack his key point

After the defeat, Vietnam had to withdraw from our country, but at this time our army did not take it lightly, after all, they may come back to invade at any time. In order to prevent Vietnam from posing a threat to our country in the future, General Xu Shiyou, who led the Chinese army at that time, issued three military orders to Vietnam before the Chinese side withdrew, and it was these three military orders that made Vietnam unable to compete with our country so far.

Three important military orders issued by General Xu Shiyou

The first order issued by General Xu Shiyou was to withdraw all aid that had been provided to Vietnam. At that time, in order to help Vietnam restore its economic development, our country not only provided a lot of funds, but also sent a lot of materials.

Why has Vietnam not been able to turn around so far? When Xu Shiyou withdrew, he issued 3 orders to directly attack his key point

In the process of rushing to Vietnam to fight, our country also brought a large amount of materials and was ready to fight a protracted war, but it did not expect to end in less than a month. Although the supplies could not be brought back, General Xu Shiyou ordered them all to be destroyed to prevent them from being used by the Vietnamese army.

The second order is that in the course of our retreat, the road will be covered with mines. This move was actually to prevent the Vietnamese army from counterattacking again when our troops were camped and resting. After all, Vietnam has already done something to our country before, and it is necessary to be on guard against them.

Why has Vietnam not been able to turn around so far? When Xu Shiyou withdrew, he issued 3 orders to directly attack his key point

The last military order issued by General Xu Shiyou was to destroy all industrial facilities along the way. In fact, the reason why Vietnam's industry was able to develop in the first place was because of China's assistance and support. General Xu Shiyou chose to destroy these industrial facilities, which caused Vietnam's industrial development process to regress again, and it had to spend a lot of time recovering, and naturally there was no spare energy to harass China.


It was precisely because of these three wise military orders issued by General Xu Shiyou that after the Sino-Vietnamese War, Vietnam's development was very slow and could not compete with China.

As two countries that were founded at the same time, Vietnam and China could have become countries with deep friendship, after all, China has provided so much help to Vietnam. It is hoped that Viet Nam will learn its lessons and uphold the international social order of peaceful coexistence.

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