
Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

author:The relief life of the old king next door

Where in the world are there any troubles? And there is no trouble that one meal can't solve, if there is, then two!

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

Although these three health "big three" are not proud, lying in a corner of the kitchen in a low-key and stable manner, their nutritional value cannot be underestimated.

1. Sweet potatoes

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

Sweet potatoes are the champion of the "Top Ten Best Vegetables" by the World Health Organization, and winter is a good season to eat sweet potatoes. Rich in protein, pectin, amino acids, dietary fiber, carotene, vitaminS A, B, C, E and calcium, potassium, iron and other more than 10 kinds of trace elements.

But note: sweet potatoes are high in sugar, and it is easy to burn hearts when eating too much. It is recommended that you eat sweet potatoes with some cabbage and radishes, or eat sweet potatoes with some pickles or pickle soup.

2. Taro

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

As the saying goes: "eat melon in summer, eat roots in winter", taro can be said to be an excellent representative of rhizome ingredients, rich in calcium, iron, carotene, vitamin C, dietary fiber and so on.

It has the effect of aiding digestion, laxative and detoxification, and can also alleviate various skin problems and delay aging.

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

It can be used as a staple food as well as a vegetable. It is particularly worth mentioning that the fluoride content of taro is very high, which has a strong protective effect on our teeth.

Moreover, the mucus protein in taro can be absorbed by the body to produce immunoglobulins and improve the body's immunity.

3. Yam

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

Yam contains a lot of mucus protein, which is inexpensive but has great efficacy.

Vegetarian recipes are recommended

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > lily taro pot</h1>

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake


1 packet of mustard, 1/4 taro

1/2 carrot, fresh lily

1/2 apricot abalone mushroom, 1 celery

Salt, high fresh powder, oil to taste


1. Cut taro, apricot abalone mushrooms, carrots and celery into small pieces;

2. Wash the lilies and mustards;

3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the casserole dish, put the lid on the lid and bring to a boil;

4. Heat the oil in the pan and fry the taro until the taro is crispy;

5. Then add the apricot abalone mushrooms and carrots together and sauté until fragrant;

6. Put it in a pot and bring it to a boil together;

7. Bring to a boil and add fresh lilies;

8. Season with salt and high-rise powder.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > taro stewed cabbage</h1>

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

1 small taro, 1 small cabbage

Ginger and starch to taste

Salt, vegetable and fruit seasoning powder to taste

1. Wash the taro, peel and cut into small pieces for later. Wash the cabbage and cut into sections and set aside;

2. Take a small bowl, add 1 spoonful of fruit and vegetable powder, 1 spoonful of starch, add 1/2 bowl of water and stir well;

3. Put oil in the pot, sauté the ginger until fragrant, add the taro, continue to stir-fry until the taro is semi-cooked and the surface is slightly golden, add boiling water, not over the taro;

4. After a while, add all the cabbage, and when the cabbage is soft, pour in the prepared mustard juice, stir well, add salt to taste.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > mustard sweet potato soup</h1>

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

Mustard greens 2 pieces, sweet potato 1

Oil 10 g, ginger 2 slices

1. After peeling the sweet potatoes, cut the square grains after the hot pan, put in the oil, add the sweet potatoes and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, so that you can remove the cold of the sweet potatoes;

2. Add water, boil on high heat and cook on medium-low heat for 10 minutes, good quality sweet potatoes will cook very soft and rotten in 10 minutes;

3. Partially cut the mustard stem;

4. Put in the sweet potato soup and tumble for 3 minutes, then cook with mustard leaves for 2 minutes;

5. Finally, put a little salt and you're fine.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > stir-fry with assorted vegetables </h1>

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

One lotus root, one parsley

One bell pepper, ginger to taste

A pinch of fungus, vinegar and oil

1. Wash the ingredients and change the knife;

2. Chop ginger and red pepper;

3. Heat the oil and stir-fry the ginger and red pepper until fragrant;

4. Add all the vegetables and stir-fry evenly, add some vinegar and salt, and sauté until cooked through;

5. Plate and serve with rice.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > sweet and sour yam diced sweet potato</h1>

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

1 yam and 1 sweet potato

2 teaspoons light soy sauce and 5 teaspoons vinegar

White sugar 5 teaspoons, goji berries to taste

1. Dice the yam and cut the sweet potato into cubes, which is slightly larger than the peanut bean;

2. Mix sweet and sour sauce: 5 teaspoons of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of light soy sauce, 5 teaspoons of white sugar, put in a bowl and mix well;

3. Put oil in the pot, preferably mix the oil, first add the diced sweet potatoes and stir-fry for a while;

4. Add the diced yam, drizzle with a little water, stir-fry quickly, stir-fry for about 3 minutes, add the sweet and sour sauce, stir-fry evenly, collect the juice on high heat, sprinkle with goji berries, and get out of the pot!

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > yam pancakes</h1>

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

Yam 400 g, flour 30 g

A pinch of black sesame seeds, salt and oil to taste

1. Peel and cut the yam into pieces, steam them in a pot;

2. After steaming, the yam is pressed into a puree, add salt and mix well;

3. Add flour and knead into a ball;

4. Make 8 yam cakes with a little sesame seeds on each side;

5. Heat a little oil in the pan and fry a golden brown first;

6. Fry the other side on the reverse side until golden brown.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake</h1>

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

300 g sweet potatoes, 250 g glutinous rice flour

50 g sugar, raw white sesame seeds, oil to taste

1. Wash the sweet potatoes into a pressure cooker and steam for 10 minutes after serving;

2. Remove slightly cool, peel off the outer skin and crush into a paste with a spoon;

3. Add sugar, glutinous rice flour and form a slightly softer dough;

4. Rub a little cooking oil on the palm of your hand, take an appropriate amount of dough and roll it into small balls (I made about 20 grams);

5. Fill the sesame seeds with sesame seeds, flatten them by hand, and finish in turn;

6. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, heat over low heat to 30%, and add glutinous rice cakes;

7. Fry until golden brown on both sides, use blotting paper to absorb excess oil and serve.

Vegetarian food today: eat more vegetables! Lily taro pot, assorted vegetable stir-fry, yam pancakes and other solid lily taro pot taro stewed taro braised cabbage mustard sweet potato soup assorted vegetables stir-fried sweet and sour yam sweet potato diced yam pancake hemp sweet potato glutinous rice cake

Source: The official WeChat public account of this life vegetarian diet

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