
He was a French chameleon who had betrayed three dynasties, and Napoleon could do nothing about him!

In the period of bourgeois revolution in the West, there were many famous figures, such as The Emperor Napoleon, who established the French Empire and rode over Europe. Napoleon was able to become emperor smoothly, and naturally could not do without the help of others. And among Napoleon's many men, there was such a political chameleon, Taleran, who had no way to make his emperor take him.

He was a French chameleon who had betrayed three dynasties, and Napoleon could do nothing about him!

Born into an aristocratic family in France, Talleyrand accidentally broke a leg when he was a child, and tallierang spent his life on crutches. Due to his own physical defects, the young Talleyrand entered the seminary and became the abbot and bishop of the local monastery, and it seemed at the time that Talleyrand would eventually become a theologian.

However, as the representative of the priests of the Third Estate Council, Talleyrand was very sensitive to the fact that the rule of the king of his country was in jeopardy. In this case, Tarelang, who came from an aristocratic background, became the vanguard of the revolution, not only helping the revolutionaries at that time to put forward many ideas, but also becoming good friends with the leader of the revolutionary party, Dandong.

He was a French chameleon who had betrayed three dynasties, and Napoleon could do nothing about him!

At the end of 1793, the Jacobins seized power under Robespierre's leadership. Robespierre has a title called the incorruptible man, and will never allow any apostasy or betrayal to exist. Talleyrand felt that he would be killed by this incorruptible man, and fled directly to the United States.

Sure enough, Robespierre staged a coup d'état and executed Danton. This rule lasted until 1794, when Robespierre died in a coup d'état. Talleyrand knew his chance had come and quickly returned to France to become foreign minister of the government at the time. During his tenure, Talleyrand embezzled more than three million francs.

He was a French chameleon who had betrayed three dynasties, and Napoleon could do nothing about him!

Five years later, Talleyrand felt that the current government was weak and incompetent and would inevitably be destroyed directly by the military government. Therefore, Talleyrand joined Napoleon's camp and helped Napoleon in the coup. Talleyrand helped Napoleon prepare for the coup while secretly preparing to escape.

Fortunately, Napoleon's coup was a success, and Talleyrand became an executive of the new government. After Napoleon became emperor, he also knighted Talelang, who became prince of France. Although Talleyrand had gained enough wealth and glory, Talleyrand felt that Napoleon's rule had threatened the whole of Europe, so he decided to betray Napoleon and secretly collude with the anti-French alliance.

He was a French chameleon who had betrayed three dynasties, and Napoleon could do nothing about him!

In 1808, Talleyrand began colluding with Tsarist Russia in preparation for the overthrow of Napoleon's rule. After Napoleon's defeat, Talleyrand also colluded with the restored Bourbon dynasty in time, and in 1815 became the foreign minister of the new dynasty, representing France at the Congress of Vienna. Talleyrand exhausted his means, turning France from a defeated country into one of the five great powers of the Vienna Conference.

However, although the dynasty used Talelang, the left-right sway of Talleyrand had made the royal family feel afraid. The royal family forced Talleyrand to resign on his own, but the royal family did not think that this was exactly what Talleyrand wanted. Talleyrand knew long ago that the restored dynasty would not last, so he once again threw himself into the revolution.

He was a French chameleon who had betrayed three dynasties, and Napoleon could do nothing about him!

In 1830. The July Revolution broke out and the dynasty was once again overthrown. Talleyrand had long since become a member of the revolutionaries, so he once again became a high-ranking official after the coup d'état, serving as ambassador to Britain. In 1838, Talleyrand finally fell ill and died in Paris, ending his chameleon's life. Although many people do not have a high opinion of Talleyrand, he is spurned by his character and praised by his amazing diplomatic talent.

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