
Lithuanian president admits that it is a wrong decision to allow representative offices under the name of "Taiwan" Former president said that "supporting Taiwan is not the turn of small countries"

author:Taiwan Net, China
Lithuanian president admits that it is a wrong decision to allow representative offices under the name of "Taiwan" Former president said that "supporting Taiwan is not the turn of small countries"

President of Lithuania Nauseda. (Data map) Figure from Taiwan media

Taiwan,000 -- Lithuania has reneged on its promise and openly created "one China, one Taiwan" in the international arena, and the Chinese side has repeatedly stressed that "if you do something wrong, you must pay a price.", which is also the root cause and crux of the current difficulties in neutral relations. There have also been different voices in Lithuania recently, the opposition party criticized the government for handling relations with China "not professional enough", the country's President Nauseda admitted on the 4th that the Lithuanian government allowed the DPP authorities to open a representative office in the name of "Taiwan" is a wrong decision, he also admitted that it is necessary to deal with the consequences of the impact on neutral relations brought about by it. Taiwan's foreign-related departments quickly responded to Nauseda's statement, saying that Lithuania was so-called "suppressed" by the mainland and that Taiwan's so-called "determination to firmly support it will not change," but netizens on the island did not buy it, criticizing the DPP's so-called "great internal propaganda" for being thoroughly "punched in the face."

Former President: Support for "Taiwan" is not the turn of the small country of Lithuania

According to comprehensive media reports, Nauseda said in a program of Lithuanian Radio on the 4th that Lithuania and Taiwan do not have diplomatic relations, and it is not a problem for The Taiwan region to set up a so-called "representative office", but it is a mistake to use the name of "Taiwan", and frankly admit that he has not been fully coordinated in this matter. Nauzeda also said the name "representative office" had "seriously affected Lithuanian-Chinese relations" and that the consequences must now be addressed. According to Lithuania's political system, the president holds foreign and defense powers.

In addition, former Lithuanian President Adamukus also pointed out a few days ago that supporting or recognizing "Taiwan" should be coordinated and agreed upon by the government and parliament, and this recognition should be decided by influential countries, and it is not the turn of a small country such as Lithuania to come out.

Lithuanian poll: Support from the current cabinet hit a 10-year low

Brinkiviky taujie, a member of the European Parliament and the leader of Lithuania's opposition Social Democratic Party, also strongly criticized it a few days ago, saying that the Lithuanian government's China policy may seriously damage Lithuania's economy in 2022, saying that the Social Democratic Party will not make decisions that lead to an "economic war" and that the Lithuanian government's current approach is "too unprofessional."

According to the latest polls in Lithuania quoted by Taiwan media, the support of the "Fatherland Alliance - Lithuania Christian Democrats Party" led by the current Prime Minister Jimonit has reached a new low in the country's 10 years, and the confidence of the Lithuanian people in the current government is only 17.3%. The top two most popular politicians in Lithuania are the current President Nauseda and the aforementioned Brinkeviciusa.

The DPP authorities' swift response to "taking the wind direction" was punctured by netizens on the island

After the news reached the island, the DPP authorities quickly reacted to Nauseda's statement, and through ou Jiang'an, spokesman for foreign-related departments, said that he would not comment on "the policy decision-making process within other countries," but began to accuse the Lithuanian government of agreeing to set up a representative office in the name of "Taiwan" and that it was "subjected to comprehensive suppression by Chinese mainland" and that "Taiwan's firm determination to stand firm and vigorous will not change."

Taiwan's official communications agency, the so-called "Central News Agency," also interviewed the so-called "Experts on China Affairs" of Lithuania's domestic think tank to cool things down, with the intention of reversing the trend of public opinion on the island. The expert said that since taking office in December 2020, the Lithuanian cabinet led by Himonit has repeatedly expressed tensions with Nauseda, and recently Nauseda has intensified its criticism of Himonit's cabinet, but the disputes still focus on internal affairs.

The expert also said that although Nauzeda has publicly stressed several times in recent times that he has rarely been consulted by The Hipmonit cabinet on Lithuania's decision-making and actions on foreign affairs, he judged that the chances of the "Taiwan representative office" being forced to change its name are "very low."

However, for the netizens on the island who are accustomed to the small tricks of the DPP authorities, their reaction is still "very real", and the netizens said that "the Tower Green Class has collapsed and the Great Internal Propaganda has failed", "If the Taiwan Representative Office is removed at this time, will the face of the Tower Green Class be swollen to the point of breaking through the universe", "The international is originally about strength and interests, only the Tower Green Class is stupid and naïve, laughing to death.".

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "Money diplomacy" is destined to be an empty basket

A few days ago, it was reported that more than 20,000 bottles of dark rum sold to the mainland in Lithuania were rejected, and the Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Company at this time "stepped forward" and quickly decided to "rescue the emergency" and accept all these dark rum as ordered, and also said that "it is not excluded to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with the cube." The pro-green media on the island also fanned the flames, hyped up Lithuania's so-called "trade retaliation" by China, and promoted the so-called "righteous and upright" argument that Taiwan should be at this time.

In response to this, my Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that China has always acted in accordance with the rules of the WTO. Lithuania has only one fate of treachery and mistake after mistake, that is, to eat the bitter fruit of its own, and since it has done something wrong, it must pay a price for it. The Taiwan authorities' attempt to maintain the "space for Taiwan independence activities" through "money diplomacy" is doomed to be a bamboo basket to hit the water. The causes, consequences, and merits of Lithuania's Taiwan-related issues are very clear. The rigged side has reneged on its promise and openly created "one China, one Taiwan" and undermined China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, which is the crux of the difficulties in neutral relations.

Foreign Ministry: The only way out for Lithuania is to honestly correct its mistakes

On November 18, 2021, the Lithuanian government allowed the Taiwan authorities to set up a "representative office in Lithuania and Taiwan" in disregard of China's solemn representations. On November 26, 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China officially sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, deciding to rename the Chinese diplomatic mission in Lithuania as the Representative Office of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Lithuania, and requesting the party to change the title of the diplomatic office in China accordingly.

At present, Lithuania has withdrawn all diplomatic personnel in China on the grounds of so-called "security reasons", and the Lithuanian Embassy in China has been emptied. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs once pointed out that Lithuania, without informing the Chinese side in advance, suddenly arranged for all diplomatic personnel stationed in China to leave without saying goodbye, and then spread false remarks everywhere and wrote and directed a farce. We are telling Lithuania that it is a complete miscalculation to try to play tricks, shirk responsibility, confuse the public opinion, and even blackmail the Chinese side politically. The only way out for Lithuania is to honestly correct its mistakes, stop harming China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and return to the correct path of pursuing the one-China principle. (End)

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