
Bring Lautaro to Chelsea? Lukaku: No, I'll go back to My country

Bring Lautaro to Chelsea? Lukaku: No, I'll go back to My country

Live Bar December 31, Lukaku was interviewed by Sky Sports Italy, and more content has been released in the interview.

Speaking about his old partner Lautaro Martinez, Lukaku said: "Lautaro is the one who doesn't need much conversation as I need and I can die on the pitch for him. Take him Chelsea? No, just stay at Inter and I'll be back.

"From the first day I met Lautaro, I knew we were going to do something great. For me, his way of playing is the best and every time I get the ball I know I have someone who can kill all opponents. I dribbled three or four people and I knew he was going to be in front of the goal. Speaking Spanish also helped us, we scored a lot of goals and won a lot of games, which is the most important thing. Lautaro is the best of my teammates. Who are the top three? Lautaro, De Bruyne and Hazard. ”

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