
Li Shimin drank the wine given by the prince and vomited a lot of blood, why didn't he die? The reason behind this is little known

Li Shimin wen can rule the country, Wu Ke Dingbang, not only the founder and founder of the three-hundred-year foundation of the Tang Dynasty, but also formed the international system of the Eastern "Heavenly Khan" centered on the Tang Empire. Emperor Wen of Sui ended nearly 300 years of war and chaos, recuperated, emulated the rule of Wenjing, and increased his national strength, while Yang Guang followed Emperor Wu's example in opening up territory, building canals, marching on Goguryeo three times, creating a supreme foundation, and building a great cause that showed his ambition.

Li Shimin drank the wine given by the prince and vomited a lot of blood, why didn't he die? The reason behind this is little known

The public case of Li Shimin being forced to drink poisoned liquor was recorded in the "Old Book of Tang", "New Book of Tang", "Zizhi Tongzhi" and other historical books, which became a powerful evidence for posterity to sympathize with Li Shimin and exonerate him and initiate the Xuanwumen Rebellion to kill his brother and brother.

In the fourth year of Tang Wude (621 AD), after Li Shimin pacified Wang Shichong and Dou Jiande, he stabilized the form of the early Tang Dynasty and gave the Tang Dynasty the capital to unify the world. Under such circumstances, Li Shimin was given the title of General of Tiance and built tiance mansion in Luoyang.

Li Shimin drank the wine given by the prince and vomited a lot of blood, why didn't he die? The reason behind this is little known

Li Yuan's actions made the crown prince Li Jiancheng feel deeply uneasy. The Tang Dynasty Prince, who was also talented in his own right, smelled the danger that his position was likely to be insecure when he saw this scene. In order not to have the same fate as Yang Yong in the previous dynasty, getting rid of Li Shimin is the best choice. But this is extremely dangerous politically, making Li Jiancheng hesitant, so when poisoned, it will lead to insufficient weight.

Suppose you are Li Jiancheng, suppose you decide to poison Li Shimin, will you let Li Shimin live because the amount of poisoned wine is not enough? If you think about it, you will know the truth. It's impossible. And the ancient medical conditions are poor, really someone must be deliberately poisoned, resulting in poisoning, relying on ancient medical means, only waiting for death. If nothing else, food poisoning is now dangerous, not going to the hospital, not to mention how bad the medical conditions in ancient times were? Or was it deliberately poisoned, not food poisoning?

Li Shimin drank the wine given by the prince and vomited a lot of blood, why didn't he die? The reason behind this is little known

So there is only one answer... That is, Li Shimin was not poisoned at all. The reason is very simple, if Li Jiancheng tries to poison Li Shimin in order to keep the throne, remember, it is a struggle for the throne, not a fight for a lollipop! Then the amount of Poisoning li Jiancheng must be very heavy, and it is impossible to be insufficient, so Li Shimin will die. Since Li Shimin did not die, it proved that Li Jiancheng was not poisoned, and Wei Zheng said that the crown prince Jiancheng did not listen to Wei Zheng's suggestion of "attacking Li Shimin", which was enough to support this from the side.

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