
I want to eat it in the winter, and I really don't blame you for your poor self-control! Mainly caused by these 3 "bane"

It is said that in this world, there are always various laws:

For example--- the law of "overtime when you say that you must leave work on time";

For example--- the law of "no makeup and no washing of hair, resulting in going out and meeting a male god";

For example--- the law of "it rains on the same day as the car is washed"


Of course, there is also the law of "wanting to eat as soon as you encounter winter".

I want to eat it in the winter, and I really don't blame you for your poor self-control! Mainly caused by these 3 "bane"

Why can't the mouth stop in the winter?

I don't know if you have such a phenomenon: in the winter, you want to eat delicious things, and those ideas of losing weight are all forgotten. Sometimes I know I've just eaten, but it doesn't take long before I feel hungry, and this feeling doesn't occur in other seasons.


First, the temperature change

After entering the winter, as the temperature gradually drops, the temperature difference between the human body and the outside world gradually increases, and the rate of body heat loss in the winter is much faster than in other seasons.

Therefore, in order to maintain calories, the body will send signals to the brain, prompting the human body to eat more by ingesting more food and replenishing the calories that are consumed in time.

Second, less exercise

People tend to be lazy in the winter, and even getting out of bed becomes a difficult thing to do, let alone go out to exercise.

In the winter, we often only want to stay at home to watch TV, bake fires, chat with friends, but rarely think about going out to exercise, even if we go out, we are wearing thick clothes, with these thick clothes blocked, but also shake our determination to lose weight.

Third, gastric acid secretion is more

As the weather cools down, after the human body is stimulated by the cold, the histidine in the blood will also increase, and the secretion of gastric acid will also increase significantly, resulting in an increase in appetite.

It also makes us want to eat more in the winter and eat more.

I want to eat it in the winter, and I really don't blame you for your poor self-control! Mainly caused by these 3 "bane"

Eat more, move less, naturally... Half a month...

You know, if we eat without moderation, uncontrolled intake of too much high-calorie food, it will lead to weight gain, body fat, and even buried physical health risks.

The harm of obesity is naturally not much to say, but everyone is most afraid, naturally is ---- do not lose weight in winter, and the next summer is sad.

I want to eat it in the winter, and I really don't blame you for your poor self-control! Mainly caused by these 3 "bane"

In winter, how do we control the rhythm of increasing happiness?

First, the meat and vegetarian are reasonably matched

Most of the meat foods eaten in winter are high in calories, so we should mix some vegetables reasonably.

For female friends who want to control their weight, they can also be ingested together with foods with a high dietary fiber content, which can make us feel more full and not always feel hungry.

Second, eat food several times a day

Usually each of us eats three meals, but in the winter we can follow the principle of eating less and eating more.

Eating a little less per meal and eating four or five meals a day will not only ensure that the energy we consume from food every day does not change, but also does not produce hunger every day.

Do not eat too fast when eating, you should chew carefully and swallow slowly, and avoid the harm caused by overeating to the body.

Third, distraction

We can achieve the purpose of controlling appetite by reducing our attention to food, for example, we can put those high-energy snacks in an inconspicuous place, drink tea, read, listen to music and other methods to achieve this goal.

In addition, when the body is dehydrated, it often produces the illusion of hunger, which will make you want to eat more.

Therefore, in the dry winter, we need to pay more attention to drinking at least 1500-1700ml of water every day, replenishing water while avoiding hunger due to lack of water, so as to better control appetite.

I want to eat it in the winter, and I really don't blame you for your poor self-control! Mainly caused by these 3 "bane"

In fact, it is not very difficult to fight off appetite.

As long as we remember some small tricks, while controlling ourselves, to avoid making this winter easy to get away from getting fat.

Of course, many people think that it is a good thing to have an appetite in winter, the more you can eat, the better your physical condition, do not control your appetite, overeating, meat is not taboo.

However, if in the summer of the coming year, when you see others wearing bikinis and revealing their career lines, don't cry and regret it anymore!

I want to eat it in the winter, and I really don't blame you for your poor self-control! Mainly caused by these 3 "bane"

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