
Create the future together with Jietu - 2021 Jietu users co-create the third season

From December 25th to 26th, the third quarter of 2021 Jietu User Co-creation Club was successfully concluded in Kaifeng, Henan Province. The "Co-creation Tiantu Group", composed of 25 groups of Jietu family representatives, walked into the intelligent manufacturing factory, traced the quality charm of Jietu, became the first batch of experience officers of the new model "Jietu X-1", deeply explored and advanced the "Co-creation Road" of Jietu, and made progress in the same industry and shared a win-win situation.

Create the future together with Jietu - 2021 Jietu users co-create the third season

Gathering talents, peers "the road of co-creation"

Jietu Automobile is experiencing a huge change from traditional car building to co-creation of cars, hoping to achieve a deep connection with users through product co-creation, brand co-creation and ecological co-creation.

As the IP of the official user exchange meeting of Jietu, "Jietu Accompanied by Peers, Creating the Future Together" allows Jietu to listen to the truest voice of users in a face-to-face "zero distance" communication method, and opens up a "co-creation road" that grows together with users through the process of collection, recording, judging, adoption and follow-up.

Create the future together with Jietu - 2021 Jietu users co-create the third season

Looking back at 2021, from Huangshan in May to Wuhu in June to Kaifeng in December, a total of 200+ users actively participated in the three seasons, providing more than 300 valuable opinions covering product development and design, service upgrades, after-sales operations, etc., of which 100+ suggestions were adopted and responded to and improved by the brand side.

Create the future together with Jietu - 2021 Jietu users co-create the third season

Co-creation Club has invited a group of Jietu users from all over the world to gather together to create a "our Jietu" that truly belongs to users.

Two-way rush to create a "advanced work"

One of the highlights of this event is a mysterious model parked in the factory review room: a more youthful interaction design, full of innovative shapes of future aesthetics, it is the "sincere work" of Jietu advanced intelligence, Internet of Things and other fields - Jietu X-1, and at the same time, it is also the core topic of this co-creation of user exchanges.

Create the future together with Jietu - 2021 Jietu users co-create the third season

This is a two-way rush between users and shortcuts. For the design details, equipment configuration, car scenes, etc. of Jietu X-1, the users on site have put forward loyal suggestions and feedback. In the spirit of ownership, users regard themselves as a member of the shortcut, constantly tap their own hidden needs, and design products that better meet the functional, emotional experience and social needs of users through co-creation.

Create the future together with Jietu - 2021 Jietu users co-create the third season

"It's cool to build a car with Jietu", the faces of every user on the scene were full of enthusiasm. A car owner who has participated in the co-creation club for three times said: "Seeing that the suggestions I made have been implemented and improved one by one, this feeling of being valued and respected has given me a great sense of accomplishment, and I hope that this car that has condensed the efforts of everyone can successfully break the circle." ”

Jointly create and open a new era of shortcuts

In just three years since its establishment in 2018, Jietu Automobile has achieved 400,000+ brand terminal sales, which stands out among many cutting-edge Chinese automobile brands and creates a "Jietu Speed" that shocks the industry with its own solid system. In the critical period of advancing from the product sequence to an independent brand, Jietu forward-looking put forward the concept of "joint co-creation" - working with users to build a Jietu automobile brand and travel ecosystem to achieve user co-creation, ecological sharing and win-win cooperation with partners.

Create the future together with Jietu - 2021 Jietu users co-create the third season

According to statistics, the co-creation of Jietu's products has attracted more than 10% of users so far, participating in the research and development and research of Jietu products, with a total of 35,000+ people participating in 750+ optimization opinions, and is still constantly exploring and enterprising. At the same time, Jetto Auto also co-creates the "Travel +" travel ecology with users through activities such as Co-creation Club, JetWay Family Banquet, and 818 Fan Culture Festival.

Create the future together with Jietu - 2021 Jietu users co-create the third season

From "Jietu user" to "user Jietu", Jietu Automobile is showing the world that an automobile brand that truly belongs to China and has strong national scientific and technological power, creativity and cultural power is rising at the speed of light.

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