
Xu Shiyou always wants to compete when he meets a master, and finds Geng Biao who is rejected: No need to compare, you are not my opponent!

Good general management ability and command ability must be quite strong, but it does not mean that their martial arts are also very strong. However, during the war years, most of the generals of our army were experienced in hundreds of battles, and their actual combat ability was naturally not bad. Our founding general, General Xu Shiyou, is a master, and he is a skilled martial artist from the Shaolin Temple, but he is still not a general's opponent, he is Geng Biao.

Xu Shiyou always wants to compete when he meets a master, and finds Geng Biao who is rejected: No need to compare, you are not my opponent!

Geng Biao, born in 1909, is a native of Liling, Hunan. Because of the poor family conditions, he fled with his parents from a young age, and at the age of 13, he worked in a factory to subsidize the family, but other children were extremely thin, but he was physically strong, and he could jump up four or five steps at a time.

It turned out that his father had traveled to the rivers and lakes in his early years, learned martial arts for nine years in the pro-army camp in Futai in the Qing Dynasty, and was highly skilled in martial arts, and the emperor had given him a double hook with a tiger's head, so he was called a "double hook hero", and later Cixi ordered them to be disbanded, and he returned to his hometown to work as a farmer. Therefore, Geng Biao has been practicing martial arts with his father since he was a child, learning all kinds of southern fist, qigong, single knife, and point acupuncture, and practicing a good martial art.

Xu Shiyou always wants to compete when he meets a master, and finds Geng Biao who is rejected: No need to compare, you are not my opponent!

Later, under the influence of progressive ideas, he resolutely threw himself into the revolution and led his troops to fight many hard battles, he always went to the battlefield, killed the enemy in front of the battle, and became a ten, not only that, he also tamed the fierce horse, but also killed four rebellious tigers alone, which can be described as a wizard in modern warfare.

Xu Shiyou always wants to compete when he meets a master, and finds Geng Biao who is rejected: No need to compare, you are not my opponent!

Over time, his reputation spread, and many comrades-in-arms wanted to compete with him in martial arts, and even General Xu Shiyou wanted to challenge him, but Geng Biao heard that he was coming, and immediately waved his hand and said, "No need to compare, he is not my opponent." General Xu was notoriously stubborn, and he insisted on coming, but Geng Biao was busy with official duties and told him that there was an emergency meeting to be held, and General Xu gave up.

Xu Shiyou always wants to compete when he meets a master, and finds Geng Biao who is rejected: No need to compare, you are not my opponent!

Geng Biao later said the real reason for the refusal: "General Xu is not my opponent, it is inevitable to be injured in public competition, no matter who is injured, it is a big loss, and the ability should be left on the battlefield to the enemy, not to comrades-in-arms. ”

After the founding of New China, he was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to carry out work and made great contributions to the creation and development of the diplomatic cause of New China. He was busy at work, but never complained, always led by example, was busy to forget himself, and in the special period, he also adhered to principles under great pressure and implemented the foreign policy formulated by the central government.

Xu Shiyou always wants to compete when he meets a master, and finds Geng Biao who is rejected: No need to compare, you are not my opponent!

Later, he served as vice premier of the State Council, standing committee member of the Central Military Commission, and minister of national defense, and has been struggling in his post. Even later retires, he often writes to make suggestions. He died on June 23, 2000, at the age of 91.

His daughter Geng Ying once recalled: "My father, can hunt in the mountains, touch fish in the water, negotiate when going out, and cook at home..." From child labor to general, in his revolutionary career of more than 70 years, he has rich experience, engaged in completely different jobs in different jobs without complaint, always obeyed the central leadership, and did his duty well.

Xu Shiyou always wants to compete when he meets a master, and finds Geng Biao who is rejected: No need to compare, you are not my opponent!

Looking back, if he had accepted General Xu Shiyou's request to compete and won the other side, he would definitely have hit the general. It can be said that he is confident, but it can never be said that he is arrogant, because with that kind of awareness, he himself has won.

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