
Antoniani: Giroud can solve Milan's forward problems, and Milan need to give him more opportunities and confidence

Antoniani: Giroud can solve Milan's forward problems, and Milan need to give him more opportunities and confidence

Live bar December 31, in an interview with the Milan Sports newspaper, Milan veteran Antonioni talked about Olivier Giroud's performance in the first half, as well as milan and Lille centre-back Botman rumors.

Antonioni said: "Milan need to strengthen their front firepower, but maybe Olivier Giroud can solve this problem. Olivier Giroud has played fewer games so far, but he has always been a top player. He's very professional and just give him more playing time and more confidence and he can help the team a lot. ”

"In the long run, we should consider that a combination of young players and experienced veterans often plays a big synergy."

"Botman is very strong, but he's from the Netherlands and has only played in Ligue 1 so far. Botman can be a reinforcement for the future, because if you think about the present, considering the Serie A title race, then Milan need a player who has already proven himself in Serie A. ”

(Iron Fist)

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