
New Year's Day holiday hot pot consumption is hot, Haidilao received nearly 5 million people in three days

During the New Year's Day holiday, the catering market ushered in a wave of consumption climax. According to the data provided by Haidilao, from December 31, 2021 to January 2, 2022, Haidilao's mainland stores received nearly 5 million people, and the number of people received by the Beijing store alone exceeded 300,000 (Shanghai store, the number of receptions was nearly 300,000; the number of stores in Guangzhou and Shenzhen was nearly 400,000; the number of stores in Sichuan exceeded 130,000; the number of people in Zhengzhou stores exceeded 130,000, of which Haidilao Zhengzhou Tianwang Road store, Shangding Road and many other stores received more than 500 tables of diners a day on December 31 alone).

New Year's Day holiday hot pot consumption is hot, Haidilao received nearly 5 million people in three days

From December 31, 2021 to January 1, 2022, the number of haidilao mainland stores increased by more than 25% compared with the previous week (December 24-25), and the store operating income and turnover rate showed double-digit growth; new product sales on New Year's Day were hot, and on January 1 alone, the sales of new lamb in Haidilao Mainland stores exceeded 430,000 plates.

Greeting the old and welcoming the new, people greet the New Year in various ways, and the cold cross-Chinese New Year's Eve also brings fire to catering consumption, especially the hot pot is sought after by people. Wangfujing, Beijing, began on the afternoon of December 31, the nearby Haidilao hot pot lined up in a long line, "many people are to see the flag-raising New Year's Eve, the store queue lasted from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. on January 1, for twelve hours without interruption." Haidilao Wangfujing store staff introduced; in addition, Beijing Sanlitun, China SCE World City and other stores also hit a new high, December 31 at 19:00, Haidilao Sanlitun soho store row number of about 500 tables.

Under the consumption boom, what is in the pot has become the most concerned issue for diners everywhere. A few days ago, Haidilao held a "2022 New Dish Coming" new tasting meeting in Shanghai, launching a total of 7 products with pot bottoms, dishes and snacks, which also provided consumers with a richer choice of dishes. On January 1, 2022, Haidilao's national stores were newly launched. Different from Haidilao's previous practice of scattered single-product single stores and gradually promoting them to the whole country, this time Shangxin focuses more on the synchronization of series products nationwide, and the consistency of consumer experience in various places is higher.

Haidilao's new products are quite popular with consumers. According to reports, on January 1, 2022, every four tables of customers will have a table to place an order on the day of the newly launched new pot bottom "True Fragrant Pot", which will bring more than 120,000 table consumers a new taste choice for the New Year on New Year's Day alone.

According to Haidilao sales data, in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Kunming, Hangzhou and other places, the "true fragrant pot" entered the top three of Haidilao's hot pot bottom; and in the Haidilao Guangzhou store, the popularity of pork belly chicken hot pot is second only to tomato hot pot and clear oil spicy hot pot; surprisingly, in Chengdu and Chongqing, tomato hot pot occupies the "C position", followed by classic spicy hot pot and clear oil spicy hot pot.

New Year's Day holiday hot pot consumption is hot, Haidilao received nearly 5 million people in three days

Winter is also a good time to eat lamb, the new lamb series products on Haidilao are also loved by consumers, only on January 1, Haidilao Mainland stores sold more than 430,000 new lambs. The proportion of consumers who choose "a plate of Inner Mongolian grassland lamb that cannot be eaten enough" has reached nearly 40%. According to the relevant person in charge of the Wangfujing store: "Shangxin's true incense pot, pea tip, and fried milk were listed at 00:00 on January 1, and they were sold out at about 4:00 a.m. In order to meet the new demand for consumption, the stock has been increased."

"The new year's day holiday consumption demand is strong, thanks to the continuous improvement of the overall catering industry, in the holiday atmosphere, the public's enthusiasm for consumption is ignited." Yang Xibei, minister of haidilao's public affairs department, believes that the boost to mass consumer demand has given the catering industry a shot in the arm, and The listing of Haidilao's new products has added a fire to this boom, "I believe that the opening of catering consumption can bring confidence boost to the overall market sentiment this year." ”

According to Song Qing, executive director of Haidilao and director of the product committee, Haidilao's new product planning will focus on "three new", that is, new products, new concepts and new systems, to prepare for future changes in the catering market and cooperate with the diversified development of the overall market. In the future, Haidilao will promote product innovation from the national and regional dual systems, from the bottom of the pot, dishes, snacks and experiences, etc., and maintain the new rhythm of the country at least once a year. It is worth noting that the "user co-creation" advocated and tried by Haidilao may become the key direction of product innovation in the catering industry.

Upstream journalist Gu Li intern Li Zhijiao

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