
Summer needs to be hot, autumn needs to be moist, but what about between summer and autumn?

author:Guangzhou Daily Life

Summer needs to be cleared, autumn needs to be moisturized

That summer and autumn need...

Well, it's it—the Overlord Flower

Overlord flower, also known as "sword flower"

It has the effect of clearing heat, moisturizing the lungs and expectorant

Usually we use sun-dried sword flowers to cook soup

But in fact, the soup of the fresh sword flower pot tastes better

There is no need to add monk fruit and dates, which add sweetness to the soup

Simple and lean meat casserole is already very sweet and delicious

Fresh sword flowers are generally available in August

It's the heyday

Sword flower, cool and sweet, can not only clear the heat, but also moisten the lungs

Perfect for summer and autumn

Summer needs to be hot, autumn needs to be moist, but what about between summer and autumn?

Fresh sword flower lean broth

Main effect: clear heat and moisturize the lungs, remove sputum and relieve cough

Recommended population: autumn dry throat dry throat itch cough people

Ingredients: Fresh sword flower 500g, lean meat 250g, ham meat 50g, ginger slices (2-3 people)

Preparation Method:

Rinse the fresh sword flowers slightly, soak for half an hour, then cut into longitudinal strips, about 6-8 strips per flower. Lean meat washed and sliced, ham meat sliced, ginger sliced flattened. Put the lean meat, ham and ginger into the soup pot first, add 1500ml of water, bring to a boil on high heat and turn to medium heat, roll for about 30 minutes. Then add fresh sword flowers, and when the sword flowers are tender, add salt to taste.

Soup Reviews:

This pairing is not only delicious, but also has a certain therapeutic effect. Sword flower is slightly cold, so add a few slices of ginger to neutralize its coldness and it can be suitable for most people to drink. Fresh overlord flowers do not need to be cooked for a long time, and when they are just tender, they are the most delicious, about 15 minutes to roll. If you want to add umami, add a little ham meat is enough.

Sword honey date pork lung soup

Main effects: moisturize the lungs, relieve cough, remove heat and reduce dryness

Recommended population: people with cough and phlegm due to dry weather in autumn and people with autumn dryness, such as dry nasopharynx, dry cough and less sputum, dry skin and other symptoms.

Ingredients: 80 to 100 grams of sword flower, 3 dates, 1 pig lung, a corner of tangerine peel, 3 slices of ginger. (3-4 pax)

Cooking method: sword flower, dates, tangerine peel soaked until soft, washed, sword flower cut into 2 to 3 segments; the throat of the pig lung into the tap, poured into water and poured out, repeated many times until the pig lung becomes white, cut into thick pieces, squeezed and washed by hand, put into boiling water with ginger for 5 minutes, and then fished out cold water; then put into a clay pot together, add 2000ml of water, boil over low heat, change to a simmer for about 1 hour, and add an appropriate amount of salt.

Jujube is flat and sweet, the function is beneficial to qi and vitality, moisturizing the lungs; the pig lung is flat and salty, the function is to strengthen the spleen, rationalize the phlegm; the tangerine peel here enhances the effect of phlegm and cough. Combined into a soup, it plays the work of moisturizing the lungs and rationalizing the qi, dissolving phlegm and suppressing cough. To make this product, it is best to choose the sword flower produced in Zhaoqing, Guangdong, the honey jujube produced in Wuzhou, and the orange peel produced in Xinhui, so as to make its quality more authentic.

This product is moist and delicious, thick and suitable, with the effect of moisturizing the lungs and coughing, removing heat and reducing dryness, and is very suitable as a soup for family health care in autumn.

Overlord flower north and south apricot stew pork lung soup

Main effects: clear heat and moisturize the lungs, relieve cough and asthma

Recommended people: people who love to smoke, cough and cough up sputum on weekdays

Ingredients: 3-4 bacon flowers (dried), 5g of north and south apricots, 1/2 pig lung, 250g of lean meat (3-4 people).

Cooking Method:

After drying, the overlord flower is soaked in water for 15-20 minutes, remove the impurities such as sediment and then change the water to clean and tear into 4-5 petals; the north and south apricots are washed; the throat of the pig lung is inserted into the tap and poured out with clean water, after repeated times, cut large pieces of water to remove the dirt, put it into the pot with the lean meat and medicinal materials that are washed and cut into pieces, add 2000-2500ml of water, boil for 15 minutes, then change the heat to simmer for 1 hour, and finally season and eat.

Northern apricot is slightly warm, slightly bitter, with the effect of lung anti-cough and asthma, southern almond is also called sweet almond, the sex is flat and sweet, the effect is similar to that of northern apricot, but the moisturizing power is stronger, the two are often used in pairs, with the effect of promoting lung moisturizing lungs, cough and asthma; pig lung flat taste sweet, can supplement lung dryness. The above medicinal ingredients are combined to make up the effect of clearing the heat and moisturizing the lungs, suppressing cough and asthma.

Monk Fruit Overlord Flower Pot Lean Meat

Main effects: throat moisturizing lungs, sputum and cough

Recommended population: long-term smoking, cough and phlegm, dry throat.

Ingredients: 2 monk fruit, 3 dried bulb flowers, 5 figs, 500g lean meat (3-4 servings).

Luo Han Guo is broken into small pieces; The Overlord Flower is soaked in water, drained and cut into sections; Figs are washed; Lean meat is washed and cut into pieces, after flying water and other materials are put into the soup pot, add 2000ml of water, boil for 15 minutes on a low flame, change to a simmer for 45 minutes, add salt to taste.

This soup has the effect of clearing heat and throat, rationalizing lung dryness, coughing and dissolving phlegm, suitable for lung fever, lung dry cough cough cough yellow sticky phlegm, dry throat, sore throat, aphasia and other symptoms, but the external cold and sputum multi-color white matter is used with caution.

Luo han guo is sweet and cool, with the role of clearing the heat of the throat, suppressing cough and phlegm, moisturizing the intestines and laxatives, containing non-sugar sweet ingredients such as luo han guo glycosides and fructose, which is a natural sugar substitute, although the taste is sweet, but it will not lead to an increase in blood sugar, so diabetics can also often use luo han guo to make tea to drink. Fig function clear lung cough, rational spleen, soup when adding a little fig can increase the sweetness of the soup, is a good choice to replace molasses dates, figs contain more dietary fiber, drink soup may wish to eat it also into the stomach bar.

Guangzhou Daily all-media text reporters: Zhao Dongqin, Zeng Fanying

Guangzhou Daily all-media text reporter: Wang Weixuan

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