
At the end of World War II, Japanese researchers were not interested, but German researchers were fiercely contested by the United States and the Soviet Union

At the end of World War II, the Allies launched a strong counterattack against Germany, especially the Western countries led by the United States and the Soviet Union, the offensive was so fierce that Germany could not be overwhelmed. As a result, Germany was captured by the Allies in a short period of time, and finally declared defeated. After Germany's defeat, its property and personnel were contested by the United States, the West, and the Soviet Union.

At the end of World War II, Japanese researchers were not interested, but German researchers were fiercely contested by the United States and the Soviet Union

It should be known that hitler trained a large number of advanced scientists in advance in order to launch the Second World War. And these scientists are an important force in the production of advanced weapons and equipment, so the Soviet Union and the United States and other countries attach great importance to these talents. However, like Germany, Japan also belonged to the defeated countries in World War II, and Japan also had many scientists during World War II, so why were Japanese scientists not robbed by the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II?

At the end of World War II, Japanese researchers were not interested, but German researchers were fiercely contested by the United States and the Soviet Union

First of all, it should be noted that Germany's defeat was different from Japan's defeat, and Germany's defeat was relatively thorough. At the end of World War II, the United States and the Western countries jointly launched a general offensive against Germany, but in the end the United States was in a wait-and-see state, and only the Soviet Union launched an attack on Germany's last line of defense, of course, the losses were quite heavy. After the invasion of Germany's cities, a large amount of domestic property, scientists, etc. were plundered. It can be said that Germany is a completely conquered country, and there is no such thing as surrender.

At the end of World War II, Japanese researchers were not interested, but German researchers were fiercely contested by the United States and the Soviet Union

Japan, on the other hand, has never been invaded by the United States. At the end of World War II, Japan knew that the general trend had gone, and under the attack of two atomic bombs, it had to choose unconditional surrender. Saying that it was unconditional surrender, in fact, Japan still put forward some conditions, such as retaining the emperor system, ensuring that its industrial system and personnel would not be infringed, and even trying to exonerate war criminals and strive to save their lives. Therefore, under such conditions, Japanese scientists have not been plundered.

At the end of World War II, Japanese researchers were not interested, but German researchers were fiercely contested by the United States and the Soviet Union

Second, at the end of World War II, the United States realized that there would be two superpowers in the world, one for the United States and the other for the Soviet Union. In order to contain the Soviet Union, the United States must find a strong spokesman in Asia, and this spokesman must be strong enough to contain the development of the Soviet Union. So the United States took the opportunity to pocket Japan, so that the Idea of the Soviet Union wanting to fight Japan was even more difficult.

Taken together, it is the United States that single-handedly protected the integrity of Japan's industrial system, scientists, and even the national system. If it were not for the United States, Japan would have been wiped out long ago.

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