
He was one of the three famous generals of the German army, but became an "anti-Nazi fighter"? None of the German generals looked up to him

On October 24, 1917, five hundred soldiers of the "Württemberg Mountain Battalion" shuttled through the Carpathian Mountains, and their offensive was like a bamboo, and finally eliminated 5 Italian regiments, and captured 81 cannons and 9,000 men, while only 19 casualties were inflicted! This was the Battle of Rommel's Fame, the Twelfth Battle of Isonzo. It can be seen that as early as the First World War, the young Rommel already had excellent command skills, of course, it was indispensable to the Italian army, and then Rommel was awarded the highest medal of merit by the German Emperor, which is a great honor.

He was one of the three famous generals of the German army, but became an "anti-Nazi fighter"? None of the German generals looked up to him

After the defeat of Germany in World War I, because of the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, the German army was greatly restricted, first of all, the German officer corps was only allowed to retain 4,000 people, that is to say, many German officers could only be demobilized and leave the army, but Rommel was lucky, and finally he successfully stayed in the army as a junior officer, of course, there should be his performance on the battlefield. In 1933, the Nazis came to power, and Rommel was finally promoted from captain to major, and in 1934, Rommel's troops were reviewed by the leaders of the country at that time, which was also the first time Rommel met with Hitler, but this time Hitler did not notice the soldier, but the then propaganda minister Goebbels saw Rommel. In 1935, Rommel became a lieutenant colonel, and during the year he went to many military academies to serve as lecturers and rectors, and published a book called The Infantry Attack, which Hitler finally discovered after reading this book.

He was one of the three famous generals of the German army, but became an "anti-Nazi fighter"? None of the German generals looked up to him

In 1936, Rommel became responsible for protecting the Führer's security and began to contact the Leadership of Germany at the time, in 1937 Rommel was promoted to colonel and conducted national military training, and in 1938, Rommel was appointed by Hitler as commander of the Führer's Guard, and the following days were inseparable from the Führer. Why did Rommel rise so slowly during this time? You must know that he was a hero of the First World War.

He was one of the three famous generals of the German army, but became an "anti-Nazi fighter"? None of the German generals looked up to him

This is actually very easy to understand, that is, the Ministry of Defense does not want to see him, and the main reason why he does not want to see him is because he is from a civilian background! This was important because even later Rommel's appointment as field marshal did not change, which was the class status gap divided by the German nobility at that time, and they were very repulsive to these officers who were not aristocratic. On the contrary, he admired Hitler very much, because he believed that Hitler had excavated those civilian officers, and the two of them usually talked very happily, after all, there was something in common, that is, they hated those aristocratic officers, which was why Hitler wanted to support Rommel later.

He was one of the three famous generals of the German army, but became an "anti-Nazi fighter"? None of the German generals looked up to him

In 1939, although he had been promoted to major general, Rommel was still unable to command the army, and was still responsible for Hitler's security until 1940, because Rommel was strongly eager to return to the army, return to the battlefield, and catch up with Germany at that time to plan the French campaign, so at that time, the army considered his previous combat experience, decided to arrange him to the mountain division as a command, but he was very unhappy, directly said that he wanted to command the armored division, the result was directly rejected by the army Rommel could only go to the Fuehrer again, and later with the intervention of the Fuehrer, Rommel finally got his wish and became the commander of the Seventh Panzer Division.

He was one of the three famous generals of the German army, but became an "anti-Nazi fighter"? None of the German generals looked up to him

The Seventh Panzer Division commanded by Rommel shined on the battlefield, but it was also recorded by the military top brass because of various acts of disrespect, but in the end they were all blocked by Hitler, which made the officer corps look down on him even more. After the end of the Battle of France, Rommel was promoted to lieutenant general, and hitler was selected as the commander of the Afrika Korps, and because of the defeat of the British army, he was promoted to general in January 1942, and in June 1942, Rommel captured Tobruk, Hitler directly promoted him to field marshal, to be honest, this marshal was too watery, many more prestigious, more successful veterans did not take rockets like him, so this also caused many senior generals to be dissatisfied, saying that he was "only worthy of being a division commander".

He was one of the three famous generals of the German army, but became an "anti-Nazi fighter"? None of the German generals looked up to him

It turned out that there was nothing wrong with what these veterans said, and later Rommel's mistakes could be seen that he lacked a grasp of the overall situation of the battle and paid more attention to the immediate battle. The relationship between Rommel and the Nazis has always been ambiguous, because he showed little interest in the Nazis, but he was loyal to Hitler, of course, this may be the so-called German military spirit? Later, there was an assassination, involving Rommel, and the Fuehrer finally gave Rommel only two choices, either to be tried, most likely to be discredited or dead, or to commit suicide with honor, Rommel chose the latter, because he knew that he had also seen how many people could escape death as long as they were involved in such a thing? He had to choose that way for his family. Hitler ordered a state funeral for Rommel, who was also a hero of Nazi Germany.

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