
A traitorous vassal of the Sui Dynasty killed the emperor and occupied the emperor's wife, and a sentence on his deathbed was circulated for thousands of years

The Old Book of Tang once said: "If you die in life, won't you be an emperor for a day?" "In the last years of the Sui Dynasty, the masses rose up, the division was divided, and the emperor was unable to stabilize the situation. Traitors emerged, the emperor was assassinated, and the rule of the Sui Dynasty was decided.

In the process of the development of China's ancient feudal society, there have been countless dynasties, and at the beginning of the birth of each dynasty, there was a trend of vigorous development, and when it was about to decline, the chaotic situation experienced by it could not be ignored. At the time of the chaos, the majesty of the emperor no longer exists, and the emergence of some rebel forces will not only pose a great threat to the emperor himself, but also plunge his family into the abyss of disaster.

In the last years of the Sui Dynasty, a traitor not only killed the emperor, but also occupied the emperor's wife in his arms, and his actions aroused the contempt of countless people, but a sentence he said before his death was passed down for thousands of years. Who was this traitor of the Sui Dynasty? In the chaotic years, why would he do such a great rebellious thing to the emperor?

A traitorous vassal of the Sui Dynasty killed the emperor and occupied the emperor's wife, and a sentence on his deathbed was circulated for thousands of years

The traitor who hurt the Sui Emperor was Yu Wenhua. Mention this name, presumably everyone is not unfamiliar, Yu Wenhua and his father Yuwen Shu, was one of the most important generals of the Sui Dynasty Emperor. With his father's power in the DPRK, Yu Wenhua became a major bully in the DPRK, whether it was the national law or the official norm, Yu Wenhua did not care.

In addition to the officialdom, Yu Culture and often oppress the people, fish and meat townships, the people in the city all refer to Yu Culture and called "light and thin princes". As early as when Yang Guang was still the crown prince, Yu Wenhua and yang Guang's trust, even though Yu Wenhua and had been dismissed for accepting bribes many times, but with their close relationship with Yang Guang, Yu Wenhua and always succeeded in getting rid of punishment and restoring their original official positions.

A traitorous vassal of the Sui Dynasty killed the emperor and occupied the emperor's wife, and a sentence on his deathbed was circulated for thousands of years

Later, Yu Wenhua and his younger brother married Princess Nanyang, the eldest daughter of the Sui Emperor, and since then, Yu Wenhua has become more blind. During his tenure as an official, countless officials were reprimanded and ostracized by Yu Wenhua, and in the eyes of many officials, Yu Wenhua and its existence were likely to threaten the rule of the Sui Dynasty. However, due to Yu Wenhua and Yang Guang's trust, no matter how the outside world judges him, it can never affect his status.

After the Sui Emperor ascended to the throne, Yu Wenhua and the Turks violated the state ban to do business with the Turks, and when the Sui Emperor learned of this, he imprisoned Yu Wenhua and imprisoned him for several months. Just as the Sui Emperor planned to execute Yu Wenhua in time, Princess Nanyang took the initiative to intercede, after which the Sui Emperor pardoned Yu Wenhua and made him a general of the Right Tun Wei and was responsible for taking charge of the Janissaries.

A traitorous vassal of the Sui Dynasty killed the emperor and occupied the emperor's wife, and a sentence on his deathbed was circulated for thousands of years

The Sui Emperor's act of mercy did not make Yu Wenhua feel grateful, but made him more and more arrogant. In the twelfth year of Daye, the Sui Emperor marched in the Jiangdu region by dragon boat, and at the same time, peasants revolted all over the country, and the Sui Emperor became the target of everyone. After the parade, the leader of Wagangzhai occupied Luokou and cut off the road to the west in order to resist the rule of the Sui Emperor, but the Sui Emperor was trapped in the local area. After that, the Sui Emperor was forced to stay in the Jiangdu area, and in desperation, the Sui Emperor planned to make Danyang the new capital.

Most of the Janissaries who followed the Sui Emperor were from Guanzhong in the northwest, and their long-lived life made them miss their hometown. In the turbulent situation, the Janissaries began to plan a rebellion against the Sui Emperor. Upon learning of this, Yu Wenhua and his younger brother Yuwen Zhihe were greatly excited and decided to conspire with their brother to oppose it.

A traitorous vassal of the Sui Dynasty killed the emperor and occupied the emperor's wife, and a sentence on his deathbed was circulated for thousands of years

In the fourteenth year of Daye, Yu Wenhua and his subordinates secretly assassinated the Sui Emperor, and then Yu Wenhua and took Empress Xiao, who had been coveted for a long time, into his arms. In the historical records, Empress Xiao was extremely beautiful, and after successfully killing the Sui Emperor, Yu Wenhua and her act of forcibly occupying Empress Xiao were completely understandable.

For Empress Xiao, even though she had all kinds of helplessness, she was still powerless to resist. After all, she was only a woman, and she did not have any say in the war. Yu Wenhua and the Sui Emperor established themselves as emperors after assassinating them, but his rule did not continue. In just 100 days, Dou Jiande, the King of Xia, killed Yuwen and his two sons one by one. It is reported that before Yu Wenhua and his death, he once shouted: "Life should be dead, is it not a day for the emperor." In his opinion, even if he could only be the emperor for one day, he was very happy, and he had no remorse for his seizure of power.

A traitorous vassal of the Sui Dynasty killed the emperor and occupied the emperor's wife, and a sentence on his deathbed was circulated for thousands of years


The later Yu culture and his behavior of harming the emperor and robbing the empress were inseparable from the wanton behavior of his early years. If the emperor had curbed it at the beginning of yu culture and debauchery, perhaps later tragedies would have been successfully avoided, and the rule of the Sui Dynasty would have been able to continue.

From the Yu culture and experience, we can feel that many people in ancient society were eager to seize imperial power. Although it is impossible to sit on the emperor's throne permanently, the short-lived pleasure is still worth the attention of countless people. On the one hand, Yu Wenhua is an out-and-out ungrateful person, and on the other hand, Yu Wenhua and her freedom are also rare. It can be seen from this that when judging historical figures, we should look at problems from many aspects, and if we judge historical figures with a single impression, we will inevitably miss countless historical truths.

Reference: Book of Sui

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