
Do these three things well! The US media sent the Lakers a brilliant plan, Vogel needs to work hard, and Wei Shao lao Zhan should be calm

After a losing season, the Lakers management's reinforcements obviously began to be anxious, and finally gave up deRozan, Hield and other stars whose personal abilities fit the team, betting on Wei Shao, who was generally not optimistic about the outside world.

The reason is also very simple, from the past experience, Wei Shao is a higher level star, Wei Shao + James + thick eyebrows of the super big three lineup looks full of competition.

But the problem is that the paper strength is very different from the actual performance, especially after the Lakers introduced Wei Shao, they were forced to do a series of targeted reinforcements, which led to the collapse of the team's defensive system and the decline in the record.

Do these three things well! The US media sent the Lakers a brilliant plan, Vogel needs to work hard, and Wei Shao lao Zhan should be calm

But no matter what kind of highlight performance the players the Lakers gave up, the Lakers can only choose a way to go black now, because it is difficult for Wei Shao to change back another star of the same level for the team.

More importantly, the Lakers have seriously overdrawn the team's chips in the past few seasons in the process of frantically adjusting the lineup, and the current team lineup is called a high-quality chip, in addition to James and the thick eyebrow brother, only Horton Tucker and Nunn.

In this case, the Lakers can only grit their teeth and persevere, continuing to try to impact the championship around the big three.

Do these three things well! The US media sent the Lakers a brilliant plan, Vogel needs to work hard, and Wei Shao lao Zhan should be calm

The Lakers are also doing this, and the coaching staff has been trying all kinds of starting lineups since the beginning of the game, constantly making a fuss around the big three, trying to find a suitable configuration.

At the same time, the team management also began to work on the deal, cleaning up some players who did not meet the Big Three, like the veteran Rondo has been sent to the Cavaliers, while leaving as many surprises as possible like Stanley Johnson who meet the team's requirements.

Combined with such a line of thinking, the US media "akeshowlife" further supports the Lakers, and if it wants to break the game on the existing lineup, it needs to do 3 big points, of which Vogel needs to work hard, and Wei Shao needs to be calm.

Do these three things well! The US media sent the Lakers a brilliant plan, Vogel needs to work hard, and Wei Shao lao Zhan should be calm
Do these three things well! The US media sent the Lakers a brilliant plan, Vogel needs to work hard, and Wei Shao lao Zhan should be calm

The first point: confirm a starting lineup

That may seem ridiculous for a title-contending team, which has been played 38 games this season.

But the fact is that the Lakers have used 20 starting lineups since the beginning of the game, but they have never found a stable starting configuration, and they will change the starting lineup almost every once in a while.

Fortunately, during the absence of the thick-browed brother, Vogel developed the "Death Five" starting lineup, which can be built on top of this lineup in the future, that is, any two of the Big Three + Munch, Stanley Johnson, Bradley and Rivers.

Do these three things well! The US media sent the Lakers a brilliant plan, Vogel needs to work hard, and Wei Shao lao Zhan should be calm

Second point: Control of errors

Any fan who follows the Lakers game knows how badly the Lakers have done to protect the ball, with the team averaging nearly 16 turnovers per game, the third highest in the league.

The culprit of this problem is naturally Wei Shao, who averages the second highest number of turnovers in the league per game, so Wei Shao needs to calm down and deal with the ball before the Lakers can solve the problem of mistakes.

In addition, James needs to do better, and he has to average the number of turnovers in the league's 11th place per game.

Do these three things well! The US media sent the Lakers a brilliant plan, Vogel needs to work hard, and Wei Shao lao Zhan should be calm

Third point: raise the penalty

This is also unexpected, the Lakers as a championship-level team, such a basic problem as free throws is still one of the huge dilemmas facing the team.

The Lakers not only have few free throws, but also have a very bad shooting rate, the Lakers only rank 15th in the league in terms of the number of free throws per game, and the free throw shooting rate is ranked third from the bottom in the league.

Only Anthony shot more than 76 percent from the free throw line, a performance that is obviously unacceptable, and if they want to get out of trouble, they need to solve these seemingly trivial little details.

Do these three things well! The US media sent the Lakers a brilliant plan, Vogel needs to work hard, and Wei Shao lao Zhan should be calm

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