
What exactly is the duck mother twist that the Chaoshan people eat on the winter solstice?

author:Mid-Levels Humanities

Duck mother twist belongs to Chaozhou, yes, it is a special snack in the Chaoshan region of Guangdong. In addition to snacks, duck mother twist is also one of the festive food customs of Chaoshan Province, a bit like tangyuan, but it is a kind of glutinous rice flour with filling, soft and sticky; duck mother twist was originally named glutinous rice tangyuan, and later changed to duck mother twist.

Why such a strange name? Originally, the shape of the duck mother twist is different, it is not like ordinary tangyuan are all round balls, but it is rolled into an oval shape, shaped like a duck egg, and after cooking, it will slowly surface the soup. When the mother-of-duck twists are floating up one after another, just like the flocks of white-haired female ducks in the spring pond, seeing this scene, the famous chefs of the old Chaoshan Came up with the name "Duck Mother Twist".

Therefore, the mother duck twist actually has little to do with the female duck.

What exactly is the duck mother twist that the Chaoshan people eat on the winter solstice?

Duck mother twist is divided into two categories of filling and no filling, no filling boiled into salty soup sweet soup is suitable, and most of the filling is sweet, because the filling of the bread is sweet, generally there are bean paste filling, taro filling, sesame filling, crystal filling, etc., crystal filling is made of unique sweet winter melon diced in Chaoshan region.

What exactly is the duck mother twist that the Chaoshan people eat on the winter solstice?

The tangyuan of the duck mother twist is more than twice as large as the ordinary one, and the rice bowl is filled with two or three grains, which looks like an oval duck egg, and the hometown dialect "duck mother egg" and "duck mother twist" are harmonious, so it is named.

What exactly is the duck mother twist that the Chaoshan people eat on the winter solstice?

It is also said that it is because the cooked dumplings will float on the soup, like a large white duck floating upstream in the pond. Some people also start from the word "twist" to explain, twisting is equivalent to pinching, that is, the process of using the thumb and index finger to pinch down the glutinous rice balls and knead out the tangyuan.

What exactly is the duck mother twist that the Chaoshan people eat on the winter solstice?

The mother duck twist has a variety of fillings (mung beans, red beans, taro puree) and comes in a variety of shapes, some round and some oval. Regarding the origin of the name of the duck mother twist, there are two interpretations, one is that this tangyuan used to be as large as a duck egg, and the duck egg Teochew dialect is also called duck mother egg, so it is called duck mother twist; the other is that this tangyuan is cooked and floats on the water, such as the white female duck floating on the water, so it is called duck mother twist.

What exactly is the duck mother twist that the Chaoshan people eat on the winter solstice?

There is a joke in my hometown about a fool selling duck mother twists. The fool lady makes a duck mother twist at home, calls the fool to pick up the burden and sells it on the street, and sets the price to be one yuan a bowl and two duck mother twists. The fool listened to the teachings and shouted along the way, "Duck mother twist, two grains for a dollar!" "Everyone heard about it, they all took money to buy it, one dollar for a bowl, and two ducks in the bowl." One of the diners, who had a large amount of food, came over and gave two dollars to the fool and said, "Buy two dollars." The fool does not understand arithmetic, his brain can't turn around, he only remembers a dollar to two grains, he doesn't know how many spoons for two dollars, and he is ashamed and angry, "One dollar and two grains, two dollars are not sold!" After listening to it, everyone laughed and laughed, and then they used "one dollar and two grains, two dollars are not sold." "To describe those who don't know how to be flexible."

What exactly is the duck mother twist that the Chaoshan people eat on the winter solstice?

The mother duck twists and tastes soft and sweet, chews slowly and slowly, and feels the filling of fragrant powder. After several evolutions, the protagonist of today's duck mother twist is not the tangyuan in it, the size of the duck mother twist is getting smaller and smaller, from a duck egg to the size of an egg or a ping-pong ball, but its ingredients are brilliant. Generally, stores selling duck mother twist often have more than a dozen ingredients for customers to choose, and even dozens of kinds, such as taro, chestnuts, eyebrow beans, red dates, mung beans, peanuts, barley, red beans, sweet potatoes, white fungus, mung beans, white fruits, quail eggs and so on.

What exactly is the duck mother twist that the Chaoshan people eat on the winter solstice?

The reason for this change is estimated to be the improvement of people's living standards, and the main purpose of the duck mother twist has changed from the main purpose of filling the hungry to a snack snack for leisure and leisure, which is more delicate and small.

In the hot summer, a bowl of frozen duck twisting will make you feel happy and happy; on the occasion of the cold winter moon, a bowl of hot duck twisting can bring you infinite warmth. Wandering away from home and thinking of a bowl of duck mother twist will make you temporarily let go of the pain of homesickness and the pain of real life.

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