
Dalian Renfa Chinese Super League final round battle Qingdao team poster: battle, Dalian team

Dalian Renfa Chinese Super League final round battle Qingdao team poster: battle, Dalian team

Live Bar January 2 news Tomorrow at 15:30 pm, Dalian people will play against Qingdao in the 22nd round of the Chinese Super League. This afternoon, the team released the pre-match poster for the match: Battle, Dalian.

The team's official Weibo said: "Life should always meet the light, and after disappointment, we must not give up hope." The end of the night is called the sun, and it is the warrior who will go to the soup. Although the language has paled and the probability is no longer allowable, no matter where the future goes, this battle, do not leave regrets. ”

After 21 rounds of fighting, Dalian people achieved a record of 5 wins, 1 draw and 15 losses, temporarily ranking second to the bottom with 16 points. In a pre-match press conference against Qingdao, team coach Jose made it clear that the team's goal in this game is to win.

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