
Healthy spleen, nourish stomach, moisturize the lungs, this bowl of nourishing fresh fish soup, late summer and early autumn drink is the most suitable!

author:The Affiliated Chinese Medicine Hospital of Guangdong Medical College

A new semester has begun,

Students think more with their eyes than on holidays,

Thinking too much hurts the spleen,

Long-term sight wound blood,

Wounding liver blood with too much eye,

So on the basis of autumn moisturizing health,

It is necessary to take into account the healthy spleen and liver nourishment.

Deputy Chief Chinese Medicine Physician of the Department of Pre-treatment - Gao Sande:

Long-term visual injury blood, excessive use of the eyes will hurt liver blood, it is recommended to eat more liver blood ingredients after the start of school. Long worry about injuring the spleen, often think too much about the spleen and stomach will also be damaged, to maintain health through healthy spleen and stomach, autumn is relatively dry, on the basis of healthy spleen and liver, but also pay attention to moisturizing the lungs.

The body of primary and secondary school students is still growing and developing

Very sensitive to seasonal changes

The physical adaptability to the climate is relatively poor

In the autumn, it is easy to have autumn diarrhea, respiratory diseases and other problems, excessive use of the brain, spleen and stomach injury, appetite will be reduced, and it is easy to have dry cough and nosebleeds in the respiratory tract.


Nutrition has to keep up

Recommend one for everyone

A beautiful soup that nourishes the yin and spleen

#淮杞山斑鱼汤 #

Healthy spleen, nourish stomach, moisturize the lungs, this bowl of nourishing fresh fish soup, late summer and early autumn drink is the most suitable!

Ingredients: (2-3 servings) Huaishan 15 g, goji berries 10 g, pork tendon 200 g, mountain spotted fish 250 g, ginger 1 slice.


1. Wash the lean meat, fly water to remove the fishy smell of meat;

2. After slaughtering the mountain spotted fish, remove the gill scales, wash and filter the water, and fry in a pot with a little oil until both sides are pale yellow;

3. Put the toppings in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over low heat, turn to simmer for 1 hour, season with salt, and then eat.

Effect: Nourish the yin lungs and spleen, nourish the liver and eyesight, and is a good health product in autumn.

Healthy spleen, nourish stomach, moisturize the lungs, this bowl of nourishing fresh fish soup, late summer and early autumn drink is the most suitable!
Healthy spleen, nourish stomach, moisturize the lungs, this bowl of nourishing fresh fish soup, late summer and early autumn drink is the most suitable!

Huai Yam: flat, sweet, spleen meridian, lung meridian and kidney meridian. It is beneficial to nourish the yin, replenish the spleen, lungs and kidneys, and fix the essence and stop the belt. Easy to digest, nutritious, can be used as a daily health food.

Goji Berry: Ganping, into the liver and kidney meridians, has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, and benefiting the shrewd purpose.

Mountain spotted fish (moon carp): Chinese medicine believes that its sweet taste, flat nature, has the effect of nourishing, dispelling rheumatism, strengthening muscles and bones, treating wet itch, nourishing yin and blood, tonifying kidneys and aphrodisiacs, dispelling stasis, astringent and promoting wound healing.

#小贴士 #

1. Contraindicated people: cold, fever patients.

2. Suitable for the crowd: the general population, mental workers, students are particularly suitable.

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