
Liuyang City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Maintenance Center: Led by party building, work together to dress up the most beautiful Liucheng City

author:Nine factions view the world
Liuyang City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Maintenance Center: Led by party building, work together to dress up the most beautiful Liucheng City

Optimize operations, improve efficiency, and take on a new look

In 2021, the city's environmental sanitation undertakings have achieved good results and made great progress. In the field of environmental sanitation, a series of special environmental sanitation rectification actions have been launched in the streets and alleys. Create a national civilized city and a national sanitary city, and penetrate the hearts of the people in the coordination and joint efforts of the whole city.

From winter to spring, summer and autumn, to mid-winter, the city seems to be active in a group of sanitation workers in orange overalls at every hour and every place. They shuttle through the streets and alleys, decorating the most beautiful city with the most beautiful fighting figures.

Liuyang City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Maintenance Center: Led by party building, work together to dress up the most beautiful Liucheng City

Sanitation workers clear snow from a pedestrian bridge on Dec. 26, 2021. Reporter Peng Hongxia

In 2021, the City Appearance Environmental Sanitation Maintenance Center (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Sanitation Center) implemented the strictest, most refined and most in place management measures, adhered to the normalization standards of "four ones", "six basic invisible" and "six in one", vigorously carried out the clean city action, and offered affectionate blessings to the centenary of the founding of the party with a clean and tidy sanitary environment.

Li Xiaolei, a reporter at the Liuyang Rong Media Center

Party building as "the foundation"

High-quality party building leads to high-quality development

It is the middle of winter, every morning, the municipal sanitation center will send a team member to lead the team, together with the sanitation workers to inspect the road sections in charge, clean the dead corners and clean the roads.

"Sanitation workers are generally older, and party members and cadres should take the lead." The relevant person in charge of the municipal sanitation center said that the municipal sanitation center has jurisdiction over 5.77 million square meters of main and secondary roads, back streets and alleys, and 3 million square meters of river channels, and there are thousands of garbage collection stations and public toilets, garbage bins, etc. "Without dedication and sacrifice, it is certainly not good to do this work." ”

How to give full play to the enthusiasm of all sanitation workers in urban areas? The Municipal Sanitation Center has found the secret, that is, to take party building as the "foundation", build a solid "foundation" for the development of sanitation, and give full play to the role of the party branch as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. In 2021, the Municipal Sanitation Center implemented the "Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the Responsibility System for Ideological Work" and the "Detailed Rules for the Assessment of Ideological Work" formulated by the Party Group of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau, always put political construction in the first place, and deeply carried out the theme education of "not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind" and the study and education of party history. Under the guidance of party building, activities such as "I am a benchmark for party members", "party member demonstration posts", "Lei Feng volunteer service", "five-star party member evaluation" and so on, one after another.

"Through these activities, leading party members to the front line has become a moving scenery for sanitation work." The person in charge of the Municipal Sanitation Center said that under the leadership of party building, party members and cadres took the initiative to regard the quality of urban appearance and environmental sanitation as the lifeline of sanitation work, continuously optimized the operation mode, innovated work methods and methods, improved cleaning efficiency, and vigorously carried out special actions such as "city window" cleaning, "clean home" and "bare garbage" annihilation and sanitation facilities, and achieved remarkable results, and the city's appearance was renewed.

Work standing "pole"

Fine operations have spawned exquisite Liuyang

Liuyang is famous for the river, as a well-known tourist attraction, environmental sanitation is an important indicator related to the image of Liuyang city, and it is also an important parameter of Liuyang city charm.

In order to make road washing and cleaning more in place, the Municipal Sanitation Center deepened the "full-time, all-round, full-coverage" deep cleaning mechanism, deepened the "city window" cleaning action, implemented the time-sharing cleaning system, improved the mechanized operation rate, and promoted the extension of the "five noes and five nets" standard to the back streets and alleys. Comprehensively increase the recycling and cleaning of sidewalks, motorized roads, traffic guardrails, fruit skin boxes, garbage cans, etc., implement regular fixed-point garbage collection and transportation on main and secondary roads, and implement direct garbage transportation in farmers' markets.

At the same time, all cadres and workers and sanitation companies such as Yucheng, the United States and China, and Yongchang were organized to actively carry out the environmental sanitation improvement of "100 days of hard work to dress up Liuyang", create a national civilized city and meet the review of the national sanitary city, formulate a work plan, refine the tasks, and clarify the responsibilities and responsible persons of the department. Through the joint efforts of all sanitation personnel, the level of environmental sanitation in urban areas has been comprehensively improved.

The assessment result is the indicator of the test of sanitation work, in the previous secret visits and inspections, the sanitation category has achieved "zero deduction points" many times; in the new round of central environmental protection inspection work carried out in April 2021, the municipal sanitation center compared with the standard to find gaps, check hidden dangers against the industry, refine measures, and grasp the implementation, achieving "zero complaints" of the central environmental protection inspector.

Liuyang River is the mother river of Liuyang people, in order to make the mother river clean and tidy every day, Yongchang Company set up a special water salvage team, in the past year to clean up more than 400 tons of urban river garbage, in the Changsha City Urban Management Committee on the districts and counties (cities) of the river and lake cleaning inspection work, Liuyang to achieve a year-round "zero problems".

With the joint efforts of all sanitation personnel, the environmental sanitation level of Liuyang Urban Area has been comprehensively improved.

Vitality bears "fruit"

Gather the most beautiful people to dress up the most beautiful city

Walking on the streets of Liuyang, there is a unique scenery, that is, public toilets.

A smart public toilet on Baisha Middle Road is a model of this. The gray-black buildings are shrouded in greenery and blend in with the surrounding landscape. Humanized facilities such as toilet handrails, hand dryers, hand sanitizers, music players, and multi-functional chargers can be found everywhere.

And like this public toilet, Liuyang already has more than 70. In accordance with the requirements of building a "four fine and five have" quality city, the Municipal Sanitation Center will continue to promote the construction and reconstruction of public toilets in urban areas in 2022, continue to promote the management of the "director system" of public toilets, improve the supervision and inspection assessment system, and solve the "toilet" problem.

Today's Liuyang, walking on the roads and streets of the urban area, is full of fresh air: the streets are clean, the air is fresh, the flowers and trees are sparse, and the facilities are complete... Liuyang has become beautiful and clean, and the beautiful home is coming to people step by step.

Every bit of progress in urban environmental sanitation is a testimony to the continuous hard work of sanitation workers, and it is also a realistic reality of the hard work of all sanitation workers.

In order to enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the sanitation team, the Municipal Sanitation Center organized group activities such as calligraphy training classes for employees, reading salons, sanitation workers' day sports meetings, and visits to the red base for retired workers in Chongyang Festival, to further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of employees and show the style of Liuyang sanitation workers.

Over the years, the majority of sanitation personnel in our city have carried forward the spirit of sanitation of responsibility, dedication, innovation and service, provided environmental protection for the development of the city and the health of the people, and continuously improved the happiness index of the people of the city with a clean urban environment.

Scheme 2022

Comprehensively promote environmental sanitation and normalize refined management

Liuyang Daily: In 2022, what are the goals of the City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Maintenance Center?

Yuan Jiacheng (Director of The Municipal Appearance Environmental Sanitation Maintenance Center): In 2022, we will further deepen the results of the "100-day struggle to dress up Liuyang" urban appearance environment improvement, comprehensively promote the normalization and fine management of urban environmental sanitation in accordance with the requirements of high-level, refined and long-term management, and strive to achieve Liuyang sanitation to a higher level and higher quality. Comprehensively complete various work tasks, and continue to build a service-oriented sanitation team with "refined operation, standardized facilities, and professional management".

Liuyang Daily: To achieve this goal, what is the city appearance and environmental sanitation maintenance center going to do?

Yuan Jiacheng: Starting from four aspects, we will comprehensively promote normalized and refined management, deepen the "full-time, all-round, full-coverage" in-depth cleaning mechanism, deepen the "city window" cleaning action, implement the time-sharing cleaning system, improve the mechanized operation rate, and ensure the city

The district's bare garbage, bulky garbage, and garbage enclosure pond are "dynamically cleared" to further enhance the public toilet setting

Implement and manage the level, polish the "director system" brand business card; accelerate the improvement of the functional quality of sanitation facilities, in accordance with the requirements of building a "four fine and five have" quality city, promote the construction and reconstruction of public toilets in urban areas, focus on building a garbage classification demonstration area, build a classified delivery, classified collection, classified transportation, classified disposal system, improve the low-value recyclables and hazardous waste recycling network system; perform their duties, strengthen safety production management, firmly establish the idea of "safety first, prevention first"; deepen the "party building cohesion" project To provide a strong guarantee for the development of sanitation work with high-quality party building.

Source: Liuyang Daily

Editor: Dai Peng

【Source: Liuyang Daily】

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