
He was awarded the rank of captain in 1955 and general in 1993, the only soldier who was promoted all the way after the founding of the People's Republic of China

He was awarded the rank of captain in 1955 and general in 1993, the only soldier who was promoted all the way after the founding of the People's Republic of China

He was awarded the rank of captain in 1955 and general in 1993, the only soldier who was promoted all the way after the founding of the People's Republic of China

In the darkest years of the motherland, there will always be people who choose to charge at the forefront, use their flesh and blood to protect this land, protect the people who survive on this land, they will not worry about whether they will spill blood on the battlefield, in their hearts, the most important thing is the dignity of this motherland, the pride of this territory under their feet, and the back of the sons and daughters of China.

He is a hero of the dark age of the motherland, a warrior who fearlessly defends the battlefield of the motherland with his own flesh and blood, does not flinch, does not regret; he is an ordinary and great one among tens of thousands of warriors, not a savior who descends from heaven, and a unique divine ability that does not fly to the sky.

But like his comrades-in-arms, he relied on the weapons in his hands to guard the pure land in the hearts of every soldier; he was a captain who was not dazzling in the early days of the founding of the country, his rank was not conspicuous, and his career was not obvious, but he still did all the sacrifices that a soldier needed to pay, dedicated all his strength to the troops, and became a "hero" in everyone's mind.

He was the only great general who was promoted from captain to general step by step after the founding of the country- Yu Yongbo.

Born into an aristocrat, he was first a soldier

In September 1931, in the home of a Manchu nobleman in Fuxian County, Liaoning Province, which is now Dalian Wafangdian, a group of people were busy going in and out, and everyone had an anxious, worried, and expectant expression on their faces, and the woman's low cries of pain could even be faintly heard in the house. Finally, the silence was broken by the cry of a loud baby, and everyone's expression was relieved, and they smiled again to welcome the arrival of this new student. This child is the future pillar of the motherland - Yu Yongbo.

He was awarded the rank of captain in 1955 and general in 1993, the only soldier who was promoted all the way after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Although Yu Yongbo, who was born as a descendant of the Manchu Qing Dynasty Yellow Banner, had long since been overthrown by the Manchu Qing government at that time, and the so-called nobility had ceased to exist, "the skinny camel was bigger than the horse", and although Yu Yongbo's family was not as brilliant and well-gated as the Manchu Qing Dynasty, it had no problem maintaining the operation of the entire family. In this way, under the careful cultivation of the family, Yu Yongbo had the honor of reading poetry books and had many unique views of his own for many issues of this era.

For Yu Yongbo, although he did not make a living but only worked hard, there were poverty in the industry that could not survive, but in that era, in that era, when the motherland was devastated, Yu Yongbo saw too many people's grief, and also saw too many Chinese people die under the enemy's knives and guns, and one after another fresh lives were arbitrarily erased, without pity, without conscience, the enemy harvested the lives of Chinese children like executioners, and the whole country was shrouded in haze in that era.

He was awarded the rank of captain in 1955 and general in 1993, the only soldier who was promoted all the way after the founding of the People's Republic of China

The young Yu Yongbo looked at everything in front of him, watched his country's dignity being trampled on the soles of his feet by the enemy, and the back of a nation was thus bent by the enemy's artillery fire, which was a fact that Yu Yongbo could never accept, and the pride of being a son and daughter of China and the dignity engraved in the blood and bones reminded Yu Yongbo over and over again of the responsibilities that Yu Yongbo had to bear as a son and daughter of China.

In September 1948, yu Yongbo, who was only 17 years old, after understanding the nature and significance of our party's work, after strict assessment and selection, Yu Yongbo finally officially joined the camp of our party with his excellent ability and decisive form style, and became an excellent party member. At a young age, after experiencing national crisis and national humiliation, he quickly grew into a responsible and mature teenager.

Aid korea war, immortal merit

He was awarded the rank of captain in 1955 and general in 1993, the only soldier who was promoted all the way after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Because of the relatively short time he had joined our party, he did not have the opportunity to exert Yu Yongbo's ambitions on the eve and early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, but he failed to let Yu Yongbo's talents be displayed. As an ordinary little soldier in the army, Yu Yongbo has never slackened off his training and requirements for himself, no matter in any war, as long as Yu Yongbo still has a little strength to fight on the battlefield, he will never take a step back, even if there is only one bullet left in his hand, he will send it into the chest of the enemy army.

The War of Resistance finally came to an end with the joint efforts of the people of the whole country, and the darkest era was finally completely dissipated from the land of China. Yu Yongbo did not experience the baptism of the War of Resistance, and did not leave the slightest great achievement because he joined the army late in the Liberation War, so Yu Yongbo made his own small transparency in the early days of the founding of the Country.

But the world never stops fighting, and weak nations must learn to use weapons to protect themselves. As soon as the war to aid Korea broke out, Yu Yongbo, who was always charging at the forefront, did not hesitate and rushed to the battlefield without the slightest hesitation.

He was awarded the rank of captain in 1955 and general in 1993, the only soldier who was promoted all the way after the founding of the People's Republic of China

In the fierce war, Yu Yongbo relied on his outstanding ability to serve as a regimental propaganda officer in the army and made outstanding contributions to the war to aid Korea.

Awarded the title of general, success and fame

After the victory in the war in 1952, the troops returned to the DPRK, and Yu Yongbo was also appointed by the state as the chief of the political propaganda section, the regimental political commissar, the deputy political commissar and director of the political department of a certain division of the PLA Army, the director of the office of the Headquarters of the Guangzhou Military Region, the military political commissar, and other work because of his outstanding performance in the war.

In the environment at that time, the rank of captain was only an extremely common title, but Yu Yongbo was never discouraged and unwilling for this, in his opinion, the rank he got was what he deserved, he was just a new soldier, and he did not create a great achievement in the war, which was more convincing.

Yu Yongbo, who worked diligently in his post, never forgot his original intention, and dedicated everything he had in every post he stayed in, and Yu Yongbo's efforts also exchanged for the achievements he deserved. In 1985, Yu Yongbo was appointed director of the Political Department of the Nanjing Military Region, and the following year he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general by the state.

He was awarded the rank of captain in 1955 and general in 1993, the only soldier who was promoted all the way after the founding of the People's Republic of China

In the following years, Yu Yongbo's political career was like opening a plug-in, and in just a few years, he successively served as deputy director of the General Political Department, member of the Military Commission, director of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army, deputy head of the National Leading Group for Combating Smuggling, and other important national posts.

In 1993, the glorious life of the old general Yu Yongbo was officially awarded the rank of general by the state, and he also became the only soldier in China who was promoted from captain to general after the founding of the country, which is a legend of the times and a hero of the motherland.

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