
The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

There is an old saying that when you fight a tiger brother, you fight a father and son soldier. In the years of the Second Civil Revolutionary War, many brothers and sisters emerged in the ranks of the heroic Red Army, who braved the rain of bullets and bullets, were born into death, fought bloodily, went forward and succeeded, and grew into senior generals of the Red Army, and some became the founding brothers of the republic, leaving legendary stories that will be recorded in the annals of history.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

Of course, in the years of the arduous revolutionary war, some carried forward the indomitable will, the belief that revolutionary ideals are higher than heaven, and with young lives and full of enthusiasm, on this road paved with blood and fire, both brothers made heroic sacrifices, sacrificed their precious lives for the revolutionary liberation cause of the Chinese people, and wrote a heroic epic of magnificent mountains and rivers.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

During the National Day holiday, he specially drove to The Village of Liantang Aoshan in YouXian County, Hunan Province, not far from his hometown, to visit the former residences of Cai Huiwen and Cai Lanjie, which is located in the east of Hunan, at the southwest end of Wugong Mountain in the middle of the Luoxiao Mountains.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

When entering the village, we saw a sign that read, "Cai Huiwen, Cai Lanjie's Former Residence", fixed on a look, under the shade of green trees, a building covering an area of about tens of square meters, north to south, brick and wood structure, hard mountain top, sealed volcanic wall, three wide, front and back connected houses came into view, Cai Huiwen, Cai Lanjie two brothers were born in this village.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

Older brother Cai Lanjie, also known as Cai Zhong, Cai Zhong, some people wrote Cai Nanjie, born in March 1906, Cai Lanjie was introverted, deep, not smiling when he was a child, and the personality of his younger brother Cai Huiwen, who was two years younger than him, was completely opposite, so his father did not let him enter the private school with his younger brother Cai Huiwen until he was ten years old, when his academic performance was average. When his younger brother Cai Huiwen was admitted to Changsha No. 13 Middle School, that is, Changjun Middle School, with honors in the autumn of 1925, Cai Lanjie Middle School continued his studies at youxian No. 2 Higher Primary School.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

Cai Huiwen joined the party while studying in Changsha, and then led the "Youxian Brigade Provincial Alumni Association" back to his hometown to carry out revolutionary propaganda and launch a vigorous revolutionary movement of workers and peasants. Under the influence of his brother Cai Huiwen, Cai Lanjie accepted the revolutionary ideas, and together they set up an "enterprising society" in Youxian County to organize the progressive youth of Youxian County to study and propagate the theory of scientific progress, and gloriously joined the party.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

After joining the Red Army, Cai Lanjie conquered the county seat of Ninggang with the troops, and he not only strictly observed revolutionary discipline and was not afraid of hardships and hardships, but also could actively engage in mass work. Transferred to the Heavy Brigade of the 31st Regiment of the Red Fourth Army, the work was always hard work, immersed in hard work, and completed various transportation tasks well.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

After the Red Fourth Army left Jinggangshan to open up the central revolutionary base area, it was reorganized in Tingzhou, Fujian Province, and Cai Lanjie was promoted to political commissar of the Thirty-fourth Division of the Red Twelfth Army, and the division commander was Zhou Zikunjian, commander of the Fujian Military Region, who acted as the political commissar of the division and director of the political department. In the spring of 1934, the 34th Division was placed under the command of the Red Fifth Army, and in October of that year, after the Central Red Army began the Long March, the Red Fifth Army served as the general rear guard of the whole army, and the Red Thirty-fourth Division served as the rear guard of the general rearguard, sniping at all tail-chasing enemies for the whole army. Cai Lanjie served as acting political commissar and director of the political department of the 34th Division, and political commissar of the 102nd Regiment.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

The Red Thirty-fourth Division made great contributions to the Long March of the Red Army, and from the beginning of the Long March, it covered the main force while fighting and walking, and in the harsh battle, the team sacrificed all the way to reduce its personnel. In particular, in the Battle of xiangjiang at the end of November, after this unit covered the last unit of the Red Army leaving Guanyang (Guangxi), it fell into the enemy's heavy siege, and was cut off on the east bank of the Xiangjiang River to cover the Red Army's forced crossing of the Xiangjiang River.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

Later, the enemy army came from all directions, there were dozens of planes in the air for reconnaissance and bombing, there were Gui enemy Xia Wei's troops in the south, Li Yunjie's troops in the east, and Xue Yue, Zhou Hunyuan, and Luo Zhuoying's troops in the north of the Central Army. They fought back and forth for 4 days and 5 nights, and finally bought time for the two central columns and the last unit of the Red Army, the Red Eighth Army, to successfully cross the Xiang River.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

However, in this battle, division commander Chen Shuxiang and the commanders and fighters of the Red Thirty-fourth Division almost all died on the battlefield, and the heroic Red Thirty-fourth Division's great battle achievements were great and tragic, and Cai Lanjie sacrificed his precious life for the revolutionary liberation cause of the Chinese people, which will forever be engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people!

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

His younger brother, Cai Huiwen, joined the Communist Party of China in 1926. In 1930, Cai Huiwen, who was only 22 years old, became the political commissar of the Red Army, and participated in the first, second, and third anti-"encirclement and suppression" struggles with commander Huang Gongluo and Xiao Ke, crushing Chiang Kai-shek's conspiracy to eliminate the Red Army. Later, he was the director of the Political Department of the Jiangxi Military Region, the commander-in-chief and political commissar of the Xianggan Military Region, the political commissar of the Eighth Red Army, the acting political commissar of the Sixth Red Army and the political commissar of the Seventeenth Division, the commander of the Xianggan Military Region, and the commander of the Gannan Military Region.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

During the Long March of the Red Army, when it was ordered to stay in the Central Soviet Region to fight guerrillas, Cai Huiwen led the organs and troops of the CPC Gannan Provincial Committee, and after a month of bitter and bloody fighting, finally got rid of the dangerous situation, advanced into the Xinfeng Oil Mountain, and formed the Southern Guerrilla General Headquarters with Xiang Ying, Chen Yi, and other victorious divisions who arrived earlier, to lead the armed struggle in the Guangdong-Gansu Border Region.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

Cai Huiwen led the consolidation and development of the guerrilla base areas in Xiangguang and Gansu, and the continuous growth of the guerrilla units of the Red Army caused great panic among the enemies in the three provinces of Xiangdong, Guangdong, and Gansu. They mobilized three regular divisions of the Kuomintang army to gather the armed forces of the Kuomintang landlords in more than a dozen counties around the guerrilla base areas, and the total strength of the troops reached 30,000 or 40,000 people to carry out "brutal" pursuit and suppression. Cai Huiwen led cadres and soldiers to live in grass huts, eat bark and grass roots, endure extreme pain, and still stubbornly fight against the enemy and hunger and cold.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

In the early spring of 1936, in an encounter with the Yu Han Plotting Department of the Kuomintang Cantonese Army, due to the disparity in strength between the enemy and us, the troops were scattered, and Cai Huiwen was left with only 8 soldiers. Looking at the tired, hungry, and extremely tired soldiers, Cai Huiwen arranged for the squadron cadre Chen Junliang to go down the mountain to buy grain, who knew that Chen Junliang was arrested and defected as soon as he came down the mountain, and surrounded the troop garrison with the Kuomintang army. Hearing the gunshots, Cai Huiwen jumped up and commanded the soldiers to break through.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

During the fierce battle, Cai Hui was seriously injured with a tattoo and unfortunately captured. The Kuomintang army found a bamboo chair and wanted to carry Cai Huiwen back to ask for credit. As soon as Cai Huiwen woke up, he struggled to jump out of the bamboo chair and scolded the traitor and the enemy, and the traitor Chen Junliang was so angry that he drew a saber and cruelly cut Cai Huiwen's neck, and suddenly, blood and grass juice spurted out of Cai Huiwen's throat at the same time. The famous Red Army general, who died fighting for the revolution with a belly full of grass roots and leaves, was only 28 years old when he died.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

Two years after Cai Huiwen's death, the Guerrilla Detachment of the Red Army in Gansu, Guangdong, and Xiangbian under his leadership was reorganized down the mountain, reorganized and driven to dayuchijiang, Jiangxi, and organized into the third battalion of the second regiment of the first detachment of the New Fourth Army and immediately went to the anti-Japanese front line to make new contributions.

The two brothers became the political commissar of the Red Army and the division, and both sacrificed themselves to stay in the Soviet zone and the Battle of the Xiangjiang River

The two brothers, Cai Huiwen and Cai Lanjie, grew up to become generals at the rank of red army and division, and both died heroically on the battlefield, and now, in their hometown, the former residence of the martyrs Cai Huiwen and Cai Lanjie and the martyrs' memorial hall have been built, and the people of their hometown have used this way to remember their iron heart on the revolutionary road and remember their mission. At the same time, people from all walks of life have come here to hold revolutionary traditional education activities to commemorate the heroes and martyrs, remember the original intention, and comfort the martyrs who died young.

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