
Intrauterine bleeding in ectopic pregnancy patients with undetected nucleic acid Guangzhou medical staff wearing protective clothing for emergency surgery

author:Bright Net

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhang Hua correspondent Zhang Jing

Ectopic pregnancy mass rupture leads to bleeding, urgently need surgery, but the patient has not measured nucleic acid, what to do? On the last day of 2021, a special patient came to the gynecological clinic of Guangdong Reproductive Hospital. The hospital launched the emergency plan in a timely manner, and the medical staff wore protective clothing to carry out emergency surgery, racing against time, ensuring the life and health of patients.

"Thank you for your professionalism and responsibility, you are the most beautiful and lovely people in the world, and I wish you all the best everywhere you go." On January 4, Ms. Li was successfully discharged from the hospital, and she expressed her deep gratitude to the medical staff of Guangdong Reproductive Hospital.

Ectopic pregnancy Suspected mass rupture requires immediate surgery

On December 29, 2021, Ms. Li, 33, developed pain and discomfort in her right lower quadrant. The next day, she was treated at a county-level hospital in Jiangxi, and ultrasound suggested a possible ectopic pregnancy (commonly known as ectopic pregnancy). Because Ms. Li had been treated at the Guangdong Provincial Reproductive Hospital, she rushed to Guangzhou overnight from other places for treatment.

On the morning of December 31, 2021, Ms. Li came to the Gynecology Department of Guangdong Reproductive Hospital for treatment. Li Yuhua, the chief physician who received Ms. Li, found that the patient's abdominal tenderness, rebound pain was obvious, and cervical pendulum pain was positive, so he immediately reported to Han Liwei, director of gynecology, and took the patient to a B ultrasound examination, coordinated with Zhang Zhixing, deputy chief physician of the B ultrasound room, to examine Ms. Li and found that the right appendage lump and a large number of pelvic effusions were not optimistic.

Ms. Li's pregnancy history is more complicated, including this pregnancy, she was pregnant 5 times, had two ectopic pregnancies, and underwent laparoscopic right salpingectomy in 2015 due to conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy in 2014. According to Ms. Li's medical history, signs and ultrasound examination, considering the rupture of the ectopic pregnancy mass and the possibility of intra-abdominal bleeding, it is necessary to immediately explore for emergency surgery. However, due to the urgency of the situation, Ms. Li did not undergo nucleic acid testing before coming to Sui. The Gynecology Department attaches great importance to Ms. Li's condition and immediately informs the Medical Education Department of the relevant situation.

Untested nucleic acids Open green channel emergency surgery

Patients' life safety first! The Department of Gynecology and Anesthesiology immediately launched an emergency plan and opened a green channel for emergency surgery. On the one hand, the transitional ward was arranged to accommodate the patient, and Li Yuhua conducted an epidemiological history investigation of Ms. Li, and immediately carried out the new crown nucleic acid sampling and urgently sent to the testing institution; on the other hand, the gynecology and anesthesiology departments made various preoperative preparations in an orderly manner.

After careful deployment, the hospital quickly arranged for Ms. Li to undergo emergency surgery. Qing Chaohui, director of the Department of Anesthesiology, introduced to reporters: "Ms. Li's surgical arrangement is very smooth, because emergency nucleic acid surgery is one of our key drill projects for the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and ensuring the safety of medical staff, patients and teams is the requirement of our drill. Through training, practical exercises, assessments and drills, the emergency response capabilities of the Department of Anesthesiology are continuously improved. ”

A special operation began, the doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses all put on protective clothing, by the deputy chief physician Li Yanqiu, the chief surgeon, physician Chen Yingyue assisted.

During the operation, it was found that the patient had a large amount of blood accumulation and coagulation in the abdominal cavity, a total of about 600 ml, the right fallopian tube ampullary abdomen was locally enlarged by up to 4 cm, the surface was visible with a 2 cm opening, and the pelvic abdominal cavity was moderately adhesions. Due to the timely operation, internal bleeding did not increase further. Eventually, the ruptured fallopian tubes were removed and the crisis was successfully lifted.

"Wearing protective clothing and wearing a face screen, the surgical field of vision is poor, the progress of the operation will be slightly slower, and the biggest difficulty is stuffiness and poor breathing." Winter is still more comfortable than summer, and summer is easy to collapse. Li Yanqiu said. It is understood that Ms. Li's operation lasted 90 minutes, and after the operation, when the doctors and nurses took off their protective clothing, the inner layer of handwashing clothes was all soaked.

After the operation, Ms. Li's indications were stable, and the new crown nucleic acid test report showed negative on the same day, and everyone was relieved. "Thank you for your professionalism and sense of responsibility, thank you for this trip!" Ms. Li was excited when she was discharged from the hospital, and for her, it was an unforgettable New Year's Eve.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News

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