
【Night Reading】New Year, 12 Little Ways to Live Freely

【Night Reading】New Year, 12 Little Ways to Live Freely

I have heard an interesting "rule of three seven": a mobile phone, 70% of the functions are rarely used; 70% of the things at home are not commonly used. Many times we are unhappy because we are always struggling with the insignificant 70% and not cherishing the most important 30%.

In the new year, it's time to give life a big cleanup. Learn these 12 little ways, let's go light together.

01 Regular cleaning, small tidying up.

Clothes that have not been worn for years, expired food and cosmetics, and debris that have accumulated in the room are cleaned up regularly. Usually develop a good habit of sorting out, headphones, data cables and other small items, remember to return to the position after use; packaging bags, label cards, useless things thrown away.

02 Recyclable things to use as much as possible.

Buying things is for the convenience of life, not to add a burden to yourself. Ask yourself before you buy something next time if it's something you need. Recyclable things are used as much as possible, which is the best respect for the item.

03 Invest in yourself.

Browse the gossip news on the Internet, it is better to read more classic books; envy others' rapid promotion, it is better to study how to improve their work ability; collect a bunch of fitness videos, it is better to exercise for half an hour every day. The happiness you want, there will always be more advanced alternatives.

04 Accept your imperfections.

Pondering other people's opinions, tangling up on one thing, and serious self-doubt consume your own precious energy. Ten fingers have lengths, trees have heights, and we must learn to reconcile with ourselves.

05 Healing the heart with action.

Life is not like cooking, you can't wait for the materials to be prepared before you get off the pot. If you spend one more second on emotional tearing, you will spend one less second to solve the problem. It is often action that defeats entanglement and hesitation.

06 Dance with the uncertainty of life.

There is a saying that I like: "Be cautious about what is controllable, and be optimistic about what is uncontrollable." "Growing up is learning to accept, let go, and change. Things to conform, the future is not worried, may wish to face all uncertainties with a positive attitude.

07 Learn to be alone.

The world is in turmoil, and you have to learn to take time out of your time to get along with yourself. Whether it's reading a book, listening to a song, thinking about something, staying for a while, when you are alone, you are the quietest and the most free.

08 Leave more time for family and close friends.

Meaningless meals, can push and push; can not help, when rejected is rejected. The wine in the middle of the night is never as good as the porridge in the morning; two or three confidants are far better than thousands of general friends. Settling your family well, taking good care of your best friends, and running your life well is more important than anything else.

09 Simplify the goal.

A life without a plan is like a headless fly, but having too many goals will only make people busy. Plan only a few of the most important things over a period of time, breaking each thing down into smaller tasks. You'll find that it's not as hard to execute as you might think.

10 Stay focused.

When you have a goal, you need to stay as focused as possible. Set aside a specific period of time each day to complete a set task. Once you start, don't let other inconsequential things bother you. Rules and habits will make everything easier.

11 Reduce the burden on the heart and learn to look down.

I can't let go of the past for a long time, I amplify the small things in front of me infinitely, and I am full of anxiety about the future... Many times it's not that the world is complex and the problems are tricky, but that you think too much. Learn to look down, the troubles will disappear; empty the heart, in order to embrace tomorrow.

12 Remember that you are the protagonist of life.

The avenue is simple, and the complexity is in the hearts of the people. If you are simple, life will be comfortable. Always remember: the protagonist of life is not anything external, but yourself.

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