
One Country, Hundreds of Nationalities, Three Yuzi Today's Kazakh chaos was laid down hundreds of years ago

One Country, Hundreds of Nationalities, Three Yuzi Today's Kazakh chaos was laid down hundreds of years ago

Kazakhstan has become the focus of the news these days, ostensibly erupting in popular unrest over the gas problem, which in turn has sparked political unrest. The chaos in Kazakhstan is not only due to the interference of external forces, but also complex internal causes, which can be said to have sown the seeds of turmoil hundreds of years ago.

One Country, Hundreds of Nationalities, Three Yuzi Today's Kazakh chaos was laid down hundreds of years ago

Kazakh is a typical country of Nomadic peoples in Central Asia, with a population of only 18.67 million, but hundreds of ethnic groups. The history of Kazakhstan is a history of war, and the Kazakh Khanate has developed from a small tribal alliance with a population of 200,000 to a "big country" with a population of millions, relying on military expansion. Kazakh society is also clearly divided into seven parts because of the war, the highest of which is the great khan managing the army and the subjects; the second level is the big, medium and small three yuzi, the three yuzi belong to the various regions, managed by the little khan, and form the left, middle and right wings of the khanate during the battle; the third part is the Urus, which is a tradition inherited from the Mongols, the people of the yuz belong to different urus and are managed by civilian officials; the fourth part is the tribe, and the urus is divided into multiple tribes, managed by the sultan (members of the royal family). These tribes have different histories, but they are all under the administration of Yuzi, Wusun, Durat, Heizai, Alban, Suwan, Kangli, Zarayir and other tribes belong to Dayuz, Kepchak (Chincha), Naiman, Kelie, Wacker and other tribes belong to Zhongyuzi, Adayi and other tribes are an important part of Xiaoyuzi; the fifth part is Ayemak, a tribe divided into about 15 Aymaks, managed by elected tribal leaders; the sixth part is Ata-Ayemak, The fifth part of the Ayimak is divided into several Ata-Ayemaks, which are administered by elders; the last part is Awule, or village, which is managed by the village chief. Theoretically, the Kazakh Khanate had to send one soldier per household, which was a powerful military in Central Asia.

One Country, Hundreds of Nationalities, Three Yuzi Today's Kazakh chaos was laid down hundreds of years ago
One Country, Hundreds of Nationalities, Three Yuzi Today's Kazakh chaos was laid down hundreds of years ago

Beginning in 1525, the Kazakhs began a two-hundred-year war with Verat and Dzungar, in which the unity of the Kazakh Khanate was broken and the royal family became a puppet. In order to oppose the Weyrat and Dzungars, the Kazakhs also adhered to the system of three Yuzi, and different ethnic groups and tribes formed a coalition army to fight in the Yuzi unit, forming a strong Yuzi atmosphere among the Kazakhs. The Yuzi ethos is also very adapted to the life of the Kazakhs, because the various tribes of the Kazakhs are fighting each other for ranches and water sources, and the Kazakh tradition is that they would rather be poisoned than betray the clans and tribes from which they come from.

One Country, Hundreds of Nationalities, Three Yuzi Today's Kazakh chaos was laid down hundreds of years ago

In the long historical evolution, the three major Yuzi of the Kazakhs controlled different regions, of which the Great Yuzi was distributed in the Seven River Basin, the Talas River, the Chu River, the Ili River Basin and other places, the Middle Yuzi was distributed in the north of the Great Yuzi, and the Little Yuzi was distributed in the western region of Kazakhstan. The three yuzi have different cultures and different histories of development. During the Russian invasion of Central Asia, Little Yuz was the most "clever" and became a Tsarist agent when the Dzungar Khanate still existed in 1731. When the Dzungar Khanate invaded, Zhongyuzi was severely damaged by the Dzungars and had to defect to the Qing Dynasty. And Dayuz also saw the potential of Tsarist Russia, and also followed Tsarist Russia, and with the help of Tsarist Power annexed a large area of land in Zhongyuzi. By 1822, none of the three yuzi had to tossed, because the Tsarist Russia had directly annexed their lands.

One Country, Hundreds of Nationalities, Three Yuzi Today's Kazakh chaos was laid down hundreds of years ago

Although the entity of Yuzi does not exist, the Yuzi atmosphere has existed within Kazakhstan for a long time, and there is a clear distinction between different Yuzi people within Kazakh society, and Tsarist Russia has not bothered to take care of this atmosphere. But in the Soviet Union, during stalin,000 Kazakhs were exiled, the iron father fiercely cleaned up the problems of Kazakhs who only looked at their origins. Iron and steel loving fathers are not often there, in the late Soviet Union, the local power faction became bigger, the Kazakhs formed the habit of assigning official positions by birth, kunayev, who was born in dayuz, became the general secretary of the Kazakh communist party, began to vigorously promote cadres from dayuzi, and allied with small jadez to fight against the middle jade with cultural advantages.

One Country, Hundreds of Nationalities, Three Yuzi Today's Kazakh chaos was laid down hundreds of years ago

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Nazarbayev, who was born in Zhongyuzi, came to power and began to support people from Zhongyuzi to take power, and the political and business families from Zhongyuzi controlled the economic lifeblood of the country. This has triggered the dissatisfaction of the people from Xiaoyuzi, and the local police in the western region controlled by Xiaoyuzi are all from Xiaoyuzi, and when the people of Xiaoyuzi make trouble, it is natural to ...