
Kindle customer service responded to the rumors of withdrawal from the Chinese market: it is only that the manufacturer is out of stock and does not remove the product

IT home January 4 news, this morning IT home has reported, according to netizens, Jingdong Kindle self-operated store suddenly appeared a large area of goods, only a youth version of the e-book reader is on sale, there is news that Kindle will withdraw from the Chinese market.

According to Phoenix Financial Report, for the Kindle's large-scale shortage, Jingdong customer service responded that the goods were hot. Kindle self-operated store customer service responded: out of stock is because the manufacturer is not in stock now, but the stock is not off the shelves, when there is a notice of goods and so on.

Kindle customer service responded to the rumors of withdrawal from the Chinese market: it is only that the manufacturer is out of stock and does not remove the product

The JD Kindle self-operated store shows that only one e-book reader is left for sale. It is worth mentioning that the Kindle Taobao store has been closed before.

Kindle is an e-book reader launched by Amazon in the United States, and Amazon has not responded to the news of whether Kindle has withdrawn from the domestic market.

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