
The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

In 2018, the registration information activity of retired soldiers was carried out throughout the country.

Heroes from the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the period of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea emerged one after another.

The appearance of these heroes clarifies the previously blurred historical picture and rejoins the fragments in the history books.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

Through the description of the words, they will restore the thrilling battle scene, not for the sake of merit, only for their comrades-in-arms not to be forgotten, only for history not to be distorted.

They are veterans and the cutest people.

Ordinary life after being discharged from the army

Cai Xinghai is a veteran, and everyone in the family knows it.

However, Cai Xinghai did not like to tell children about his experience on the battlefield.

In his view, living in the moment is the most important thing.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

Growing up against the hatred of history does not actually bring benefits to the growth of children.

As long as the child can grow into a person of integrity, enthusiasm, and benefit to society, he will be satisfied.

As a result, the children are not clear about his past experiences.

In 1981, Cai Xinghai changed careers.

After changing careers, Comrade Cai successively worked in the timber company, mechanical and electrical company and other units.

With his tenacious spirit of perseverance and perseverance, he led the company to break through the difficulties again and again, and created myths again and again.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

When in the timber company, in order to complete the tasks set by the superiors,

He took his subordinates to run a lot of timber companies against the cold wind, said that he broke his tongue, tried everything he could, and finally achieved his goal.

When he arrived at the mechanical and electrical company, Comrade Cai was in danger and was ordered to reverse the loss situation.

Not broken, not standing.

After taking office, he immediately led his subordinates to reform the system, personally practiced, and fully mobilized the enthusiasm of employees.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

For so many years, Comrade Cai has been adhering to a clean and honest work style, and has never used his special status to make a small profit.

His father was seriously ill, and Comrade Cai had no choice but to drive the bus home.

Originally, according to the regulations, this situation was a special situation, and it was completely possible to apply for exemption from fuel fees.

However, Comrade Cai still insisted on making up for the fuel cost and leading by example.

Even if the state awarded him a bonus, he resolutely did not want it.

"Money is spent on the blade." He felt that by rejecting a bonus, the state would be able to distribute the money to those who needed it more.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

Whether at work or at home, he has led by example, set a good example for future generations, and strived not to discredit veterans.

His subordinates and children just felt that Cai Xinghai was an admirable elder.

Subordinates feel that the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and tiredness that he fully carries forward in his work is the continuation of the fighting spirit.

Children feel that the gentleness and delicacy of the family may be another form of caring for the masses.

But they never thought that "Huang Jiguang" and "Qiu Shaoyun" in history textbooks lived next to them.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

Brush the "yellow paper" of the circle of friends

In 2018, Cai Xinghai decided to respond to the government's call to participate in the information collection activities for retired soldiers, so he came to a civil affairs bureau in Shaanxi Province.

He was simply and cleanly dressed, with a head of hair "dyed" by snow, his face covered with wrinkles, and he trembled as he watched the people in the office open their mouths.

"Excuse me, is the veteran information registration here?"

The staff saw that the old man explained his intentions, so he quickly got up to entertain the old man.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

"Yes, please sit down."

The staff helped the old man to sit down and patiently explained to the old man in front of him.

"It's such a great uncle, now the state lets you re-register the veteran information, but you need to prove it, do you bring something?"

"Yes, yes!" Although the old man is old, his mind is very clear and he is not confused at all.

After listening to the staff's explanation, the old man slowly pulled out a yellowed piece of paper.

Under the gaze of everyone, the old man gently unfolded the paper, afraid of breaking him.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

The staff was puzzled to see that the old man cared so much about this paper.

"This is my treasure, and if it weren't for this national call, I wouldn't have let others see it."

After seeing what was written on the paper, the staff instantly understood why the old man was so precious, and was also shocked by the identity of the old man.

A thin piece of yellow paper, the crease is obvious, there is a crack on the left side, and the right side seems to have left some marks due to dampness.

The handwriting on the paper has not faded with the passage of time.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

The red font is still legible.

The old man in front of him was awarded the title of second-level hero for special merit.

And the names that appear on this paper with the old man are also the heroes we are familiar with to aiding The DPRK - Huang Jiguang and Qiu Shaoyun.

The person who awarded the title of old man was our founding general Xu Shiyou!

The staff immediately realized that the real identity of the old man was definitely not simple.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

After obtaining the consent of the old man, the staff sent this credit order letter to their circle of friends.

For a time, this circle of friends received a lot of likes from friends.

The Shaanxi government also heard about the old man, and hastily consulted the old man's file and contacted the military region to check the old man's identity.

After confirming that there was no mistake, the military region hurriedly arranged for people to visit the door.

Who is this old man? Why has it attracted the great attention of the government and military regions?

What the hell did he go through?

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

"Yesterday" of the Bloody Struggle

Cai Xinghai, a native of Jingyang, Shaanxi. His parents were honest farmers.

The family depended on the meagre arable land to survive.

At the beginning of 1949, Shaanxi was liberated under the leadership of Peng Dehuai, and the peasants' lives were greatly improved.

At that time, Cai Xinghai was still a young man who had just come of age.

Although he is not very old, he has great ambitions and only wants to contribute to the happiness of the people.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

After our party liberated northern Shaanxi, it became famous in the local area.

Cai Xinghai was extremely touched to see that our party truly served the people, and officially became a glorious communist party member under the guidance of his predecessors.

After the founding of New China, the domestic situation remained unstable.

In particular, the terrain in the southwest is complex, and there are still some remnants of the Kuomintang.

The Kuomintang was dying and struggling, and used the terrain to support a large number of bandit forces in an attempt to reverse the situation.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

In order to completely eliminate the remnants of the Kuomintang, our party sent a large number of troops to quell the bandits.

Cai Xinghai, who had just joined the army, was one of them.

Under the leadership of the party, he came to the eastern Sichuan region to fight.

Fourteen years of experience in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression have accumulated valuable guerrilla warfare experience for our army.

Where have the bandits coming out of the ravine seen such a scene?

It did not take long for our army to successfully complete the mission and annihilate more than 20,000 bandits.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

At that time, although Cai Xinghai had just joined the army and had no experience in fighting, he trained very hard and was extremely talented.

Therefore, in the operation of suppressing bandits, he completed the task with extraordinary courage and wisdom.

"In fact, at the beginning, I didn't have a bottom in my heart, but the overall strength of our party is very strong, so the more I fight, the more confident I am."

After the end of this mission, Comrade Xinghai was awarded the honorary title of second class meritorious service.

This is a great honor for new recruits who have just entered the army.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

This honor gave Cai Xinghai great motivation and strengthened his confidence in defending his family and defending the country.

Not long after, the Korean War broke out, and Cai Xinghai took the initiative to participate in the war.

"This is a real war, and it's completely different from the kind of bandit war I participated in before."

"In contrast, the previous war against bandits was like a joke."

"This time the whole thing is not good, it will really be in danger of life."

Cai Xinghai knew very well what it meant for them to go to the Korean battlefield.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

At that time, the new China had just been founded for a few years, and it was difficult to develop military strength at home and abroad.

But they were confronted by the United States, tanks, artillery, bombers, everything.

But he was a soldier of the new China, and there were still thousands of people waiting behind him for his protection, how could he retreat?

At that time, the squad leader was injured, and in order to improve the operational efficiency, Comrade Cai, as the deputy squad leader, brought eight other comrades to the combat heights and swore to defend the highlands to the death.

Opposite them are the heavily assembled US troops, and behind them are the expectations of the motherland and the people.

The 9 warriors resisted stubbornly, but in the end they could not withstand the enemy's heavy weapons.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

In a hurry, Cai Xinghai had a flash of inspiration and thought of an excellent way to attack.

"Blow up! Comrades, hit the air! ”

As the name suggests, this method of combat is to make the grenade explode in the air to increase the lethality of the grenade.

But this method is extremely demanding for soldiers.

They must accurately grasp the time that the grenade stays in their hands, otherwise it will bring fatal damage to our army.

Under the command of the deputy squad leader, the remaining 8 fighters were also familiar with this way of fighting.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

In order to reduce innocent casualties, Cai Xinghai also refused troop assistance, only requesting reinforcements of grenades.

Under his leadership, our army successfully annihilated more than four hundred enemy troops.

But only three members of our army were slightly wounded.

Cai Xinghai's record spread to the central government, so he won the honor of a second-class hero.

After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Comrade Xinghai took the initiative to apply to go to the motherland's frontier and was stationed in Qinghai-Tibet for more than ten years, making great contributions to the stability of China's frontiers.

A few years later, he changed careers for medical reasons.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

Grandpa Cai said that he had been hiding it for decades, first, he did not want his descendants to live with the suffix of "heroic children";

Second, I don't want to cause trouble to the country and society.

Most importantly, many of his friends were left in the smoke.

He didn't want to use the sacrifices of his friends as a primer for the comfortable life he has now.

The 90-year-old man in Shaanxi registered, took out a meritorious deed book to frighten everyone, and the identity exposure attracted attention

Once upon a time, we thought heroes would only emerge in the war years.

But the appearance of Cai Xinghai made us realize that we were wrong.

In the era of war, they defended their homeland, charged ahead, and bet their lives to fight for us to have a bright future;

In peacetime, they are anonymous, do not ask for anything in return, live their lives in obscurity, and do not want to become a burden on the country.

They stood in front of us, then and now, to shield us from the wind and rain.

Hats off to veterans! Hail to all the unsung heroes of the world!

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