
The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

author:I'm a codeword

How can a film and television drama succeed, excellent plot collocation with the same excellent actors is the basic operation, of which whether the performance of some props, sets and other details in the film and television drama is also an important factor.

Details determine success or failure, if there are often loose details in film and television dramas, they will be laughed at by the audience, which in turn will affect word of mouth and ratings. If the details in the film and television drama are very rigorous, of course, they will be praised by the audience and fed back to word of mouth.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

The hit drama "Rebel" is a more rigorous work in details, some details are even exquisite to the point of outrage, especially worth mentioning that many details in the play are not only rigorous, but also very suitable for the environment of the year, so that some knowledgeable viewers can't help but marvel.

This article takes stock of the rigorous details of Rebel.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

1. Newspapers

In the play, there were newspapers such as Nanjing Minbao, Jinling Times, Declaration and Damei Evening News, which actually existed and had great influence.

One of the things to note is the "Damei Evening News", which appears several times in the play, or the secret code of Lin Nansheng and Zhu Yizhen, this newspaper was founded by foreigners and had a fairly good circulation in the concession, especially the Chinese edition often published some anti-Japanese articles.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

In 1939, Zhu Yigong, the Chinese editor of the Damei Evening News, was assassinated by one of Chen Moqun's prototypes, Ding Mo Estate, for serializing the "History of Han Traitors".

Therefore, the author speculates that the reason why "Rebel" has made "Damei Evening News" appear many times may also have the meaning of paying tribute to its predecessors.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

2. Books

When Lin Nansheng, alias Xu Liwen, lurked around Zhu Yizhen, some Chinese and foreign books appeared in the camera, including "Grass Leaf Collection", "Ocean Current Collection", "Father and Son", "Hunter's Notes", "Noble House" and so on.

The author focuses on four books, one is the code "Biography of Madame Bohuali" that Lao Ji used to contact Zhu Yizhen, which is the Republic of China translation of Flaubert's novel "Madame Bovary".

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

The other is the code name Lucien Lou Wan, which Zhu Yizhen used to contact Gu Shenyan, which is another translation of Stendhal's work "Red and White", and the sister article of the book is the famous "Red and Black". Therefore, Zhu Yizhen and Gu Shenyan's joint code words contain these two books.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

Lin Nansheng went to Zhu Yizhen's home to recuperate, and the book that Zhu Yizhen showed him was Fadeyev's "Destruction", while Zhu Yizhen's own book was "Iron Flow".

These two books appear in the same scene, what do you think?

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

In the Chinese textbook of that year, there was an article written by Ah Lei in honor of Mr. Lu Xun's "One Side", which was sold for one piece four in the Neishan Bookstore, and "Tie Liu" translated by Cao Jinghua sold for one piece and eight, and Ah Lei could not afford to buy it, so Mr. Lu Xun only received one yuan and sold him two books.

Mr. Lu Xun died in 1936, Ale's "One Side" was written in 1936, and Lin Nansheng went to Zhu Yizhen's house to recuperate in "Rebels" also occurred in 1936. Perhaps, these two books appearing in the play at the same time also have the meaning of commemorating Mr. Lu Xun.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

3. Documents

"Rebels" often appear in the special of various documents, of which Lin Nansheng appears the most often, whether it is his or Gu Shenyan's documents, the degree of rigor is quite high.

These documents are in line with the usage of the year in terms of format, wording, and writing, and can almost be said to be highly restored, although it is not a surprise, but it is also remarkable.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

Fourth, food

Gu Shenyan discovers that Wang Zhi is secretly imprisoned at the Chase Hostel, and one of the clues is that Chen Moqun's driver Lao Huang ate "Meijia Raw Fried", which is a very Shanghainese cuisine.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

Gu Shenyan and Lao Ji ate eel noodles when they joined, and Lao Ji comforted Gu Shenyan when he made him a hometown silver carp head tofu pot, which are typical Jiangnan cuisine.

Of course, after Lin Nansheng arrived in Chongqing, he ate the local special food hot pot.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

Five, coffee

In the process of Lin Nansheng and Zhu Yizhen's interaction, the number of times on-lenin coffee appeared was particularly large, and some netizens expressed that they did not understand, what does this Onle mean?

In fact, Onle also has a name called "Ore Coffee", which is a typical French coffee, which is simply milk coffee, but the ratio of milk to coffee is different from latte.

Onle is the name of this coffee in the Republic of China, Lin Nansheng and Zhu Yizhen dated in the French Concession Xiafei Road Canker Café, the café should of course be the best of course Onlie.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

Sixth, basketball

Zhu Yizhen was a referee of basketball games in Shenjiang University, and some netizens could not help but wonder, there was a basketball game at that time?

In fact, basketball games were introduced to China at the end of the nineteenth century, entered the National Games in 1910, and women's basketball was listed as an official competition in 1924, so it was perfectly normal for basketball to appear on the campus of Shenjiang University in Shanghai in 1936.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

It is worth mentioning that the basketball court drawing line of Shenjiang University in the play is very different from the modern court, the most obvious of which is that there is no three-point line, because the three-point line in the basketball game only appeared in the American ABA in the sixties after World War II, and entered the American NBA in the 1980s, so Shanghai in 1936 certainly did not have the concept of three points.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

7. Weapons

The weapon that appears the most often in "Rebel" is the pistol, of which the pistol model appeared when Lin Nansheng first entered the Shanghai station: 1911, that is, the famous American M1911 pistol, which is a classic pistol used for hundreds of years, generally military-oriented, the Revival Society and the military command belong to the military department, and the use of M1911 is also a normal choice.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

The most surprising weapon in "Rebel" is the anti-tank rifle, Gu Shenyan found it for Lin Nansheng to snipe Chen Moqun, the gun recoil is extremely large, so Lin Nansheng put a cushion on the shoulder in use to protect the shoulder, and after the gun was fired, the huge recoil still pushed Lin Nansheng back several steps, this detail design can almost score full marks, because Lin Nansheng is also the first time to use this gun, no experience, but also led to a bullet deflection.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

The most surprising weapon in "Rebel" is the shell gun, which is the "mirror box" or "twenty rings" that often appear in various war dramas, and the "fast and slow machine" in Li Yunlong's mouth.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

The original imported barge gun has a long holster, which can be used as a stock by the barge gun grip, at which time this pistol that can be fired continuously becomes a submachine gun. Lin Nansheng prepared this gun when he assassinated Chen Moqun in the press office, but unfortunately he quickly ran out of bullets.

This kind of scene of converting a shell gun into a submachine gun is rare in film and television dramas, so it can be regarded as a surprising detail.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

8. Medical treatment

Lin Nansheng was shot in the lung and was sent to a Hong Kong hospital for treatment. When he woke up, Zuo Qiuming, who took care of him, dipped a cotton swab in water to apply to Lin Nansheng's lips, and patients could not drink water after general major surgery, especially after open abdominal surgery, so this detail was very realistic.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

In the process of lung rehabilitation, Lin Nansheng often holds a balloon to blow, and also jokes with Zuo Qiuming, the balloon is a tool for lung exercise, and it is also very in line with Lin Nansheng's illness and treatment process, and this method is often used in modern clinics.

Of course, Zhu Yilong's acting skills in these scenes of lung injury are also real, and his laborious breathing and hoarse wheezing are very expressive, and even the audience can't help but feel that it is difficult to breathe.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

9. Scenes

The plot of "Rebel" is mainly concentrated in Shanghai, and other regions include Hong Kong, Jiaxing, Chongqing and other places, and the details of the play are very well expressed when showing the sets in various places.

When Lin Nansheng was in Hong Kong, not only did his colleagues operate a standard Hong Kong Pu, but lin Nansheng also had an electric fan in his room, Hong Kong was hotter than Shanghai after all, and the setting of this electric fan was very suitable for the scene, and suddenly brought the audience's perception from East China to South China.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

When Lin Nansheng was transferred to Chongqing, there were not only those undulating streets in the play, but also a scene that was very important in Chongqing during the War of Resistance, the air raid shelter.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chongqing was bombed by the Japanese for more than two hundred times in more than five years, and going to the air raid shelter to hide bombing was almost a compulsory course for Chongqing citizens, so Lin Nansheng and Lan Xinjie also took the audience to experience it, but the environment of the Chongqing air raid shelter was not as spacious as in the play.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

10. Fiat currency

When the plot of "Rebels" advanced to the Liaoshen Campaign, Meng Annan and Zhu Yizhen hung a sign at the door of the grocery store opened by the cover liaison station: the price was different sooner or later, and the moment was a word. This shot flashes by, but the design is very well placed.

The Liaoshen Campaign occurred in 1948, it was the period of rapid collapse of the legal tender of the National Government, because the depreciation rate of the legal tender was too fast, the same amount of money may be able to buy two fritters in the morning, and only one can be bought at night, so many shops do not dare to clearly mark the price, can only negotiate in person, and even some shops prefer barter rather than legal tender.

The sign at the door of Shen Ji's grocery store seems inconspicuous, but the audience familiar with history can understand it at a glance and know what the screenwriter wants to say.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

It may be that the screenwriter is still worried that some viewers will not understand, so "Rebel" also arranged for a citizen to hold a bunch of legal tender to the store to buy things, at this time the legal tender has not completely collapsed, so she only needs to hold a few stacks of money on the line, and later estimated that she will have to carry a sack of money.

The above is the author's summary of some of the more rigorous details in "Rebel", and the end of this article will say a song.

The rebels are as rigorous as the stunning details, The Column, basketball, the shell gun

When the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was won in the play, accompanied by Lin Nansheng's memories and excited tears, a song appeared in the voiceover: "The Great Wall is long, and the outside of the Great Wall is the hometown", this song is called "Ballad of the Great Wall", which is an episode of a movie "Guanshan Wanli" that year, during the War of Resistance, this song was sung to the Chinese places around the world, inspiring countless enthusiastic young people.

"Ballad of the Great Wall" was once used as the background music for the promotional film of Beijing's bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, but it did not appear too many times in film and television dramas, and "Rebel" used the song very well.

"Forty million compatriots have the same heart, the new Great Wall is ten thousand miles long."

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