
How do Li Bai, Su Shi, Wang Wei, and Bai Juyi drink poetry? The ancient poems at the banquet are all here

Poetry and wine take advantage of the years.

Wine can evoke the truest emotions in people's hearts, and when true feelings come to mind, the shackles of the world fade away, and poetry follows.

That's why poets love wine.

Du Fu's "Song of the Eight Immortals in Drinking" says that after He Zhizhang got drunk, he rode his horse and shook, fell into a dry well, and lay down at the bottom of the well; Tang Xuanzong's nephew, Li Jin, the king of Ruyang, drank three buckets of wine to meet Tianzi, and when he saw the car selling wine on the road, he salivated and eagerly asked the emperor to give him the "wine spring" rich in fine wine as a fiefdom; Zuo Xiang Li Shizhi spent tens of thousands of dollars on fine wine every day, and drank fine wine like a long whale sucking up hundreds of rivers of water. Cui Zong's move cup to the heavens, the jade tree is facing the wind; Su Jin Buddha eats vegetarian food before drinking wine to forget the Buddha; after the grass saint Zhang Xu is drunk, he takes off his hat and exposes the prince in front of the prince, and writes a book, if there is divine help; Jiao Sui talks loudly after drinking, and the words are shocked. The most outstanding is Li Bai, "Li Bai a bucket of poems, Chang'an City on the restaurant sleep." Tianzi did not come to the ship, claiming that his subject was a wine immortal. ”

How do Li Bai, Su Shi, Wang Wei, and Bai Juyi drink poetry? The ancient poems at the banquet are all here

Tonight is the night, prosperous and lonely, but the flow of years is fleeting.

Maybe you and I don't know each other, but "I have a scoop of wine that can soothe the wind and dust." ”

"Life must be full of joy, do not let the golden bottle empty to the moon." Let us raise our cups, "For the sake of cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle, we will drink three hundred cups at a time." "Drunk and hazy, savor ancient poems together." This poetry that has traveled through thousands of years may be able to "share with Er in the sorrows of eternity." ”

How do Li Bai, Su Shi, Wang Wei, and Bai Juyi drink poetry? The ancient poems at the banquet are all here

1. Persuade wine

Green ant new wine, red clay small stove. Late to the day want snow, can you drink a cup of nothing? Tang Dynasty Bai Juyi's "Ask Liu Nineteen"

Newly brewed wine with a strong flavor. The small stove is burning red, it is almost dark, and the snow is coming, so why don't we have a warm drink?

Advise the king to be drunk tonight and honor the ming dynasty before talking. Cherish the heart of the master, and the wine is also deeply affectionate. Must worry about the spring leakage short, Mo sue the golden cup full. When you meet wine and hehe, life can be geometric. ——Tang Weizhuang, "Bodhisattva Man Advises the King to Get Drunk Tonight"

Tonight, we're going to get drunk. At the banquet, don't talk about tomorrow's events, the master's deep friendship, are all in this wine. Time is short, don't waste it on prevarication. How long can a person's life be? There is wine in this day, and there is music in this day.

How do Li Bai, Su Shi, Wang Wei, and Bai Juyi drink poetry? The ancient poems at the banquet are all here

When is the moon? Ask the wine to qingtian. ——Su Shi, "Water Tune Song Head, Chengchen Mid-Autumn Festival"

When will such a bright moon be there again? Hold up the wine and ask the heavens, don't live up to this moonlight.

There are flowers and wine in the spring, no candles and no lights at night self-illumination - excerpt from "Chatting with Zai Zhiyi"

There are flowers and wine is spring, even if there is no candle, there is a bright moon.

Lanling wine tulips, jade bowls filled with amber light. ——Li Bai, "Guest in the Bank / Guest in the Work"

The wine is full, don't let it down. (The last sentence, if you take a bowl and pour beer, it is very appropriate, haha)

You can laugh several times in your life, and you must get drunk when you meet wine. ——Tang Cen Shan, "The Night Collection of Liangzhou Pavilion and the Judges"

How many times in a lifetime can you have no scruples and laugh? When you and I meet today, we must drink and get drunk.

How do Li Bai, Su Shi, Wang Wei, and Bai Juyi drink poetry? The ancient poems at the banquet are all here

There is wine in this day and drunk in this day, and tomorrow is sad and tomorrow is sad. - Luo Yin, "Self-Dispatch"

Come and have another drink. If there is wine today, we will get drunk and happy, tomorrow's worries, tomorrow's talk.

2, drunk and real

Spring feast, green wine a glass of song again. Goodbye to Chen Sanzhi: one wish lang jun chitose, two wishes concubines chang jian, three wishes like Liang Shangyan, the years to see each other. ——Five Generations feng Yanmi, "The Long-Lived Girl, Spring Feast"

This sentence is suitable for couples to drink, and it is guaranteed to move your object very much.

Want to buy osmanthus flowers with wine, the end is not like, juvenile tour. ——Liu Guo, "Tang Duoling Luye Mantingzhou"

Friends, the vicissitudes of the world. I want to buy osmanthus flowers and take a boat trip with fine wine, but I don't have the youthful spirit of our year.

Persuade the jun to drink a glass of wine, and go out of the west to yang guan without a reason. ——Wang Wei, "Weicheng Song / Sending Yuan Er envoy Anxi"

Have another drink, friend. After parting, can you still meet a close friend like me?

How do Li Bai, Su Shi, Wang Wei, and Bai Juyi drink poetry? The ancient poems at the banquet are all here

Sing to wine, life is geometric! - Cao Cao's "Short Song Line"

While drinking and singing, how many years can there be in life? (Go down to KTV, haha)

3. Long-term love

Toast the wine to the east wind, and calm down together. ——Song Ouyang Xiu, "Surfing the Sand"

Raise your glass and pray to the East Wind, please stay a little longer and don't leave in a hurry.

Singing in the daytime must indulge in alcohol, and youth is a good companion to return home. —— Du Fu, "Wen Guanjun Collects Henan Hebei"

Near the end of the year, the thoughts of my hometown are all in this cup of wine, after drinking and singing, I will go home for the Spring Festival.

The sunset wine is far away, and the wind and rain are all over the West Building. ——Xu Hun, "Xie Ting Farewell"

As the sun set, the wine woke up, the people were gone, and only the wind and rain sent me away from the West Building.

How do Li Bai, Su Shi, Wang Wei, and Bai Juyi drink poetry? The ancient poems at the banquet are all here

4. Drink alone is also beautiful

A pot of wine, a pole body, happy as a nong there are a few people. ——Li Yu, "Fisher Father Wave Intentional Thousand Mile Snow"

With a pot of fine wine next to you and a fishing rod in your hand, how many people in the world are so comfortable and happy?

"A pot of wine between the flowers, drinking alone without blind dates." Raise a glass to invite Mingyue, and the shadow into three people. The moon did not drink, and the shadow disciple followed me. Temporarily accompanied by the moon will be shadowed, happy and spring. My song and moon linger, and my dancing shadow is chaotic. When you wake up, you have sex with each other, and when you are drunk, you disperse. Yongjie travels mercilessly, phased in with Yun Han. ”

How do Li Bai, Su Shi, Wang Wei, and Bai Juyi drink poetry? The ancient poems at the banquet are all here

Drunk under the moon, before the dancing sword flower, although it is cold and lonely. But with wine and poetry, with the flower moon and the starry sky, everything seems so hazy and beautiful. Loneliness has also become enjoyment.


With poetry into the wine, the wine will be more delicious.

Today there is no ancient time and month, but this month has been illuminated by the ancients. The length of life is unpredictable, but we can decorate the years more beautifully. If life is a journey, the beauty is seen all over, and there will be no regrets.

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