
A move that Yuan Shikai did not care about has become an important part of China's current march into the Arctic 79 years later

You may be a little strange to see such a title, because for Yuan Shikai we all know him, this is a figure we have to say in modern times, from a certain point of view, Yuan Shikai is one of the main figures who indirectly forced the Qing Dynasty to die, but he also delusionally wanted to be a big president after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, in fact, he said that he was the president, but in essence he was still the emperor, Yuan Shikai's thought still wanted to be his own, the world itself was just the head of the family, and it was precisely because of this, so, Soon after Yuan Shikai became emperor, he was embattled and came to the end of his life.

A move that Yuan Shikai did not care about has become an important part of China's current march into the Arctic 79 years later

Therefore, we can say that Yuan Shikai is actually a historical sinner, but as a historical figure, Yuan Shikai also has two sides, and not everything he has done is guilty, and today we will talk about a thing that Yuan Shikai did that was beneficial to the country, and the thing he did back then is still beneficial to our country.

A move that Yuan Shikai did not care about has become an important part of China's current march into the Arctic 79 years later

In the mid-twenties of the last century (1925), Yuan Shikai signed a treaty called the Svalbard Treaty with some great powers. Although we did not have any so far so far so far in the Arctic, there was no so-called sphere of influence, but Yuan Shikai still wanted to join this treaty, and there were still people who opposed it at that time, because they felt that their family's affairs had not been handled well, who still had the heart to care about what was going on in the Arctic, but it was obvious that Yuan Shikai had his own ideas, so in the end, China still joined this treaty.

A move that Yuan Shikai did not care about has become an important part of China's current march into the Arctic 79 years later

Yuan Shikai may not have thought that the Svalbard Treaty has a very important significance for our country in later generations, although there was no role at that time, but after entering the twenty-first century, we established the Arctic Yellow River Station here in 2004 in accordance with this treaty to carry out scientific research on climate change in the Arctic region and the world, which is a very important part of China's entry into the Arctic.

A move that Yuan Shikai did not care about has become an important part of China's current march into the Arctic 79 years later

At this time, it has been exactly 79 years since Yuan Shikai signed the Treaty of Svalbard, and President Yuan Da never dreamed that a careless move he made in that year would actually make a certain contribution to this ancient country decades later.

A move that Yuan Shikai did not care about has become an important part of China's current march into the Arctic 79 years later

Qinghui Language: In fact, no matter which historical figure we are, we should not simply comment on its good and bad, we must also comprehensively consider the influence and significance of this character on past history, and Yuan Shikai is such an example, although in his life, too much is greater than the merit, but we still can not ignore his small amount of "merit", this is a minimum fair angle.

A move that Yuan Shikai did not care about has become an important part of China's current march into the Arctic 79 years later

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