
The character of the sword in the snow - heaven does not pity you sword nine yellow, Shizi served wine and asked the heavens

Heaven does not pity you sword nine yellow, Shizi served wine and asked the heavens!!

Jianjiu Huang was originally named Huang Jingtu, Shizi Xu Fengnian called him Lao Huang, and the Jianghu people called Jian Jiu Huang!

The character of the sword in the snow - heaven does not pity you sword nine yellow, Shizi served wine and asked the heavens

Sword Jiu Huang is a disciple of the sword-eating old ancestor Sui Xiegu, who walked the rivers and lakes alone, and the world's famous sword ten swords got six of them into his sword box, ready to meet his master Sui Xiegu and give it to him to eat. Brother Jianjiu Huang was a Sword Emperor of the Western Shu Who guarded the gate of the country alone, and in order to avenge his brother's death in the Xu family, he went to find Xu Xiao, but instead of taking revenge, he entered Northern Liang as a groom, and could only talk to the horse all day long.

At that time, Xu Fengnian was just born, and Lao Huang was particularly close to Xiao Shizi, who would urinate on his body. Xu Fengnian traveled the rivers and lakes for the first time for three years, and was displaced for six thousand miles, only Lao Huang was accompanied, from beginning to end, he accompanied Shizi as a dry and thin groom, encountering danger on the road, Lao Huang would shout when he first found it: the wind was tight and whistling. Then take the lead in slipping away.

Lao Huang has a yellow horse nicknamed Xiao Huang, who travels six thousand miles but never rides. Lao Huang accompanied his son Xu Fengnian to travel for three years, and Xu Fengnian did not know that Lao Huang was originally a master of the world. In the Northern Liang King's Mansion, he was an ordinary groom, and when he saw people, they were grinning, missing front teeth, and smirking. The only hobby is probably drinking rice wine. But if this is the case, the reader is not expected to be obsessed with the role of Lao Huang.

He was going to go to Wudi City, Lao Huang went to Wudi City for the first time to challenge Wang Xianzhi and lost, leaving a Yellow Lu inserted in the head of Wudi City, and now Lao Huang wu came up with the last sword, the sword nine six thousand miles, to commemorate the three years of traveling six thousand miles. Lao Huang was so simple, so he wanted to go back to Emperor Wu's city to fight King Xianzhi, he told Xu Fengnian that he had a sword inserted in the head of Emperor Wu's city, he wanted to take it back himself, Xu Fengnian was not willing, but he told Xu Fengnian as a man, doing something and not doing something, even if there was no chance of winning, this time he was tight. At the same time, I also told the world that my family's shizi is going to go out of the north and enter the rivers and lakes, and I use my name as a prayer post to respectfully invite shizi to enter the jianghu. And Xu Fengnian also sincerely shouted: Lao Huang, if you want to drink yellow wine halfway, you can't afford to spend all the silver and silver, and when you come back, I will keep it for you!!!

But ah, Lao Huang's going is to say goodbye forever. Lao Huang not only wanted to inspire Shizi to learn martial arts into the jianghu, but also wanted to talk to his master Sui Xiegu and prove to the world that Western Shu still had a sword, called Sword Nine Yellow. Finally, at the head of Emperor Wu's city, the sword nine yellow five swords were exhausted, the eight swords were exhausted, Wang Xianzhi always responded with one hand, a total of sixty-eight moves, and the final sword nine six thousand miles was like a galaxy leaking thousands of miles, destroying Wang Xianzhi's right arm sleeve robe, Wang Xianzhi fought with all his might, and the sword nine yellow one-handed single sword broke forty-nine moves, until he died. The Sword Nine Yellow Meridian was broken, and he sat at the head of the city head and died north without falling. Since then, the legend of the sword nine yellows has been handed down in the rivers and lakes!!

But does Lao Huang want this?? Lao Huang's life can not say no demand, but enough to call the upper desireless, such a world-class master chose the second into the Wu Emperor City dead King Xianzhi, in order to retrieve a sword but left six swords, and finally only heard the sword Jiu Huang said a last word: Xiao Er, give the young master wine!!!

Sword Nine Huang to death can not rest assured Xu Fengnian, no one knows that his death value is not worth it, but after his death Xu Feng began to practice the sword, Xu Xiao once asked the sword training is to avenge Lao Huang? Xu Fengnian replied: You can't let Lao Huang's sword box stand at the head of Emperor Wu's city and be ridiculed. Xu Xiao asked again: Fifty years, can you practice? Xu Fengnian said: I don't know!

In the end, Xu Fengnian entered the City of Emperor Wu and loudly questioned Wang Xianzhi: Wang Xianzhi dared to ask what is the cloud of the Nine Heavens, and what is the water of the four seas. Heaven does not pity you sword nine yellow, Emperor Wu city Xu Fengnian for you to serve wine to ask the heavens!!!

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