
From health to overwork or 5 steps, when in the first 3 steps, it is necessary to adjust in time to prevent the occurrence of diseases

As we all know, the pace of contemporary social life is getting faster and faster, everyone is facing a variety of pressures, if the pressure is not released in time, it is easier to make the body in a sub-healthy state;

Mild diseases can be induced, and if serious, they can even cause sudden death, which is also the main culprit for the gradual increase in the incidence of overwork deaths in recent years.

But fortunately, from health to overwork through 5 different stages, I hope you understand in advance, do not let yourself fall into a dangerous situation.

From health to overwork or 5 steps, when in the first 3 steps, it is necessary to adjust in time to prevent the occurrence of diseases

1. Listless

If you are healthy, your mental state is better, such as sufficient sleep time and brain relaxation, so that you can better cope with the work or study of the second day, but if you always stay up late in the near future, long-term use of the brain and other behaviors will make people listless and dizziness and shortness of breath and other manifestations.

This is because long hours of work can easily lead to excessive fatigue of body organs, the consequences of inhaling less oxygen, and once the oxygen concentration in the blood drops, it will cause multiple symptoms of discomfort, which is also the first stage of health towards fatigue.

From health to overwork or 5 steps, when in the first 3 steps, it is necessary to adjust in time to prevent the occurrence of diseases

2. Limb weakness

If the first stage is not adjusted in time, then the patient will often have a heavy body, limbs have no strength, and even walking can not continue, once not paid attention to, it is easy to cause cold muscle spasms in the hands and feet.

This result is triggered by a continuous decline in oxygen concentrations and blood glucose levels in the blood, leaving muscles and visceral tissues in a state of ischemia and hypoxia.

From health to overwork or 5 steps, when in the first 3 steps, it is necessary to adjust in time to prevent the occurrence of diseases

3. Exhausted

The third stage from health to overwork is exhaustion, which is also the most common manifestation of many people's daily lives;

For example, when solving problems, the body and energy can not face the direct response, which will not only reduce the efficiency of work, but also make immunity weaker, more likely to be entangled by small diseases.

From health to overwork or 5 steps, when in the first 3 steps, it is necessary to adjust in time to prevent the occurrence of diseases

4. Disease

After entering the 4th stage, the human body has been completely unable to bear it, so there will be small problems on the body, such as mouth ulcers, constipation, back pain and so on.

In addition, some people often have diarrhea, easy to get angry, and the weight is suddenly high and low.

From health to overwork or 5 steps, when in the first 3 steps, it is necessary to adjust in time to prevent the occurrence of diseases

5. Seriously ill

Stage 5 is also known as the overwork phase, when very obvious symptoms of discomfort appear on the body, such as dizziness and pain in the head, difficulty breathing, etc.;

Because long-term work is easy to make immune function decline, and lead to blood vessel problems, if not as soon as possible to repair and recuperate, it will increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and even cancer.

From health to overwork or 5 steps, when in the first 3 steps, it is necessary to adjust in time to prevent the occurrence of diseases

In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases, we must take measures to deal with them!

1. Plenty of rest

If it is in the first three stages, the first thing the patient's friend should do is to sleep more, so that the organ tissues can be given more rest time.

2. Exercise

Although the human body has entered a tired stage, it does not mean that it cannot exercise, on the contrary, if you do some aerobic exercise every day, you can still maintain vitality, such as deep breathing or tai chi, etc., which helps to ensure that the amount of oxygen in the body is sufficient and the blood flow is smooth.

From health to overwork or 5 steps, when in the first 3 steps, it is necessary to adjust in time to prevent the occurrence of diseases

All in all, from health to overwork a total of 5 stages need to go through the above mentioned 5 stages, I hope that the pressure of life is more one-to-one correspondence, if you are in the first three stages, timely adjustment of living habits, and adhere to exercise, may be able to prevent the occurrence of diseases. But once it enters the serious stage, everyone must go to the hospital as soon as possible.

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