
notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

author:Fingertip ball

As long as there is physical contact sports, that athletes will always erupt conflicts because of various intentional or unintentional reasons, the plot is serious will be directly staged all martial arts, compared to other sports, physical contact in basketball games is obviously more, plus many NBA players are hot tempered people, so the body action is big, the temper comes up, it can not manage so much, direct confrontation, spray garbage + hands.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

So far this season, the NBA has seen several player clashes, such as Jokic and Big Morris, James and pistons' Stewart. In fact, in depth, the root cause of many conflicts in the NBA is because of accidental injuries + bad temper of players, but a considerable part of it is because of deliberate black hands.

Today we will take stock of the top ten vicious brawls in the history of the NBA:

10. Paul and Rondo fight for supremacy

In a regular season game between the Lakers and the Rockets in the 2018-19 season, because he was very unhappy about Harden's foul-making behavior, Ingram deliberately pushed hardened hardened after harden's quick-attack layup, which was fine, and both sides were still relatively restrained, and they stopped under the timely stop of the referee and the players.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Ingram was then pulled to the back by Langzo Ball to wait for punishment, but just a few seconds later, Ingram turned around and rushed to the front, and then punched Chris Paul in the crowd, at the same time, Rondo and Paul also wrestled together, and the two staged a boxing match.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Later, through the camera replay, it turned out that after harden and Ingram were settled, Paul and Rondo, the two old enemies, were still spraying garbage talk to each other. After the game, the majority of fans played back in slow motion only to find that when Paul and Rondo confronted each other to spray garbage, Rondo did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional, the saliva directly sprayed on Paul's face, so Paul could not bear to go directly, not to mention that the two punches were still playing like a model, straight punch, left hook fist, right hook fist These basic punches are used.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

After the clashes, Paul and Rondo were expelled, while Ingram left the field for two technical offenses. After the match, Ingram was suspended for 4 games, Rondo for 3 and Paul for 2.

9, O'Neill was angry and flattened

Don't look at O'Neill as big as he is, but he really can't fight, and every fight is the one who is bullied.

In a regular season game between the Lakers and the Bulls in 2002, O'Neill and Brad Miller have been making small moves under the basket, there was a round, when O'Neill and Miller grabbed each other's rebounds, Oakley hid behind his back and took the opportunity to push O'Neill, so the whole game was violated by small actions, O'Neill thought it was Miller who did it, directly chasing Miller was two fists, but who thought, Miller was not a vegetarian, very agile to avoid O'Neal's fist.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Seeing that O'Neill had hit someone, Oakley and Ron Artest (Ci Shiping) both stepped forward to hug O'Neill in the name of persuasion, at which time Miller, who had been beaten for no reason (although he was not hit), also came up, and turned back to O'Neal and gave two strong fists.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Because O'Neill is too big and very powerful, in this fight, the referee + player + security + coach of more than a dozen people to pull the frame failed to pull O'Neill away.

8. The Kevin Johnson and Doug Rivers affair

One of the protagonists, Doug Rivers, is the current head coach of the 76ers. The incident occurred on March 23, 1993, US time, the Suns' regular season game against the Knicks, when the game was used by experts as a finals preview.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

At the beginning of this game, Sun point guard Rivers and Knicks point guard Kevin Johnson have been fighting, and this has been the case since the beginning, and it is conceivable that something will happen.

When Johnson dealt a sideline ball, Rivers and Johnson were still spitting garbage, when Johnson sent the ball out, Rivers directly went up and bumped into Johnson, and then Rivers blew a few whistles in front of the referee, which angered Johnson, only to see Johnson come up and give Rivers a punch, and then to Rivers chest, fortunately, this conflict was stopped by the referee and the players in time, but this is not over.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

The game continued, in the next round, Rivers was just discovered by Johnson when complaining to the referee about Johnson's small actions, so Johnson remembered it, after the Knicks took the ball, Rivers stepped forward to cover for his teammates, and at this time, Johnson followed up, only to see Johnson lower his shoulders and directly hit Rivers, although the midfield time came, But Rivers could not stand it, he directly rushed to Johnson and wrestled.

Just after the scene was out of control, Greg Anthony, who was sitting on the Knicks bench, stepped on the court and punched Johnson after squirting a few garbage words, and then the two fought again, at this time the rest of the players also came up to help their teammates, it is worth mentioning that Knicks head coach Pat Riley came to pull the rack, but the players also broke his pants.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

After the clashes stopped, a total of six players from both teams were sent off for 12 technical fouls, and the league changed the rules after the game, adding penalties for fighting and leaving the bench during the game.

7. Marcus Cambi vs. Danny Ferry

In the regular season game between the Spurs and the Knicks in the 99-00 season, the Knicks' Danny Ferry accidentally injured Kanby's eye while defending Marcus Canby, and the loss-making Canby immediately rushed to Ferry, but fortunately was pulled apart by their teammates in time.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

After the game, The deeply humiliated Canby still refused to give up, he directly rushed to the Spurs player bus, and threw a fist at Ferry, which happened to hit jeff van Gundy, the head coach who came to fight, Van Gundy was beaten by this punch to the hospital for stitches, and finally after the incident, Camby was banned for 5 games.

alas! Van Gundy is also unlucky, this is not the only time he was injured by mistake, there is another incident later, it is also he who went to fight, and as a result, he was injured by mistake.

6. The Michael Jordan "Jingwumen" incident

The god of basketball is also not a good temper, although he chooses to respond with the deliberate provocations of most players with court performance, but sometimes, Jordan is provoked to hit people.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

On February 10, 1993, local time in the United States, in a regular season match between the Bulls and the Pacers, Pacers guard Pool Richardson launched a quick attack to the basket, Jordan chased the cap behind him, the ball slid out of the basket, Reggie Miller made up the ball in time, the attack and defense of this round was normal, but what was confusing was that Reggie Miller inexplicably pushed Jordan after landing, and this really angered Jordan, so Jordan chased Reggie Miller who ran back, and the two entangled together. Jordan seized an opportunity and punched Miller in the face with an old punch in his right hand, hitting him with a toe.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

It is worth mentioning that after this conflict was stopped, Reggie Miller was expelled by the referee, and Jordan was not only not blown foul, but also stood on the free throw line to execute the free throw. Of course, after the game, the league chose to suspend Jordan for 1 game after watching the game video, and fined him $10,000.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Interestingly, during Reggie Miller's rookie season, he was very unimpressed with Jordan, and in the 1987-88 season, Miller was in a hot state in the first half of a game against the Bulls, scoring 6 more points than Jordan. So Miller flaunted in front of Jordan: "Michael, who do you think you are?" The great Michael Jordan? That's right, there's a new kid on this turf! ”

After Miller successfully provoked Jordan, he was blown up by Jordan in the second half, jordan blasted down 40 points in the second half, while Miller only scored 1 point in the second half. Afterwards, Jordan also taught Miller a lesson: "Remember, be careful, you don't talk to the Black Jesus like you did just now." ”

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

5. Madison Garden Brawl

On December 16, 2006 local time, the Nuggets' game against the Knicks, which was supposed to end with the Nuggets' big score victory, resulted in the Knicks' bench player Marty Collins committing a malicious throat lock foul against Nuggets guard JR Smith who wanted to go to the basket, and Collins did this only because he was angry that the Nuggets had left the starting lineup on the court until then.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Jr was furious after the throat lock, he and Collins began to face each other to spew garbage, and Knicks Nate Robinson saw the situation and gave JR a punch, which angered the Nuggets players, as the team boss Anthony rushed straight up, he put down two Knicks players in a row, and ran after the fist, at this time the whole field was quite chaotic, and then the bench was also involved in the fight.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

In the end, a total of 10 members of the two teams were expelled, and after the game, under Stern's leadership, the league suspended seven players for a total of 47 games, of which Anthony was suspended for 15 games.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Although this conflict is not the most serious in the history of the NBA, it is very landmark, because it witnesses the NBA League's serious handling of fights and fights on the field, and after this fight punishment, the NBA has almost achieved a civilized game, at least not a less serious fight.

4. Larry Bird fights Julius Owen

This is one of the famous scenes in the history of the NBA. This happened in a game between the Celtics and the 76ers at the beginning of the 1984-85 season, when Larry Bird played very well, scoring 42 points in the whole game, and Dr. J of the 76ers played very badly, with only 6 points in the game. It was in this situation that Larry Bird, the "king of trash talk", began his journey to death.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Bird sprayed garbage at Dr. J every time he scored a goal, and finally Dr. J couldn't help it, so he and Bird began to exchange passionate hammers, and under the wrong circumstances, Dr. J's hand just slid to Bird's neck, and then he grabbed Bird's neck. Seeing that he was choked by the neck, Bird immediately grabbed Dr. J's neck as well.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

After the clash broke out, everyone on both sides of the bench rushed to the court, and even a bunch of players were beaten to the floor, the most famous of which was Barkley hugging Bird, and then Dr. J was very angry and beat Bird. In the end, under the photographer's capture, the scene of Bird and Dr. J pinching each other's necks, and the scene where Buckley held Bird and let Dr. J play, were captured and became a classic in history.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

It is worth mentioning that in order to stop the conflict, a referee named Jack Madden at the time also left the court early due to a knee injury, leaving only another referee, Dick Bavita, to blow the penalty alone.

A total of 18 people were fined for the fight in the clash, including 17 players and 76ers coach Billy Cunningham. Irving and Bird were the most heavily fined, both fined $7,500, the second highest in NBA history at the time.

3. Larry Johnson punches Alonzo-Monin

In the 1997-98 playoffs, the Knicks and the Heat met again in the first round, it is worth mentioning that the two sides of the accident Larry Johnson and Alonzo Mourning had a deep contradiction when they were teammates in the Hornets before, so personal grudges + team grudges, this encounter can be described as an enemy meeting, extremely red-eyed.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

In a one-on-one attack and defense, Larry Johnson and Alonzo Morningn wrestled, and when the two staged a full martial arts exercise, because Larry Johnson had practiced boxing, he punched accurately, frequently hitting Morningn in the face, seeing Larry Johnson and Alonzo Morningn fight, the players from both sides who were already bittersweet directly rushed up and began to fight.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

At this time, the unlucky Jeff Van Gundy was unlucky again, as the Knicks head coach, in order to protect his own players, but also in order to control the situation on the court, he actually desperately hugged Mo Ning's thighs, and then was directly dragged by the grumpy Mo Ning on the ground for more than ten meters.

2. The Battle of Auburn Hill Palace

On November 19, 2004 local time, the Pacers' game with the Pistons was about to end in one minute, but at this moment, the fuse appeared, when the Pistons' Ben Wallace tried to make a layup, but was pulled down by Artest (Ci Shiping), and then the already hot-tempered Big Ben directly pushed Artest, so the two teams began to face each other, and the players on the bench also stood up.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Originally, this was almost like this, Artest also left the scene of the conflict, he put the ball on the technical stage, and also lay up, just at this time, a Pistons fan in the stands threw a beer at Artest, and also hit Artest, so Artester caught fire, he got up and rushed to the stands, although he did not know which fan did it, but he did not care, directly caught a fan and hit.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Fans saw that their own fans were beaten by Pacers players and began to riot, at this time, Pacers players Jermaine O'Neal, Stephen Jackson and other good players rushed up to help Artest play fans. Watching their fans being bullied by Pacers players, the Pistons also had players on their side go up to the game.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

A large number of police officers then rushed into the stadium and pulled away the crowd of people fighting. But Artest's side was not over, two small fans wearing piston vests broke into the stadium to provoke Artest, only to be thrown by Artest, another chaos, and then O'Neill Jr. rushed to one of the small fans at high speed and punched down.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

It was common for players to fight each other, but it was the first time that players and fans had fought, and after the incident, the then president of the league, Stern, made the worst punishment in history after repeatedly watching the video, Artest was banned 73 games, Stephen Jackson was banned 30 games, Jermaine O'Neal was banned 15 games, and the rest like Reggie Miller, Billups, Big Ben and others were also banned, a total of 9 players were banned more than 140 games, and the beer thrower was also punished accordingly.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

It is worth mentioning that because of this, the NBA has also suspended a total of 145 games, confiscated a $10 million fine, and revised its stadium policy on security and alcohol sales.

1. "That punch", Tom Janovich's cerebrospinal fluid was punched

The reason why this incident is ranked ahead of auburn hill palaces is not because someone almost died because of this conflict.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

This incident occurred on December 9, 1977, local time in the United States, when it was a game for the Rockets to challenge the Lakers, Lakers player Cormid Washington and Rockets player Kevin Quinnetka scrambled for rebounds, because of the excessive action and conflict, when Lakers center Jabbar also came to participate in the game, and wrestled with Quinnett, while at this time, Komitt Washington stayed behind Jabbar to watch.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Cormidt Washington

Seeing the clash in midfield, Rockets forward Rudy TomJanovic on the court immediately ran up to pull the fight, but his move made Comit think that he was going to fight, so Komidt directly gave Tom Janovic a punch, just this punch hit Tom Janovic in the face, knocking Tom Janovic's face about 1/3 inch (8mm) away from the skull, and fell unconscious in a pool of blood on the spot.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Tom Janovich was beaten instantly

After the examination, it was determined that TomJanovich was actually beaten out of the cerebrospinal fluid, and because of this injury, he also underwent five surgeries in total, removed the tear glands, and even almost died on the operating table.

notorious! In the history of the NBA, the Battle of Auburn Hill ranked second

Because of this accident, TomJanovic's NBA player career eventually ended hastily, and Cormidt's end was also tragic, after all, he played white, and it is said that later his wife went to the hospital to give birth, and no doctors were willing to help. This incident later became an official NBA mention, after all, it was disgraceful, and it was still black people beating white people, and almost killed white people.

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