
What you want is the effect of "half a pound and eight twos"!

# Medical voice medical vision #

In the prenatal examination during pregnancy, weight monitoring, blood pressure measurement, blood routine, urine routine, etc. are very important routine examinations, what should be paid attention to in these tests? What do you need special attention to for high-risk pregnancies? Professor Ma Liangkun of Peking Union Medical College Hospital "knocked the key points" for everyone today!

Obstetrics and Gynecology Network video number

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We know that during pregnancy, we must measure body weight and blood pressure, and in prenatal examinations, the number of blood routines and urine routines is relatively large. During pregnancy, we should pay special attention to our own weight gain and prevent high blood pressure, anemia and various common problems during pregnancy.

It is recommended to have a weight growth model of "half a pound and eight twos"

Why do we take weight every time? This illustrates the importance of weight during pregnancy, and we want you to maintain a reasonable weight gain during pregnancy.

What you want is the effect of "half a pound and eight twos"!

In general, the weight gain in early pregnancy is 0-4 pounds, to the middle and late pregnancy, if the basal weight is a relatively thin mother, 1 pound per week, the base weight is normal, 8 two per week, the base weight is overweight or more obese, about half a pound or 4 two per week is enough.

What you want is the effect of "half a pound and eight twos"!

Precautions for measuring blood pressure

The normal blood pressure of pregnant women should be < 140/90mm HG, and it is especially recommended that you take a little rest before measuring your blood pressure, do not run over to measure it, and do not be overly nervous. During the measurement, it is best to relax the muscles of the whole body and avoid tension, anxiety, and emotional agitation. Smoking is prohibited half an hour before the test, and strong tea or coffee is prohibited.

Some people have "white coat syndrome", that is, as soon as you go to the hospital to see a doctor, as soon as you think of measuring blood pressure, your blood pressure is high, so we recommend that you have a calmer attitude. If you belong to the "white coat syndrome", we recommend that you measure your blood pressure at home, then bring the blood pressure meter to the hospital, compare it with the hospital sphygmomanometer, and see if the blood pressure is in the normal range.

Blood routine examination

In addition to checking whether there is a problem with leukocytes and platelets in the blood routine, it is very important to look at hemoglobin, that is, the level of hemoglobin. Pregnancy is a high incidence of iron deficiency anemia, anemia for mothers and babies have a series of damage and danger, then before the hemoglobin has declined, in fact, iron reserves in all aspects have been bad, so we will check the blood routine, we hope that the mother's hemoglobin in the first trimester to maintain at about 12g is more appropriate.

What you want is the effect of "half a pound and eight twos"!

Precautions for urinalysis routine examination

Every obstetric examination should check the urine routine, the urine routine does not need to be fasting, it is possible to eat and drink enough to check, if you are always hungry on an empty stomach, you can see the urine ketone body, that is, you are hungry. It is also recommended to clean the vulva when there is a urinary routine, because some people will mix with the vaginal discharge, which will become a positive result of urine protein. When urinating routinely, it is recommended to drink more water and take the middle urine, which can avoid the interference of other red blood cells and white blood cells.

What you want is the effect of "half a pound and eight twos"!

In addition, our country now also adopts a variety of high-risk pregnancy diagnosis and treatment procedures, that is, with the following conditions, you belong to the high-risk group and need special vigilance!

High-risk pregnancy

1. Age < 18 or > 35 years old

2. Those with abnormal maternal history (caesarean section)

3. Pregnancy contact harmful materials

4. There is a maternal and infant blood type incompatibility

5. Bleeding during pregnancy

6, Gestational diabetes

7. Hypertensive diseases during pregnancy

8. Pregnancy complicated with internal medical diseases

9. Preterm or post-term pregnancy

10. Abnormal fetal position, placenta and umbilical cord

11. Abnormal birth canal (including bone birth canal and soft birth canal)

12. Multiple pregnancies, too much or too little amniotic fluid

13. Assisted reproductive pregnancy

14. Those who have suffered from or are currently suffering from tumors of reproductive organs

15. Other high-risk (low weight, overweight, obesity, etc.)

High-risk pregnancies are not so terrible, but if there is a high-risk pregnancy, and you do not treat and treat it according to the situation of high-risk pregnancy, this pregnancy may carry risks, and it is a pregnancy in crisis.

If you are in a high-risk situation, you have to pay attention to it!

Considerations for high-risk pregnancies

1. Attach great importance to and avoid anxiety

2. Strictly follow the doctor's instructions for prenatal examination

3. Strengthen self-monitoring (ways and means)

4. Cooperate with critically ill pregnant women to refer and consult online

It must be emphasized that if it is an advanced age pregnancy, it is necessary to prevent the increase in the risk of miscarriage, fetal cessation, fetal birth defects, and the occurrence of medical and surgical complications, so it is necessary to pay attention to prenatal diagnosis to prevent such a situation.

There are also people who have had a caesarean section before, so ultrasound examination during early pregnancy is very necessary to exclude scar pregnancy. Avoid increased risk of complications during childbirth and an increased risk of dangerous placenta previa, placental implantation, and uterine rupture.

Situations where immediate medical attention is required

For example, pregnant pregnant mothers suddenly have vaginal bleeding, vaginal fluid retention, fetal movement reduction or disappearance, shortness of breath (rest is not relieved), headaches, dizziness, unclear vision, nausea, vomiting (can not eat), other abnormal conditions that cannot be determined, etc., all of these abnormal conditions that you think are unhealthy, you must go to the hospital in time, can not say I wait, drag ah, these are very dangerous things!

Editor-in-Charge: Ma Ye

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