
The first new hero of the 2022 season, Zeri: a dynamic new shooter hero

In the previous introduction of the new hero blueprint, the designer shared the new heroes that will appear in 2022. The first of these is a shooter hero, and in later versions, the secondary hero will also appear.

In the recent 12.2 update of the beauty test suit, the backstory of this new hero has been revealed, she is a female hero from Zuan.

The first new hero of the 2022 season, Zeri: a dynamic new shooter hero

In the 2021 season, almost every new hero will come with a new event. For example, Foyego, Gwen, and Vigus are associated with shadow island and the Sentinel of Light incident. Considering the influence of the previous "Battle of Two Cities", and Zeri is also from Zuan, there may be a hero of Zuan in the future.

The first new hero of the 2022 season, Zeri: a dynamic new shooter hero

Let's talk about Zeri again:

From her backstory, it is known that she was born with unique magical abilities and is related to her emotions. Zeri's mother's custom gun also relies on Zeri's emotions as ammunition, and then controls the electrical energy through her coat, thus firing electrical pulses. This also fits the designer's previous description:

Dynamic new shooter hero, she keeps moving at all times, full of passionate determination. Heroes with a rhythm like machine gun shooting bring the thrill of shooting games to ADC positions. And we also want to explore the new general attack mechanism through her.

The first new hero of the 2022 season, Zeri: a dynamic new shooter hero

Although the current fist designer has not given Zeri an accurate release time, according to past experience, the time will not be too far apart. And the League of Legends official will be broadcast live on the evening of the 7th, and the specific appearance time of Zeri will also be revealed.

I don't know if everyone will feel expected of this new shooter hero?

The first new hero of the 2022 season, Zeri: a dynamic new shooter hero

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