
The European coalition was defeated by the Mongols? For 140 BC, the Seljuk Turks were slaughtered

The European coalition was defeated by the Mongols? For 140 BC, the Seljuk Turks were slaughtered

Mongol cavalry was not the main reason for sweeping the European continent at all, and it should be known that in the 140 years before the Mongol Empire's western expedition, the Crusaders had been fighting with the Turkic archers for more than 140 years, and repeatedly completed the Bow Cavalry tactics of the Turks, and simply blamed the destructive military power of the Mongol Empire on mounted archery, which was a completely wrong view.

From 1096 AD to 1241 AD, the main enemy of the Crusades was the Seljuk Turkic Empire, and the European Crusaders relied on light cavalry to make quick decisions, repeatedly defeating the Eastern archers and killing the Turks. And the armor of the Crusader soldiers is not heavy and slow, because the plate armor has not yet been born in the thirteenth century AD, so the European cavalry is simply wearing 10kg of lock armor, as well as iron helmets that are enough to prevent bow and arrow shooting, which is a typical light cavalry, coupled with the high explosiveness of European war horses, ultra-high-speed charge can often easily pursue the Turks, giving the archers a fatal blow!

(1) The Battle of Dorileum

The best tactic of the French Crusaders was to encircle the two wings of light cavalry, one cavalry was responsible for driving, and the other cavalry was responsible for flanking the encirclement, like a shepherd expelling sheep, encircling and annihilating the opponent.

On June 30, 1097, the French Crusaders, divided into two armies, crossed the peninsula of Asia Minor along the coast, and were attacked by 20,000 Seljuk archers in the Dorileum region, and the Turkic archers swarmed from all directions, the Turks continued to mount arrows to besiege the Crusader stronghold (Bohemond's department), and like a thick rain of arrows fell from the sky into the soldier crowd, the Turks tried to defeat the Europeans by relying on the heavy fire of bows and arrows.

The Crusaders of the right wing column (Godfrey's department) immediately rushed to support the besieged soldiers, and after lightning speed to the flank of the Dorileum battlefield, they led the army to swoop down from the ridge peak on the edge of the valley, and the European cavalry charged towards the 20,000 Seljuk Turkic army with a thunderous momentum, at this time the French Crusaders successfully completed the encirclement of the two wings, instantly reversed the war situation, killed the Turkic archers and abandoned their armor, and the European cavalry charging back and forth was unhindered, completely destroying the stubborn resistance of the Turkic main force. For the next three days, the roads were piled high with horses exhausted by the frantic running of the Turks.

"Even though only God is still pursuing them at this time."

(2) Battle of Konya

The German Crusaders were good at large-scale infantry group combat, and during the Third Crusade, they fought in an infantry hollow phalanx, once again inflicting heavy damage on the Turkic archers, conquering the capital Konya, and beating the Turkic king Kilij Arslan II on his knees begging for forgiveness!

On May 17, 1190, the German Emperor Frederick I was very fast, and 15,000 crusaders soon arrived near the capital Konya, which made the Seljuk Turks panic, and the Turkic king Kilij Arslan II rushed out to fight a decisive battle, the two sides camped against each other, 20,000 Turkic archers tried to ride close to the German positions, but soon they were counterattacked by more fierce European infantry, and the Seljuk Turks suffered heavy casualties and could not break through the hollow phalanx of German infantry.

At this time, the German Emperor Frederick I secretly sent elite troops to detour and sneak into the capital, captured Konya in one fell swoop, captured countless treasures and food, the Turks lost their fighting spirit in an instant, the army collapsed, and fled on all sides of the vast wilderness, the Turkic king Kilij Arslan II was deeply shocked, and begged the German Crusaders on their knees for forgiveness, and the German Frederick I won a great victory in this battle.

Mongol Expedition to the West

Riding and shooting was not the main reason for the great victory of the Mongol Expedition to sweep the European continent, on the one hand, because the opponent belonged to the rabble, the combat effectiveness of Poland and Hungary was not strong, and the three main forces of Europe (Britain, France and Germany) did not participate in the war, on the other hand, because the black technology weapons brought by the Mongols from the East showed their might!

(1) Chinese fire-breathing dragon

The "Chinese fire-breathing dragon" used by the Mongolian army amazed the European coalition army, this weapon was learned from the Song Dynasty, it can continuously fire 60 fire rockets in a short period of time, the power is huge, killing European soldiers on a large scale, causing a devastating blow to the enemy position, according to the Polish historian Drugus "History of Poland", because the wooden barrel is painted with dragon heads, so it is called "Chinese fire-breathing dragon"!

In 1241 AD, 60,000 Mongol tiger divisions fought against 100,000 Hungarian troops on the Seyo River, the Mongolian army relied on heavy weapons and arrows, the terrifying power of the "Chinese fire-breathing dragon" destroyed the defensive circle formed by europeans arranged in wooden carts, the fire destroyed the fortifications outside the camp, and the Hungarian coalition army was suddenly chaotic, and the morale was devastated.

(2) Imperial arrow robes and armor-piercing bows

The Mongol archers had two types of arrows, light arrows had a long range and an effective shooting distance of up to 320 meters, and light arrows had small and sharp arrows that could penetrate European lock armor and sink deep into flesh and skin. Heavy arrows have a relatively close range, an effective firing distance of up to 150 meters, and the arrows are huge and wide, especially effective against warhorses and heavy armor, and are extremely lethal.

When the two armies shoot against each other, the Mongol archers will wear an oriental silk robe, the structure is woven very finely, the Mongol leader Genghis Khan found that this kind of robe can effectively reduce the damage of arrows, called the ancient anti-arrow clothing, so the Mongolian archers can always have an advantage in shooting, the royal arrow robe can be described as one of the magic weapons of the Mongol enemy.

(3) Poison smoke balls

According to Polish historical records, 30,000 Polish troops were attacked by the spells of eastern wizards, which was actually a chemical weapon of the East, known as the "poison smoke ball". This is a weapon of mass destruction that the Mongols independently imitated after summarizing the experience of chemical weapons accumulated in the Song-Jin War, according to the "General Outline of the Martial Arts", the poison smoke ball is mixed with lime, gunpowder, croton, wolf poison, asphalt, arsenic... Launched by a counterweight trebuchet, the poison bomb explodes at the site of a large number of enemy tears, nausea and vomiting, fainting to the ground...

In the Battle of Lignitz, the Mongol cavalry lured the Polish allies into an ambush circle, and then used chemical weapons to bombard indiscriminately, the deadly gas affected the Polish knights to charge the front, causing heavy losses to the Europeans, and the poison smoke balls were called biological and chemical weapons!

(4) Spear heavy cavalry

A typical Mongol army, spear heavy cavalry than the column accounted for about 40%, wearing hundreds of armor blades assembled from the armor (lamellar armor), the defensive performance of the oriental armor is extremely strong, thanks to the Mongols learned to imitate the Song Jin armor, so that the Mongolian heavy cavalry defense ability at that time belonged to the world's top level, the armor itself can resist the sword slash and bow and arrow and other throwing weapons piercing, but the sword can cut the leather band of the fixed armor piece, and the continuous multiple chopping may lead to the collapse of the iron plate armor.

"Black Tartar Chronicle": "Its weapons include willow leaf armor, luo circle armor (leather six-fold), stubborn sheep's horn bow, sound arrows, and camel bone arrows."

In the first half of the 13th century, the weapons and equipment of the Mongol cavalry have been superior to the European continent, the Mongolian spear heavy cavalry can often play a key role in saving the field, giving the enemy a devastating blow of thunderous momentum, in the Battle of the Sayo River, the spear heavy cavalry charged irresistible, and the European cavalry that came to fight broke out the fierce impact of Mars hitting the earth, and repeatedly won in key battles, and the European coalition army named the powerful and terrifying Mongol warriors with the Tartars. Because the word Tartar is derived from Tartarus, meaning hell in Greek mythology!

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