
It's going to be 2nm! Sources say Intel and TSMC are working together to develop a new process

In 2021, Intel has a strategic shift in semiconductor chips, in addition to building its own factory to produce its own processor, but also to re-enter the foundry market, but also to strengthen cooperation with wafer foundries, after news that they have taken half of TSMC's 3nm production capacity, and now they have to cooperate with TSMC to develop 2nm process.

Breaking the news was Northland analyst Gus Richard, who recently released a report raising Intel's target stock price to $62 and giving it a rating that is better than the index, optimistic about Intel's future development.

According to him, Intel may not only hand over the 3nm process process to TSMC, but also begin to discuss with TSMC to cooperate in the development of the 2nm process.

It's going to be 2nm! Sources say Intel and TSMC are working together to develop a new process

However, this claim has not been confirmed by Intel or TSMC, and considering that this is highly confidential information, there will be no official confirmation for a while.

Previous news said that the mass production time of TSMC's 3nm is expected to start in the fourth quarter of 2022, and the first batch of production capacity is divided equally by Apple and Intel.

As for the future 2nm process, TSMC will launch nanosheet/Nanowire's transistor architecture at the 2nm node and use new materials, which is expected to be mass-produced in 2025.


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