
New regulations prohibiting "two innovations" are introduced, and the myth of film and television editing to create wealth ends?

New regulations prohibiting "two innovations" are introduced, and the myth of film and television editing to create wealth ends?

Tech Planet (WeChat ID: tech618)

Wen | Zhai Yuanyuan

Cover source | Visual China

With the "porter of nature", Nongfu Spring has created China's richest man, Zhong Shui. On the short video platform, there is also such a type of work, film and television drama porters, through the editing of film and television drama secondary creation (two creation) to create wealth.

Some people have increased their powder by 1 million in half a year, some people have increased their powder by 6.21 million in 2 months, and even some people have increased their powder by more than 7 million in a month. In the context of the peaking of the entire Internet traffic dividend, they rose against the trend, and the accumulation rate of fans completely got rid of the shackles of the stagnant growth of the platform market.

Traffic is the commercial value, and the ultra-high number of fans has brought them super high revenue. A film and television drama editor told Tech Planet that editing can increase fans, fans are money, and the account of 10,000 fans is worth 600-1000. Her account has more than 7 million followers and earns 300,000 yuan per month.

The main sources of income are: one is to undertake watermelon video film and television editing tasks, that is, watermelon video pays for editing videos; second, after the number of fans reaches a certain level, it is charged to train others to do film and television editing; in addition, you can also do film and television tasks, game tasks, music tasks, video cargo, star map tasks, watermelon video tasks, etc., and there are many monetization channels.

It seems to be a closed-loop business model that can achieve a low threshold, almost zero cost, and can make a fortune with editing technology. However, the biggest bug in this code of getting rich is that film and television dramas are often not authorized by the copyright owners of upstream film and television dramas.

Because of the copyright infringement dispute, Tencent Byte and the two companies have repeatedly gone to court. According to public reports, in the six months of this year, Tencent sued Douyin 168 times in 18 courts in 13 provinces across the country on the grounds of copyright infringement, claiming nearly 3 billion yuan from Douyin.

Editor Yun Scissors told Tech Planet that the type of vibrato traffic is the film and television category, accounting for about 30%. Are these films and tv content copyrighted? The other party said that "99% of Douyin is not authorized", and to some extent, the platform seems to acquiesce in the existence of such "two creation" clip short video content.

Recently, known as the most stringent new regulations in history, the China Online Audiovisual Program Service Association issued the "Detailed Rules for the Standard Review of Online Short Video Content" (2021), which stipulates that short video platforms must not appear in various audio-visual programs such as unauthorized self-cutting and adaptation of movies, TV series, online film and television dramas. This means that the film and television clips on the short video platform create a myth of wealth and enter the countdown to the end.

However, at present, the new regulations have not caused any impact on short video platforms for the time being. Douyin, Kuaishou, and Station B still have a large number of film and television drama second-creation editing accounts, and they are still moving, editing, increasing fans, collecting apprentices, and monetizing normally.

The Erchuang clip account rose by 7.59 million fans in 22 days

The speed of fans of film and television editing accounts is staggering.

Xiao Chan opened film and television editing creation in Kuaishou in March this year, and in 9 months, she increased her fans by 1.5 million. Her editing content covers a wide range of genres, including overseas Korean dramas, movies, domestic films and TV series, as well as the latest movie "Lion Boy" and other publicity cooperation videos. Each video associated label has the characteristics of Kuaishou, the fifth phase of the Kuaishou Entertainment Starlight Program, which seems to announce to the outside world that the "legitimacy" of these edited videos has been approved by the platform.

Xiao Chan told Tech Planet that her fan growth rate is not too fast, and many accounts can rise to one million a month. In her opinion, as long as it is kept continuously updated, it will be popular and the fans will rise quickly, and it has little to do with whether it is a popular drama.

The fans accumulated to a certain level, and she began to try to monetize. One-on-one teaching, training and learning film and television drama editing, the charging price is 398 yuan. Online teaching, including video clips, and teaching students how to download film and television dramas, will also provide download channels. There are also two platforms of Douyin and Kuaishou push and operation, because the two platforms push methods and operating rules are not the same.

Xiao Chan said that her monthly income is now 30,000 to 50,000 yuan.

Compared with Xiao Chan, Mengzi's road to rising powder is more "divine speed". In less than a month, her Douyin account has accumulated 7.59 million followers.

Most of her editing videos are watermelon video diversion, each video has an obvious guide to watch the full episode logo "look at the whole episode in the lower left corner", the frequency of daily updates is relatively high, and about 30 edited videos are uploaded a day, which means that about 30 TV series clips are edited every day.

At present, the homepage of the Mengzi account shows that the account has uploaded a total of 538 videos. After a cursory reduction, the number of edited film and television dramas should be around 500. The number of likes per video is not very high, many of which are around one or two thousand.

In Douyin, searching for "film and television clips" as a keyword can search for hundreds of related accounts. Among them, there is a film and television commentary account, which has been transformed into a centralized release of film and television drama clips since December 18 this year, and the account has now reached 15.944 million fans.

Paradoxically, in addition to the three pinned videos with more than one million likes, the other videos have only a few thousand likes. Commercial ad videos have even lower likes, typically only a few hundred.

There are many ways to monetize a film and television editing account, but at present, the main monetization methods of editors are concentrated on "receiving apprentices". Mengzi teaches others to learn video clips, and one person charges 499 yuan.

Mengzi said that clips can increase fans, fans are money, and the account of 10,000 fans is worth 600-1000 yuan. Her account has more than 7 million followers and earns 300,000 yuan per month. In Douyin, she has formed an account matrix, and there are 5 accounts of the same type.

"2-3 days to learn, 7-15 days to monetize, if you start to do it, you can only earn two or three thousand a month."

Film and television editing training income of 200,000 yuan per month

In an industry, the first to eat dividends may be the "trainers" at the top of the food chain. Players are the first to be paid by knowledge to harvest leeks before harvesting dividends.

Editor Yun Scissors told Tech Planet that his superior master has a lot of account matrices, the charging standard for apprentices is 499 yuan, and there is a special team in operation, both video teaching and live lessons for students. Teachers will help students review and modify video explanatory copy, and their industry consensus is that the edited video works are not explosive, and the copywriting accounts for a large reason.

"She has received 400 apprentices a month, and she is mainly based on apprentices now, supplemented by creation, and can generally be learned in 2-7 days." Counting down, his master earned 200,000 yuan a month in tuition fees.

Many of the editors of the teaching, even thousands of students, said. If calculated according to the tuition fee of 500 yuan, the income is in the scale of millions or even tens of millions of yuan. But the industry is mixed, and many of them cut leeks. "Some of the well-known leeks are sold to you after video tutorials, ignoring you, and complaints are almost useless, because it is poor service and not fraud."

Yun Scissors was previously engaged in industrial production, and then the business was not very good, so it transformed into self-media. From industry to new media, cross-border difficulties are not so great, cloud clipping a course in editing, and soon learned to edit. Unlike other creators, he mainly does classic Korean drama editing, and the current income mainly comes from traffic revenue, guiding users to watermelon video to see the full version, that is, traffic revenue. The Watermelon video platform distributes traffic to creators according to the number of video plays. According to the screenshots he shared, two videos updated a day, more than 1.6 million views, and more than 2,000 yuan in revenue. Up to now, the cloud scissors Douyin account has updated a total of 74 works, with a revenue of nearly 10W yuan.

The revenue is not low, but the goal of cloud shears is not in the traffic revenue. The rise path he planned for himself was to achieve 1 million fans in 3 months, because after 100W fans, he had the qualifications and ability to accept apprentices. "Traffic revenue is nothing compared to that, my only goal now is to rush fans, I want to reach 100W fans as soon as possible."

Editing film and television dramas has its own routine to avoid copyright risks, in general, platform solo dramas do not cut, the latest released film and television dramas, can not be cut. Except for solo dramas and newly released films, although many film and television dramas have copyrights, almost no one cares, which belongs to the copyright wipe.

According to the logic they tell, there are many ways to monetize after learning film and television drama editing: medium video traffic revenue, film and television publicity, video with goods, and you can also receive monetization after becoming a video editing gangster.

Although the "Detailed Rules for the Standards for The Review of Online Short Video Content" (2021) stipulates that short video platforms may not edit unauthorized audio-visual programs, which may cause a devastating blow to the "second creators", several film and television drama editors did not show any anxiety when enrolling students. On the contrary, they are even very determined that short video platforms need film and television clips to attract traffic more than they do. "99% of short video platforms are not authorized, do you think Douyin will give up this part of the traffic?"

The chicken ribs of long videos, the weakness of short videos

The war between long and short videos has been particularly fierce this year.

In June this year, at the 9th China Online Audiovisual Conference, the executives of the three parent video platforms of "Aiyouteng" (iQiyi, Youku, and Tencent) reached a rare united front, and unanimously bombarded Douyin, Kuaishou, and Station B on copyright issues. The latest new regulations are regarded as a fatal blow to the short video platform Erchuang account.

In fact, when it comes to copyright, no platform is completely innocent. Tencent and Byte both sides attacked and sued each other over copyright. According to public reports, this year, Tencent sued Douyin 168 times in 18 courts in 13 provinces across the country on the grounds of copyright infringement, with a total target of more than 2.943 billion, of which there were 4 cases of hundreds of millions of dollars, namely "Douluo Continent", "You are my glory", "Sweeping Black Storm" and "Lady Huzhu".

In June, ByteDance filed an application for the act preservation of the TV series "Bright Sword" to the Chongqing First Intermediate People's Court, requiring Tencent Video to immediately delete the infringing content involving "Bright Sword" and take effective measures to avoid the recurrence of infringement.

The short video platform did not directly infringe, but allowed or defaulted to the infringement of the user of the second clip, and to some extent, the two parties jointly completed the infringement.

Chen Te, a lawyer at Zhejiang Yimo Law Firm, told Tech Planet that in general, the detailed rules are implemented when they are released, and the "Standard Rules for the Review of Online Short Video Content" (2021) is revised from the "Standard Rules for the Review of Online Short Video Content" (2019), and the basic content remains unchanged, so the effective method of release and implementation is adopted.

Usually, the film copyright owner will grant the right of reproduction to the video platform and the right of information network dissemination, if only these two rights can not be re-created of the film, it will involve the right of adaptation. Of course, if you get it together with the adaptation rights, it is possible to create a second creation. However, the film copyright owner generally does not authorize the adaptation right, because it will lead to uncontrollable rights, and Douyin, Kuaishou, and Station B have the need to drain traffic through short video platforms. In order to resolve this contradiction, the two parties will generally specify the method and scope of use in the short video platform in the authorization contract.

However, even if short video platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, and Station B have obtained the authorization of Erchuang through the agreement, not all authors can use it, and they need to obtain the authorization of the short video platform to carry out erchuang.

According to Yun Scissors, in the head account of the film and television clip on Douyin, the copyrights of the three videos of Poison Tongue Movie, Cloth Detective and Jing Gongzi are authorized. "These three families earn tens of millions of dollars a year, and hundreds of thousands of people can still afford to pay the copyright licensing fee."

"99% are not authorized", and the platform needs to bear joint and several liability. According to articles 1195, 1196 and 1197 of the Civil Code. First, where a network service provider knows or should know that a network user is using its network services to infringe upon the civil rights and interests of others, and fails to take necessary measures (i.e., delete, block, disconnect links, etc.), it bears joint and several liability with the network user.

Second, if the network service provider is unaware, it has the obligation to forward the notice after receiving the notice from the right holder, and to take necessary measures (i.e. delete, block, disconnect link, etc.) according to the prima facie evidence and type of service constituting infringement, otherwise it will also bear joint and several liability.

Finally, according to Article 4 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Civil Dispute Cases Involving the Use of Information Networks to Infringe Personal Rights and Interests, if a network service provider defends on the ground that the allegedly infringing information was published by a network user, the court may, on the basis of the plaintiff's request and the specific circumstances of the case, order the network service provider to provide the court with information such as the name (name), contact information, and network address of the network user that can determine the alleged infringement.

Long video platforms have been mired in losses for many years and cannot extricate themselves, other monetization models such as advanced on-demand have been folded one after another, and the survival crisis has broken out, and iQiyi's layoffs have directly exposed the survival dilemma of long video platforms. Curbing the copyright infringement problem of short video platforms, although it cannot solve the fundamental problem of "Aiyouteng", from the results, the content supply ecology of short video platforms will be affected.

The short video platform condenses watching dramas and movies in one minute, or it will never return.

New regulations prohibiting "two innovations" are introduced, and the myth of film and television editing to create wealth ends?

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