
Why are more and more middle-aged people suddenly experiencing high blood pressure? The doctor said: 6 reasons

Many middle-aged people find out how their blood pressure has suddenly risen!

It turned out that it was good, how did high blood pressure suddenly occur?

Middle-aged people have high blood pressure, nothing more than these 6 reasons:

1. Genetic factors

Why are more and more middle-aged people suddenly experiencing high blood pressure? The doctor said: 6 reasons

Many people's high blood pressure is written in the genetic genes, such as if parents have high blood pressure before the age of 55, then the risk of high blood pressure in their children will be about 3 times higher.

So, from this point of view, many people's high blood pressure is indeed inevitable.

But it's not that parents with high blood pressure themselves will develop high blood pressure, because if parents do not develop high blood pressure after the age of 55, then the risk of high blood pressure in children is not increased by genetics.

Even if parents develop high blood pressure before the age of 55, it does not mean that their children will have high blood pressure, the key is to see whether they live a healthy life.

Second, I didn't keep my mouth shut

Why are more and more middle-aged people suddenly experiencing high blood pressure? The doctor said: 6 reasons

Before middle age, it is youth, and teenagers metabolize quickly, so eating something high in oil, salt, sugar and high calories can be metabolized and will not accumulate.

However, in middle age, on the one hand, an unhealthy diet, there will be a process of accumulation, resulting in accelerated arteriosclerosis, then unhealthy people have heavier arteriosclerosis, and the risk of natural hypertension is large. On the other hand, people reach middle age, metabolism is slow, and if they eat things like teenagers, they naturally do not metabolize smoothly, then they are more likely to lead to metabolic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.

So, middle-aged people with high blood pressure, ask yourself if you have a low-salt, low-oil, low-sugar, low-calorie diet!

Third, getting fatter and fatter

Why are more and more middle-aged people suddenly experiencing high blood pressure? The doctor said: 6 reasons

Look down at your stomach and you will know if you are middle-aged.

A large belly, abdominal obesity, is a sign of moving from youth to middle age. Middle-aged people themselves will have a slowing down of metabolism, and if they cannot eat healthily and insist on exercise, they will soon manifest themselves as obese, especially abdominal obesity.

Obesity is an independent risk factor for hypertension, especially the risk of reviving obese hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, when people reach middle age, if they find high blood pressure, look down to see if the stomach is big, if the stomach is big, quickly control the weight, control the belly, and don't complain about why the blood pressure has risen.

Fourth, getting lazier

Why are more and more middle-aged people suddenly experiencing high blood pressure? The doctor said: 6 reasons

Middle-aged people with high blood pressure, ask yourself if these people have checked exercise?

Almost all the middle-aged people I met in the hospital with high blood pressure did not have the habit of sticking to exercise. Long-term inactivity, coupled with an uncontrolled diet, coupled with obesity, will greatly increase the risk of high blood pressure.

On the contrary, some people find that their blood pressure is high, they begin to resume exercise, and if they insist on it for half a year, they will find that they have lost weight, their spirit is better, their fatty liver is reduced, and their blood pressure is also reduced.

This is the benefit of exercise, so if middle-aged people find that their blood pressure is high, ask themselves if they insist on exercising?

Fifth, the time has come

Why are more and more middle-aged people suddenly experiencing high blood pressure? The doctor said: 6 reasons

Many middle-aged hypertensive patients, when they come to see the doctor, often say: I am usually fine, I did not have high blood pressure before, how can I suddenly have high blood pressure?

I often joke: You see I have wrinkles and gray hair.

They will say: Hey, they are all over 40, it is normal to have a little wrinkle, and some white hair is normal.

I said: I didn't have wrinkles before, I didn't have white hair.

They laughed!

In fact, many chronic diseases, especially this metabolic disease, are related to many factors. Especially unhealthy lifestyles, or genetic factors. But the three highs, including high blood pressure, do not mean that there will be three highs when they are born. But over time, especially the more unhealthy lives, the more likely it is to induce three highs.

To put it simply, when Zhang San was born, he had three high genes, but Zhang San did not show three highs when he was young. Zhang San is very self-conscious and self-disciplined, and until the age of 60, he may not show hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.

However, if Zhang Sanhu eats and drinks, is obese, smokes and drinks, then Zhang San may have hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia at the age of 40.

This is the impact of personal life on the three highs, the healthier, the more you can postpone the arrival of the three highs, the more unhealthy, the easier it is to appear three highs early.

Sixth, the pressure is too great

Why are more and more middle-aged people suddenly experiencing high blood pressure? The doctor said: 6 reasons

Before middle age, you don't know what pressure is; without experiencing middle age, you can't understand what life is.

There are old and young, and all the big and small things of the whole family have to be taken care of by themselves. All kinds of pressure must be carried by themselves, family, husband and wife feelings, parents are old, children study, unit competition, mortgage repayment, social, friends and so on, will be pressed on middle-aged people.

Therefore, the blood pressure of middle-aged people with high pressure is easily elevated, and naturally middle-aged people have more and more high blood pressure.

In short, our middle age, no one can avoid, this is the only way in life, but we must try to live as well as possible today, cherish the present, whether there is high blood pressure or not, should actively face our middle age!

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