
Sika 33+6 Middleton 25+5 Letter Brother Absent Raptors beat the Bucks to win four straight

Live bar January 6 news NBA regular season Bucks vs. Raptors, Raptors recently gained momentum to win three consecutive wins, bucks side of the alphabet brother absent. Siakam led the Raptors on the offensive, but set off a wave of 15-0 climax in the second half of the first quarter to surpass the score. In the second quarter, the two teams still played against each other and repeatedly played three points on the outside, giving the Bucks a 77-68 lead in the first half. In the third quarter, the Bucks attacked the downturn and only scored 11 points in a single quarter, the Raptors although the feel is more general but rely on the play of Siakam to overtake the score, the last quarter of the Raptors pulled the score apart to lock the win, although the Bucks chased points continuously in the last moment but still could not return to the sky, and finally the Raptors reversed the Bucks to win 4 consecutive wins.

After the opening, the Raptors first opened the three-pointer in a row, the Bucks continued to hit the inside line to win, Siakam rushed to attack into 2+1, the Bucks just opened with a mediocre feel, and the Raptors played well under the leadership of Siakam to lead by 22-12 for 10 points. The Bucks found a three-point chase on the outside, Van Vliet responded with a three-point stop, and then the Bucks blossomed inside and outside suddenly set off a wave of 15-0 counterattacks to directly overtake the score and establish a lead. Boucher stopped bleeding on three points, Holliday hit a back-to-back mid-range dry-pull jumper, Anunoby and Van Vliet responded in time, and the first quarter was over, and the Bucks led 42-35.

In the second quarter, Siakam took the lead in scoring, Cousins was in good shape and scored consecutive points, Anunoby did not show weakness and responded continuously, Matthews also shot a three-pointer from the outside, Middleton also made a three-point foul, and the Bucks led 56-43. Both teams chose to constantly try three-pointers on the outside, Walla felt hot and hit many times, VanVleet also responded to difficult three-pointers in a row, Cousins made two free throws, Anunoby came back for three points, and at the end of the half, the Raptors fell behind 68-77.

Sika 33+6 Middleton 25+5 Letter Brother Absent Raptors beat the Bucks to win four straight

In the second half, the Raptors came up to continue the feel and chased points continuously, and Walla and Middleton took turns to take points to help the Bucks consolidate their advantage again. But Siakam once again stepped up to lead the Raptors to launch an offensive attack to complete the counter-over at 88-86, and then both teams' offenses were stuck and could not score points, VanVleet threw a throw to break the deadlock, Andi Chan penny followed up with a two-handed dunk, and after the third quarter, the Raptors rebounded 92-88.

In the last quarter, Middleton took the lead in the layup hit, Siakam pulled out a jump shot hit, Portis three points were not soft, and then the Raptors outside the line was a three-point rain blasted out a wave of 13-0 climax to widen the point difference, the Bucks could not find the feel, and Middleton also made consecutive mistakes, after a chaotic battle, Middleton finally jumped to hit, Trent immediately returned two points, the Bucks suddenly found a feel in the last moment to chase the difference to only 4 points, but there is not much time left they can only use foul tactics, Although the Raptors failed to make free throws, the Bucks also failed to complete the reversal, and the Raptors eventually defeated the Bucks.

Starting lineup:

Raptors: Barnes, Anunoby, Siakam, Trent, VanVleet

Bucks: Middleton, Matthews, Portis, Walla, Holliday

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