
17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

author:Chef of the world
17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

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Fried grilled bluefish head and tail

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

"When it comes to the head and tail of fried grilled blue fish, the elderly in their seventies still can't help but drool: the fish meat is a strange date red, the meat is tight but very smooth and tender, take a piece of fish head in the mouth and suck it, not only can suck out the fish brain, but also make the fish meat and the skull automatically separated, which is really mouth-watering.

How delicious is this dish? Legend has it that in the early years of the Republic of China, Kang Youwei traveled to study, and when he accidentally tasted this dish, he was immediately 'conquered'. After eating, he also deliberately took out a paper fan and wrote 'Confidant of Hai memory, little brother Kang Youwei', and gave it to Huang Runsheng, the stove head who cooked this dish, which made a good story of the intersection of literati and famous chefs.

Unfortunately, very few people today have tasted such a delicacy. Because this dish is extremely particular about the details of the operation, many masters try to save trouble and will cut corners in the steps, which can cause a gap of thousands of miles. Over time, a variety of unruly cooking methods have taken up most of the food and beverage industry, while the truly precise techniques have been lost. ”

From the name, we know that this dish uses two techniques of "frying and grilling". The flesh of the blue fish is extremely tender and easy to deform, "when it tastes, it is broken in shape, and when it is tangible, it is not tasted." "This is a technical problem that many chefs can't overcome when making this dish.

In fact, to solve this problem, you only need to master two points: one is to fry the skin and not the meat when frying the green fish, so as to avoid the fish from getting old; the other is to use the unique cooking technique of Yu cuisine when grilling fish meat - "grate grill", which has sufficient taste and can maintain its shape. "Grate grill" belongs to a kind of "pickpocket", the biggest feature is that the bamboo grate under the raw material is padded with anti-paste, and the porcelain plate is buckled on top to prevent deformation.

Selection: 2.5 kg for the standard Yellow River growth is the most fragrant

For this dish to be smooth and tender, the type of bluefish is important. First of all, we must choose 2.5 pounds of bluefish that grow for more than 1 year. Such a large blue fish texture is tight, pressing the flesh can immediately bounce back to the original, elasticity is sufficient. The meat of the blue fish under 2.5 kg is too tender, and it is easy to crush into small pieces after cooking, and the product is not formed.

In addition, it is best to choose the blue fish that grow in the Yellow River. The Yellow River has many bends, the impact of the water flow is large, and the oxygen and nutrients are very rich, which makes the Yellow River bluefish fat and thick, and there is no peculiar smell, the fish meat is white, and the scales are shiny.

Slaughter: Gently rub the belly to remove the black film

At present, among the common fish ingredients on the table, there is a black film on the inner wall of the blue fish and silver carp. This mucous membrane is very bitter, and because it is close to the inner wall of the fish, it requires extra care when removing it.

The correct treatment method is as follows: the blue fish scrapes the scales, opens the chamber to remove the internal organs, opens the fish belly to see this layer of black mucosa, at this time you need to put the blue fish under the running water, while rinsing while rubbing the black film with your fingers before and after the belly, slowly rubbing the black film off. Do not use a knife to scrape or use fingernails to cut, otherwise it will not only destroy the smooth appearance of the fish, but also very easily lead to the final dish being broken into small pieces.

Change the knife: dig the fish into pieces

The bluefish cut off its head and tail, split it in two from the spine, and then put the two pieces of fish together, and every 2 centimeters, cut the whole fish body into 12 pieces. When many masters change the knife, the knife face is perpendicular to the cutting board, and I recommend that the knife surface be tilted over, at a 45-degree angle to the cutting board, and cut it diagonally. This method of cutting is also called "digging" in Yu cuisine, and this step is also called "digging fish blocks".

The "dug" fish pieces have a large cross-section, revealing more fish flesh and making it easier to taste. In addition, the texture of the fish can be clearly seen on the cutting surface, which is very good.

The decapitated fish head unfolds and lays flat, and three knives are cut upward from the gills, dividing the fish head into four pieces, but the mouths of the fish are connected.

The tail of the fish is also split into three pieces with two knives, and the bottom end of the tail is connected.

Frying: Only fry the skin and do not fry the meat

Lard and fish have always been a perfect match, which can add animal flavor to fish and make its taste more moist. When frying green fish, it is also indispensable to the good partner of lard. When the lard is 40% hot, add it to the fish head and fry the side with the skin facing down. This frying method can leave the fish brain in the fish head, the fish brain is the most umami part of the fish, keep the fish brain, you can keep the umami taste of the blue fish. At the same time as the head of the fish, the tail is added, and only one side is fried. Let the surface be slightly crusted and fragrant.

After that, start frying the fish cubes. Fish pieces washed without pickling, piece by piece into the pot, only fry this side with fish skin, keep 40% hot oil and fry for about 1 minute, the fish skin color is golden, become firm and not fragile, you can get out of the pan.

The main role of fried blue fish is to make the fish meat into shape, and only the skin of the fish can achieve this effect. Fish does not need to be fried, otherwise it will lose its tender taste.

Grate grill: set on high fire, taste in small heat

The fried blue fish is about to enter the grate steaking link. Many masters know that when grilling grates, they need to "put a button on the grate, enough to pick up 20 points", but they still can't make the blue fish achieve the best taste. Because of the success of grate grilling, the heat plays a decisive role, simply put, it is first boiled on high heat to set the shape, and then small heat into the full flavor.

During operation, first take 3 pieces of bamboo grate and place them on the bottom of the pot, and sprinkle 100 grams of winter shoots and 150 grams of shiitake mushroom slices on the bamboo grate.

Then the fried fish is placed next to each other on top of the winter shoots and shiitake mushrooms, the fish meat is facing up, the skin is facing down, and the tail of the fish needs to be fried side down, and the grate is spelled into a complete fish shape. When grilling, winter shoots and shiitake mushrooms will be fragrant, and placing them under the fish helps the fish to fully absorb their aroma.

Sprinkle green onions and ginger slices on the fish, and be sure not to put garlic, the garlic flavor will cover the umami taste of the fish.

Add 300 grams of broth to a boil, add 20 grams of soy sauce, 20 grams of cooking wine, 10 grams of vinegar (as the sauce continues to heat, vinegar will continue to volatilize, and when the final product is produced, only a little soft breath is left, that is, the best state), sugar 8 grams, salt 5 grams, sugar 5 grams, pepper noodles 2 grams, lard 100 grams, mix and boil, pour on the fish meat, to ensure that it can just pass the fish meat.

Immediately buckle a porcelain plate to cover the whole fish optimally, and then move the pot to the heat.

Start by firing on a large fire. The sauce in the pot will gush out large bubbles, and the tumbling bubbles can be faintly seen on the edge of the dish, keep this state on high heat for 3-5 minutes, so that the fish can shrink and set. Many masters make fish meat that is crushed as soon as it is clipped, or the shape of the fish meat is soft and collapsed, precisely because the fire is not enough time to set the shape.

After the stereotype, then change the small fire, at this time open the porcelain plate, you can see that there are small bubbles on the surface of the juice uninterruptedly bubbling out, after the porcelain plate is buckled, the edge of the plate is basically no waves, keep this state with a small fire for 20 minutes. The main purpose of this step is to flavor the fish and turn the flesh of the fish into a date red. It takes 20 minutes to ensure the best taste of the fish.

Open the plate, add 2 grams of MONOS glutamate and mix well, then use a colander to insert the bamboo grate from the bottom, and hold it out in its entirety, so as not to destroy the shape of the fish, at this time the soup of the grilled fish remains in the pot.

Remove the plate from the fish and take a new plate and buckle it upside down on the meat.

With the skill of turning the pot, the whole fish is turned into the plate, and then the bamboo grate is removed, and the dishes on the plate are not scattered and chaotic, maintaining the original beautiful shape.

Sauce: The sauce does not hook the natural stickiness of the taste

There is still one last step left – pouring the juice.

Some of the chefs made the meat of the blue fish is very tender, but it has a mushy feeling when eaten, because it is hooked in the juice.

This dish pays attention to "self-made soup", the thick soup is completely obtained by collecting the juice from the high heat: the original juice of the grilled fish in the pot is boiled, kept on high heat for 2-3 minutes, the juice is constantly scooped up with a stir-fry spoon when it is cooked, when the juice is slowly dripped, forming a long line, and then poured into the 60% hot salad oil 25 grams to mix well, and finally poured on the fish meat.

One brother sauerkraut fish

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

Sauerkraut fish is not a new dish, but it is a very popular hot dish. But in a restaurant in Shenzhen, the initial processing method of fish, the sizing method, and the treatment method of sauerkraut and sour radish have unique tips.

Although the store can only set 50 tables, since its opening, this dish can sell at least 70 servings a day, which shows how hot it is.

Three highlights of sauerkraut fish processing:

1 Soak in brine and whisk

In the past, when making sauerkraut fish, the fillets were rinsed directly with water for a long time, but now we soak and whip the fillets in brine water to make the fillets whiter and more elastic.

2 Beer syrup fillets for a better taste.

In the regular syrup fillets, everyone chose water or green onion and ginger water, and we chose beer. Beer not only masks the fishy smell of fillets, but also makes the texture of the fish more tender.

3 Secondary processing of sauerkraut and sour radish.

Unlike the Sichuanese, we don't have the conditions to pickle sauerkraut and sour radish, so they are all sourced from the market. The sauerkraut and sour radish sold on the market are much worse than the taste of the Sichuan people themselves, the saltiness is also large, the sour taste is not so pure, if it is directly used to make sauerkraut fish, the taste is not good. Therefore, in order to better reflect the taste of sauerkraut and sour radish, we must reprocess them.

How is this "one brother sauerkraut fish" made? Take a look now.

Step 1 "Wash" the fillets

Take 1 grass carp (weighing about 1500 grams) and slaughter it, cut the fish slices into 0.2 cm thick slices, pour them into a basin, rinse with running water for 15 minutes, pour the water out, re-inject the water over the fillets, add 10 grams of salt, whisk in one direction for about 3 minutes, fish out the fillets, rinse well.

Step 2; Fillet sizing

Use a dry towel to absorb the water, add 250 grams of beer, 5 grams of salt, whisk in one direction until the fish meat absorbs all the beer, then add 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2-3 grams of white pepper powder, beat evenly, put in the windmill corn starch 20 grams of scratch and mix evenly, then add raw eggs 1 scratch and mix evenly.

Step 3 Secondary processing of sauerkraut and sour radish

1. 300 grams of Sichuan sauerkraut purchased on the market soaked in water until there is no salt taste, fished out and cut into segments; put 20 grams of salad oil in the pot, burn until it is 50% hot, add 10 grams of green onion, ginger slices, garlic slices, 5 grams of dried chili peppers, and then add 20 grams of pickled wild peppers to fry out the spicy flavor, put in the sauerkraut and stir-fry the dried water and then out of the pot.

2. Open the mouth of the pickles purchased on the market, take out 200 grams of sour radish and cut into 2 cm square pieces, rinse off the salt with water.

3. Put 50 grams of salad oil in the pot, when it is 50% hot, put in the pickled ginger slices in the pickled radish 50 grams, dried peppercorns 2 grams, dried pepper knots 3 grams, fragrant leaves 1 gram in the medium heat and simmer, put in the soaked sour radish and stir-fry evenly, add oyster sauce and Mitamei soy sauce 10 grams each to taste, cook 20 grams of flower carving wine, pour in the bone broth without sour radish, put into the bottle of bubble bell pepper 20 grams, simmer for 30 minutes, pour in 50 grams of red oil, and only use sour radish from the fire.

Step 4 Cook well

1. Cut the fish bones into large pieces, put them in boiling water and blanch them thoroughly.

2. Put 50 grams of salad oil in the pot, when it is 50% hot, add 10 grams of shallots, ginger slices, garlic slices, 5 grams of dried chili pepper knots, stir-fry the sauerkraut, sour radish, fish bones, sauté over medium heat to produce a sour and refreshing taste, pour in 100 grams of white vinegar, 2 kg of bone broth, bring to a boil, use salt, chicken powder 15 grams each, white pepper powder 5 grams to taste, fish out sauerkraut, sour radish and fish bones, put into a large bowl, then remove the end of the pot from the fire, put in the fish fillets, soak until the fish fillets are nine ripe, fish out the fish fillets and put them into the container. Pour the broth into the container.

3. Put 50 grams of salad oil into another pot, add 50 grams of minced garlic when it is 50% hot, sauté until the minced garlic becomes golden brown, add 20 grams of flower peppers, 20 grams of green and hangzhou pepper rings, 5 grams of dried chili festivals (the amount is adjusted according to the degree of spiciness of diners) and stir-fry, pour on the fish fillets, pour 5 grams of vine pepper oil, sprinkle 1 gram of stir-fried white sesame seeds and coriander.

Alpine sweet beans stewed with fresh scallops

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

raw material:

Alpine sweet beans 200 grams, fresh shellfish 300 grams, green pepper rings, red pepper rings 25 grams each, garlic 10 grams.


Fresh soup 200 ml, salt 3 g, chicken essence 2 g, rapeseed oil 30 ml.


1. Cook the scallops in boiling water, remove the washed sediment and set aside.

2. Heat the pot, pour in the rapeseed oil and cook, add the minced garlic and stir-fry, then add the sweet beans and stir-fry, then add the fresh soup, fresh scallops, green pepper rings, red pepper rings, salt and chicken essence, boil and put them in the container.

Spicy scalloped dice

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

750 grams of scallops, 200 grams of celery cubes, dried chili festival, green and red pepper festival, peppercorns, fried peanuts, breadcrumbs a little each.

Spicy sauce, spicy garlic powder, ginger and shallot water, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, pepper, salad oil each appropriate amount.

1: Remove the scallops from the meat, wash, dice, add ginger and shallot water, salt, and pepper to taste, and set aside.

2: Paste the scallop meat with spicy garlic powder and wrap it in breadcrumbs, fry them in a frying pan until golden brown, then pour out the oil.

3, leave the oil at the bottom of the pot, first dry chili festival and peppercorn stew, then put a little spicy sauce and celery pieces stir-fry a few times, then fry the scallops and green and red pepper festivals, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, sesame oil, and pepper oil and fry well, and finally sprinkle with fried crispy peanuts on the plate to serve.

Sesame oil pig hand duck

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

One pig hand, half a duck, and a little green onion.

Ingredient A (10 grams each of green onion and ginger slices, 15 grams of Shaoxing old wine)

Ordinary red brine 2 kg, salad oil, sesame oil.

1: Wash the pig by hand, chop into eight pieces of uniform size, put them into a cold water pot, add Ingredient A to the boil over high heat, fish out and wash.

2, wash the duck, do not change the knife and blanch the water.

3: Heat the salad oil to 60% or 70%, put in the pig hand that absorbs the dry water, fry it on low heat until the skin is wrinkled, and fish out the oil control.

4: Add the duck, fry over low heat until golden brown, and remove the oil.

5: Put ordinary red brine into the pot, boil and add pig hands and ducks, simmer for 50 minutes, remove from the heat, fish out the ducks, change the knife into large pieces.

6. When guests order, fish out the pig hand and duck pieces, mix well with sesame oil, put them in a casserole, pour 250 grams of brine and boil, and finally sprinkle green onions to garnish.

Purple gold pot claw

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

1, the United States large phoenix claw 5000 grams to cut off the toenails.

2: Add 50 grams of ginger slices, 200 grams of maltose (to color and make a crispy effect), 300 grams of white vinegar, put the claws and cook for 15 minutes, drain and cool, fry in 70% hot oil until the skin is golden and wrinkled, and drain the oil for later.

3: Heat the pan to 50% heat, sauté the shallots and ginger slices 80 grams each, put 350 grams of homemade purple gold sauce and fry until the taste comes out, add 7000 grams of water, add 50 grams of sugar, 40 grams of salt, pour in the fried chicken claws, boil over high heat and reduce the heat for 30 minutes, turn off the heat and soak in the original soup to fully absorb the flavor.

4: Take a casserole dish, add 200 grams of onion cubes at the bottom, scoop in the potted chicken claws and 400 grams of original soup, turn on high heat and cook on low heat for 2 minutes, turn off the heat and sprinkle 10 grams of oiled onion and red pepper on the surface to go.

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

Purple Gold Sauce Making:

Purple gold sauce (a kind of flavored chili sauce commonly used in the Two Cantonese area) 3 bottles, Zhuhou sauce, 2 bottles of sesame paste, 1 bottle of shacha sauce, 1 bottle of peanut butter, sugar, butter (burned in advance) each poured into the basin, fully stirred and ready.

Stir-fried shredded beef tripe with chili peppers

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

Tripe 300 g.

75 grams of chili pepper, 30 grams of garlic seedlings, 5 grams of ginger rice and garlic rice, 4 grams of soy sauce, 3 grams of oyster sauce, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate.

1. Wash the tripe and put it into a pot of water, add a little star anise, cinnamon and dried peppers to boil together, change the heat to low and cook until it is eight ripe, and fish it out when it can be easily poked with chopsticks, and change the knife to filament.

2. Cut the pepper into small pieces and set aside in water.

3. Heat the pot with oil to 40%, sauté the ginger rice and garlic rice, stir-fry the tripe shreds evenly, then add the watered pepper, add salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, oyster sauce to taste, and finally add the garlic seedlings to stir-fry together, out of the pot and plate.

Bu Chili Made:

Green peppers are quickly rinsed and dried in the hot sun for one hour to half dry in the summer, mix well with salt, seal in a kimchi jar, and leave in a cool place for 2-3 days to remove.

Toast cattle are in charge

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

1, the head of the ox to burn the stubble, first into the boiling water blanched, rinse and put into the pot, add water not over the head of the ox, add dried red pepper, ginger slices, peppercorns, green onions, white wine on high heat, turn the heat to boil for 1.5 hours until the head of the ox is soft, during the period you need to keep adding water to keep the water surface has not been over the head of the ox.

2, the cooked beef head slightly dry, remove the bones, beef head meat skin more meat less, its gelatinous matter accounts for about 70% of the whole beef head meat, cooked after the taste is very soft and sticky.

3, the pot into the lard to burn, under three or five brands of spicy sauce, Pixian bean paste, hot pot base sauce simmered, pour into the knife of the bull head meat slices stir-fried incense, add broth to the high heat, turn the heat to simmer for 10 minutes, and then open the high heat to collect the thick soup.

4: Cut the bull whip into long sections, put on a plum blossom knife, blanch in boiling water for 10 seconds, and drain the water.

5: Heat the cauliflower oil in the pot, sauté the green onion and ginger grains until fragrant, pour in the ox whip, add salt, add the broth before it has passed, bring to a boil on high heat and pour into the pressure cooker for 20 minutes until cooked.

6, steak to change the knife into a long section, blanch the water into the brine, boil on high heat and reduce the heat to cook for 10 minutes to taste, turn off the heat and soak for 15 minutes.

7: Heat the pan in wide oil until it is 50% hot, fry the beef fan bones thoroughly, then remove and put them into the casserole (the casserole is placed in the onion block, winter melon slices) at the bottom.

8: Heat a little salad oil to 60%, add garlic, millet spicy, ginger slices and sauté, add spicy girl chili sauce and three or five brands of spicy sauce, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, braised soy sauce, pour in the pre-prepared beef head, beef whip, steak stir-fry evenly, add the broth to boil, pour it into the pressure cooker and press for 15 minutes.

9, put into the pot again, cook until the soup is thick, squeeze in the green mustard pepper paste when cooking, pour a little lard and turn well to plate, red pepper segments, green pepper rings, garlic over oil, placed in the middle.

To make a diagram:

1: Heat the pan with oil, sauté garlic and millet spicy, stir-fry with spicy sauce and spicy girl sauce.

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

2: Add the pre-prepared beef head meat, steak, beef whip (playing plum blossom flower knife), etc., add the broth and bring it to a boil.

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

3: Pressure for 15 minutes until the beef is soft and rotten, pour it back into the pot and turn on high heat to collect the broth.

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

4: Pour into a casserole and put the oiled red pepper segments, green pepper rings and garlic to go.

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

Mapo tofu small cream crab

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

3 small crabs (about 500 grams), 150 grams of tender tofu, ginger rice, garlic rice, and green onion.

30 grams of rice dumpling chili pepper, 15 grams of watercress sauce, refined salt, cooking wine, sugar, pepper noodles, soy sauce, corn starch, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, fresh soup, red oil, edible oil.

1. After the small cream crab is cleaned, cut it in half, gently crack the crab with the back of the knife, put it into the container, add refined salt and cooking wine for a while.

2. Cut the tender tofu into 1.8 cm cubes, blanch in a pot of lightly salted boiling water, pour out and set aside.

3. Put the wok on the high heat, put in the appropriate amount of cooking oil and burn it to 70% heat, pour the delicious small paste crab pieces into a colander and sprinkle the corn starch evenly, fry in the frying pan until it is broken, and pour out the drainage oil.

4. Leave a little oil in the pot to heat up, add the watercress sauce to fry out the aroma, then add the rice dumplings, ginger rice, garlic rice and stir-fry until the oil is red, mix in the fresh soup, blanch the diced tofu and fried crab pieces, cook through, add soy sauce and sugar, use water powder to hook once, then add monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, pepper noodles slightly burned, and then use water powder to double hook, push and collect the juice, pour into the red oil, put the pot into the nest plate, sprinkle with green onions.

Stone pot minced meat stewed crab

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

1. After the meat crab is uncovered and cleaned, cut into pieces with a knife, add salt, ginger and shallot juice and cooking wine to marinate into the taste, stick the dry starch at the knife edge, and then put it into a hot oil pan, fry until the surface is golden and crispy and cooked inside, and then remove the draining oil.

2. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add minced pork and fry until crispy, then add ginger rice, garlic rice, minced plum vegetables, cooked peas, apricot abalone mushrooms and stir-fry the aroma, then cook the cooking wine and mix a small amount of two soups, add the fried meat crab pieces and millet pepper grains, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, soy sauce, spicy fresh sauce and pepper, burn until the juice is flavored, then add the green onion, drizzle some sesame oil to push well, out of the pot in a stone pot containing Thai rice, put in the crab lid, that is.

Beer clam roast meat crab

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it


This dish borrows the cooking method of beer duck to cook seafood, and combines meat crab and clams to produce a fresh effect of one plus one is greater than two.

1. The meat crab is slaughtered and cleaned, chopped into large pieces, the knife edge is glued to the dry corn starch, and then put in a 50% hot oil pan to fry and fish out for use.

2. Put the clams into a pot of boiling water with ginger shallots and cooking wine, remove them from the water and rinse off the fine sand and set aside.

3. Put salad oil in the pot to heat, under the dried chili festival, peppercorns, ginger rice, garlic rice, Pixian watercress, hot pot base stir-fry until fragrant, mix fresh soup and burn for a few minutes, and then beat off the slag (retain part of the dried pepper festival), and then add meat crab pieces and clams, and pour into the beer to cook together, during which salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper to taste, after the high heat to collect the juice, the pot is plated, sprinkled with green onions and garnish.

Spicy and sour chicken

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

1. After the earth rooster is slaughtered and cleaned, it is cut into small pieces. Cut the celery into diamond-shaped pieces, konjac into small pieces, fresh shiitake mushrooms and onions into small pieces, pickled radish into small cubes, and pickled peppers and wild mountain peppers into knots, all set aside. Heat the salad oil in a pan to 60%, fry the chicken pieces to remove some of the water, and when the chicken skin tightens, pour out the oil.

2. When the cooked vegetable oil is boiled to 40% heat in the pot, add dried green peppercorns, pickled ginger rice, pickled pepper festivals, Pixian watercress, wild mountain pepper festivals and stir-fry them, and then add fried chicken nuggets and diced pickled radish to stir-fry together, during which cooking wine is added to add fishy flavor. Add the onion, shiitake mushrooms, konjac slices and parsley cubes to the pot with water, add sugar, soy sauce and MSG to taste, and when the chicken is cooked and flavored, collect the juice over high heat and drizzle with mountain pepper oil. Serve in a pan and sprinkle with green onions and cooked white sesame seeds.

Sesame sour soup boiled meat crab

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

The meat crab is cooked with kimchi, the color is bright red, the meat is tender, and the meat is sour and spicy. Then serve in a crab-shaped vessel and match it just right.

1. Remove the gills and claw tips after the meat crab is opened, clean it, chop the crab body into pieces, add an appropriate amount of salt and cooking wine to the pot, and then pat a little corn starch, crab lid and crab block into the oil pot that burns to 70% heat and fry until golden brown, remove the drainage oil and set aside.

2. Shrimp na pot, add an appropriate amount of salt and cooking wine yard flavor, put into the pot of boiling water to rinse the water, fish out the drainage and set aside.

3. Heat the pot, add chicken fat and lard to heat, add the pickled radish shreds, soaked cowpea festivals, pickled ginger shreds to fry out the sour flavor, mix in the soup, and then add the fried crab pieces, the watered shrimp and chicken crispy bamboo shoots, add a little chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pepper and sugar, add the golden melon juice to color, put the juice into the pot, and put it into the crab-shaped container.

4. Heat the pot with spicy oil, sauté sesame seeds, pour into the plate crab pieces, cover with crab lids, and finally sprinkle with green onions.

River eels

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

raw material:

1 river eel 500 g, ginger shredded 100 g, garlic 60 g, ginger rice 40 g, millet spicy segment 30 g, huanggong pepper 50 g, pickled pepper water 50 g, lettuce slices 150 g, green onion 30 g, safflower pepper 2 g


60 grams of ginger paste, 5 grams of oyster sauce, 20 grams of chicken essence, 10 grams of sugar, 10 grams of pepper oil, 5 grams of rice vinegar

1. Wash and take the eel, cut into finger width, 4cm long strips, add a little chicken essence, corn starch and stir well, put the pot oil into the river eel oil to set the shape;

2 lettuce slices blanched in water and put into the dish to base;

3 pots of boiled rapeseed oil, sauté pesto, ginger rice, safflower peppercorns, millet spicy, yellow peppercorns, half of ginger shreds, ginger sauce, add 400 grams of clear soup, river eel, oyster sauce, chicken essence, sugar, pickled pepper water for 2 minutes, add the other half of ginger shredded, green onion and cook for 1 minute, add pepper oil, rice vinegar and lightly cook on the plate.

Wonton flower gum chicken

17 exquisite dishes, chefs' wage increases all depend on it

500 grams of chicken nuggets, 150 grams of hair good flower gelatin, 8 wontons, 500 grams of pumpkin puree


15g chicken broth, homemade soup

1, the chicken cut into pieces and washed, boiling water and set aside;

2. Add homemade soup, flower glue, old chicken nuggets sealed plastic wrap to the casserole and steam in the steaming box for 90 minutes;

3. Add cooked wonton to the dish.

Cooking Points: After the broth is removed from the steamer, it should be boiled and added to the wonton.

Homemade soup :

Water 50,000 g Wing bones 1,000 g 2 old hens 2,500 g Fan bones Made, soup boiled to 30 kg of soup, add 500 g of pumpkin puree to color, chef's soup 400 g

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