
3-1 don't panic! Rivers teased Nas for wanting to go head-to-head with him, claiming that he would not complain about the penalty

Familiar 3-1, old panic? The 76ers failed to become the first team in the playoffs to sweep their opponents, but the Raptors did not retreat at home, Barnes just returned, and VanVleet added new injuries.

3-1 don't panic! Rivers teased Nas for wanting to go head-to-head with him, claiming that he would not complain about the penalty

The managers of both sides talked about the injuries in the team, and Nas revealed that VanVleet's hip injury is a new injury and he will experience a lot of bumps and bumps, which will make him feel very frustrated. Rivers said Embiid has faced finger injuries throughout the playoffs and it's not going away, so he's getting used to playing in this situation.

3-1 don't panic! Rivers teased Nas for wanting to go head-to-head with him, claiming that he would not complain about the penalty

On the hotly debated unfairness of Foster's black whistle, Rivers said that the Raptors deserve this victory, he will not complain like Nas, and the team plays very messily and undisciplined, which is a good lesson.

With both teams constantly injured, Rivers teased that, given all the injury implications, the series could be just him and Nas one-on-one. Rivers said he had a better chance in the manager's showdown.

3-1 don't panic! Rivers teased Nas for wanting to go head-to-head with him, claiming that he would not complain about the penalty

I don't know what kind of way Rivers wants to single out, if you choose close combat, Rivers's size is indeed dominant, but when it comes to tactical level, Nas is not easy to mess with.

3-1 don't panic! Rivers teased Nas for wanting to go head-to-head with him, claiming that he would not complain about the penalty

The US media posted the history of Rivers' playoff coaching career of many big scores 3-1 lead was overturned, in 2003 coached the Magic, against the Pistons 3-1 lead in the case of 3-1 losses were overturned; in 2009 coached the Green Army, against the Magic 3-2 lead in the case of losing 2 consecutive sets was overturned; in 2010 coached the Green Army, against the Lakers 3-2 lead in the case of losing 2 consecutive sets were overturned; in 2012 coached the Green Army, against the Heat 3-2 lead in the case of losing 2 consecutive sets was overturned; in 2015 coached the Clippers, Three consecutive losses were overturned against the Rockets with a 3-1 lead; in 2016, the Clippers were overturned in four consecutive sets with a 2-0 lead against the Blazers; and in 2020, the Clippers were overturned in three consecutive sets with a 3-1 lead against the Nuggets.

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